Basel, Switzerland
October 31, 2006
By Daniela Kenzelmann,
An increasing number of reports demonstrate that biomedicals
like therapeutic antibodies or vaccines can be inexpensively
produced in plants. Normally, the production of such a agent
requires the generation of a genetically modified plant line,
which is a time-consuming process.
Dr. Yuri Gleba and his coworkers have found a shortcut to
produce antibodies with a special genetical tool called
transient expression system, which allows researchers to
introduce desired genetic material into an organism. This means
that the genes which encode the antibody to be produced are not
inserted into the genome of the plant, but instead viruses are
used as vectors to bring the antibody-genes into the plants.
The major problem that the researchers had to solve is that two
genes are necessary to build a full antibody, because it is
composed of two subunits named the heavy and the light chain.
Previous attempts to pack both of these genes together in one
virus were unsuccessful in terms of antibody production levels.
Therefore, Dr. Gleba’s group had the idea to use two viruses
carrying one of the antibody-subunits each. Normally, two
viruses of the same kind would compete, meaning that one cell
can only be infected with one virus. For antibody production
however, it is required that both viruses are present in the
same plant cell. The researchers achieved this by using two
different viruses which were known to be non-competing: tobacco
mosaic virus and potato virus X.
First, the researchers had to modify the viruses that they would
carry one of the antibody genes. Secondly, tobacco leaves were
co-infected with the two artificial viruses. The last step
involved purification of the antibodies from the leaves and
their characterization. Dr. Gleba’s group showed that antibody
subunits as well as correctly assembled antibodies accumulate in
the leaves in less than 10 days. Equally important is that they
showed that the antibodies recognized their target antigen.
To make sure that these modified viruses do not escape and
convert normal plants into antibody-plants, the researchers
handicapped the viruses in a way that they can only infect
plants with the help of a special bacterium. This will prevent
them from crossing with other plants and passing on their new
genetic material.
Dr. Gleba’s results are a proof of concept that two
non-competing viruses can be used to produce therapeutic
antibodies in plants without the need to create transgenic
plants. The procedure has potential for unlimited scale-up for
industrial production of biomedicines and its rapidity and
versatility would allow manufacturers to respond to suddenly
increasing demands. Additionally it could speed up research,
because antibodies are also important tools for scientists.
Future work will be to further improve the antibody production
levels, for example to determine the ideal ratios of both
viruses for full antibody assembly. Additionally, Dr. Gleba has
considered giving cells the ability to produce factors which
facilitate the assembly of the antibody. As a next step it will
be crucial to prove that antibodies produced by viral infection
are equally efficient in treating diseases than conventionally
produced antibodies.
Daniela Kenzelmann
is a Science Journalist for Checkbiotech and is writing her PhD
at the Friedrich Miescher Institute in Basel, Switzerland.
Icon Genetics
Bayer BioScience
Rapid high-yield expression of full-size IgG antibodies in
plants coinfected with noncompeting viral vectors
Giritch A, Marillonnet S, Engler C, van Eldik G, Botterman J,
Klimyuk V, Gleba Y.
Icon Genetics GmbH, Weinbergweg 22, 06120 Halle, Germany.
Plant viral vectors allow
expression of heterologous proteins at high yields, but so far,
they have been unable to express heterooligomeric proteins
efficiently. We describe here a rapid and indefinitely scalable
process for high-level expression of functional full-size mAbs
of the IgG class in plants. The process relies on synchronous
coinfection and coreplication of two viral vectors, each
expressing a separate antibody chain. The two vectors are
derived from two different plant viruses that were found to be
noncompeting. Unlike vectors derived from the same virus,
noncompeting vectors effectively coexpress the heavy and light
chains in the same cell throughout the plant body, resulting in
yields of up to 0.5 g of assembled mAbs per kg of fresh-leaf
biomass. This technology allows production of gram quantities of
mAbs for research purposes in just several days, and the same
protocol can be used on an industrial scale in situations
requiring rapid response, such as pandemic or terrorism events.
PMID: 16973752 [PubMed - in process] |