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News archive 1997-2008


June 25, 2024

Casterra Ag announces an additional purchase order to supply castor seeds to a new African country

June 12, 2024

Sterke steun voor moderne glastuinbouw in Iran

May 21, 2024

Casterra announces additional agreements with seed producers to meet existing and growing demand for its elite castor seeds

March 19, 2024

Euromonitor 2023: the global canned tomatoes market
Le marché mondial des conserves de tomate

March 5, 2024

Casterra announces new agreements with seed producers in Brazil and Africa to meet growing demand for its elite castor seed varieties

January 2, 2024

Israel - Agricultural biotechnology, annual report

December 8, 2023

World agricultural output and productivity growth have slowed

October 31, 2023

2022/2023 architecture of the tomato products trade

September 27, 2023

Casterra delivers first shipment of castor seeds to Africa

June 19, 2023

Senegal: Salicrop and Kagome collaboration increases tomato yield by 21% 

June 14, 2023

De zaadsector in Irak is een zeer interessante markt

May 22, 2023

La superficie mundial de cultivos transgénicos aumentó un 3,3% en 2022

February 27, 2023

Globale Biofläche und -markt auch 2021 gewachsen

February 13, 2023

Adama opens new multi-purpose plant in Brazil, becoming a leading global producer of prothioconazole

October 14, 2022

Spotlight on tomatoes: Opportunities and challenges in store

April 18, 2022

Iraq - Grain and feed, annual report

April 14, 2022

Jordan - Grain and feed, annual report

March 22, 2022

Israel - Grain and feed, annual report

March 8, 2022

Jordan - Agricultural biotechnology, annual report

February 28, 2022

United Arab Emirates - Agricultural biotechnology, annual report

December 13, 2021

Isarel - Agricultural biotechnology, annual report

November 3, 2021

FAO publishes 2021 edition of its World Food and Agriculture Statistical Yearbook

August 3, 2021

The processing tomato industry in Iran (Tomato News)

April 19, 2021

Jordan - Grain and feed, annual report

April 1, 2021

Climate change cut global farming productivity 21% since 1960s

United Arab Emirates - Grain and feed, annual report

March 26, 2021

Saudi Arabia - Grain and feed, annual report

March 18, 2021

Israel - Grain and feed, annual report

February 26, 2021

Global organic area continues to grow – Over 72.3 million hectares of farmland are organic
Globale Biolandbaufläche wächst weiter – Über 72,3 Millionen Hektar werden biologisch bewirtschaftet
La surface biologique mondiale ne cesse de croître – Plus de 72,3 millions d’hectares de surface agricole sont cultivés en bio

February 10, 2021

Developing countries outperform industrial countries in GM crop adoption



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