Pete Siggelko
Vice President, Plant
Genetics and Biotechnology
Dow AgroSciences
does your work in the seed industry benefit from what
you learned in your earlier professional life?
Business skills and experiences are transferable
from the Crop Protection field to the Seeds and
Traits business. I've been in the industry for 31
years, the past seven in the Seeds and Traits area.
The area of greatest commonality is, in my view, on
the Marketing side. The uniqueness to Seeds and
Traits is the extensive use of licensing and the
importance of intellectual property
management...this has been a learning curve vs. my
experience in crop protection.
Conversely, do you believe that other industries could
benefit from some of the things you have learned as a
seed industry executive?
Two other areas I have found interesting in the
Seeds business are the forward planning required and
new product advancement decisions. Life cycle
management and new product development are
definitely skills that are transferable to other