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Kelly Kincannon
Kincannon & Reed
Paul Bennett
Sakata Seed
Rami Dar
Hazera Genetics
Aline Funk
Channel Bio
Monika Lekander
Svalof Weibull
Roland Peerenboom
Enza Zaden
Manny Shemin
Genesis Seeds
Pete Siggelko
Dow AgroSciences
Jim Tobin
Monsanto Company
Mark Wilson Germains' Technology Group
Dean Cavey
Verdant Partners
Paul Bennett
Sakata Seed of America


How does your work in the seed industry benefit from what you learned in your earlier professional life?

Most of my professional life has been in the food industry - production agriculture, produce, and processed foods.  That experience has helped me to understand the seed industry better and identify many of the critical success factors.

  • I can see that the seed industry is an extension of those prior experiences and intimately related to all phases of agriculture.

  •  It is important for seed companies to work further down the distribution
    chain – beyond the distributor and the grower to the shipper (in the case
    of vegetables), the food processor, food service providers and retailers, and where possible, with the consumer.  The flower industry has similar needs.

  • The seed industry is typically not very ‘marketing’ oriented, lacking the sophistication to work effectively down that distribution chain.

  • Seed breeder/producers typically understand key seed production issues, but could improve the process by understanding the importance of developing a ‘down stream’ perspective – developing breeding objectives that encompass the needs of the grower (both seed and fresh market), the distribution of the final product (i.e. shelf life), and traits desired by the consumer.

  • I greatly benefited from broad functional experience before coming to Sakata – basic financial skills, R&D management, production agriculture (including production research), and marketing and sales.  And, most importantly, personnel management.  All just as important in the seed industry!

Conversely, do you believe that other industries could benefit from some of the things you have learned as a seed industry executive?

  • The seed industry is the most complex business I have been involved in.
    It forced me (sometimes painfully) to learn the nuances to be successful.

  • Ultimately, growth and success depend on identifying and addressing the critical success factors that drive any business.

  • The importance of good inventory and accounts receivable management has never been clearer.

  • Consistently produce only what you can sell – the ability to produce ‘marketable seed’ when needed and at competitive costs is basic to sound inventory management and successful sales.

  • It ‘starts with the seed’ – understand the importance of the genetics and the properties embodied in the seed and how it affects everything down stream.

Keep learning!

Paul Bennett can be reached at

October 2006

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