Monika Lekander
Managing Director
Svalöf Weibull AB
joined the seed industry one year ago after 25 years in
the fine and pharmaceutical chemicals industry. The seed
industry reminds me of the fine chemical industry as of
25 years ago: weak market and customer orientation, low
margins, low rate of specialization and weak IP
protection. For companies in this business to be
profitable and have a sustainable growth, these things
will have to change. I bring along the following;
No preset views and ideas resulting in an ability to
identify the current business situation (SWOT) as
Strategic thinking based on customer orientation. The
customers are the food, feed and fuel industries.
Understanding of the need for improving the margins
through focus and specialization. High R&D
investment, short life cycles and commodity pricing
do not go well together.
Faster pace and new initiatives in this very
traditional business.
With just one year in the seed business I find the
second question very difficult to answer.
Lekander can be reached at