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ROUNDTABLE INTERVIEW - Seed company executives - February 2004


Dean C. Oestreich
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.

I believe one of the significant achievements at Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., in recent years has been our ability to use our high-yielding germplasm as a base to integrate a myriad of technologies that bring the greatest value to our customers. 

Pioneer’s proprietary germplasm remains the cornerstone of our product development efforts that deliver greater return on investment for growers.  The biotechnology traits – such as herbicide- and insect-resistance – create more cost-efficient farming through lower herbicide costs and enhance yield by protecting the plant against insect pressure.  We at Pioneer have also applied biotechnology within plant breeding through such processes as marker assisted selection (MAS) that allows us to select for traits faster; an example is using MAS to select for soybean cyst nematode and brown stem rot resistance in soybeans.  We have also utilized advanced measurement tools, such as near-infrared (NIR) instrumentation, to evaluate grain traits for the end-use marketplace.    

We believe that this – integrating our germplasm development program with a broad array of biotechnology traits and processes – is a significant achievement that sets us apart.

What are the key challenges for the future? 

Science is advancing so fast today that we are no longer asking what we can do.  We are forced to select directions.  The challenge is figuring out what among all the possibilities will bring the best value to customers.  As biotechnology, computer technology and measurement abilities continue to converge, the possibilities will grow at an ever increasing rate. 

Specifically, here are some of the more significant challenges:

  • Global political and regulatory issues will continue to raise the bar on new product concepts.
  • Environmental concerns will challenge current production practices.
  • Water quality and quantity issues may substantially alter the ability of some farmers and some nations to produce crops.
  • Energy availability and affordability is in question.  Alternative energy sources and changes in the world’s political climate may cause more volatility in energy costs than in the past.
  • Food safety and security issues will become more prominent.  All of us involved in agriculture will have key roles to play in producing and safeguarding the world’s food supply.

I believe we can turn these challenge into opportunities.   Certainly, the choices that modern technology provides us will help us do that.  We believe we can develop products that yield more while requiring less water, less nitrogen and fewer passes over the field, reducing our imprint on the environment. 

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont, is the world's leading source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics, crop protection solutions and quality crop systems to customers in nearly 70 countries.

For more information about Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., please visit

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