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ROUNDTABLE INTERVIEW - Seed company executives - February 2004


Pieter van Kesteren
Nunza BV
The Netherlands

The last five years were very challenging for the Nunza organization.
During this timeframe, fresh vegetable production became more and more a global activity, which caused Nunza to adapt its organization structure from geographical to functional, thus making it better suited to service the customer wherever in the world the vegetable production takes place.

During this same period, Nunza made three major acquisitions that transformed it from a mostly European company into a global company.
The Sunseeds, Leen de Mos and Rio Colorado acquisitions contributed on one hand to Nunza's actual global market presence and on the other hand
extended and improved the Nunza product line. After an acquisition has been successfully concluded, the real work starts.  Integrating the new company into the total organization can be very challenging and requires maximum effort and mutual understanding from all people involved.

Also during these last years, as a result of the concentration of the global companies in the crop protection business, the stockholder of Nunza changed three times.

The fact that today Nunza is recognized as one of the leading specialized high quality vegetable seed companies for the professional market  makes all of us at Nunza very happy and proud.  In my opinion that is the major achievement of our people during the past few years.

Our key challenges for the future will be twofold.

First and foremost,  to successfully and quickly bring to an ever more demanding global market, a high percentage of the output of our R&D efforts in a seed quality and product form that satisfies the most critical professional grower and the consumer. This has to be done in a way where the Intellectual Property ownership is not compromised. The technological conditions for this do exist and will have to be applied in such a way that the final seed product creates value for all parties involved, from the consumer back to the distributor/supermarket  to the grower/packer and to Nunza.

The second is as old as our industry : seed inventory management. This aspect of the vegetable seed business has recently become even more challenging because of the ever shortening life cycle of a variety. The intensity and output of the combined breeding and product development programs of the international vegetable seed companies are such that an enormous number of new improved hybrids are introduced almost daily. To have the right variety in the right quantity, in the desired seed quality, available at the right moment  will determine the success and financial health of a modern vegetable seed company.

Nunza BV is the holding company of a leading, international group of vegetable seed companies that is globally active in research, breeding, production and processing as well as marketing and sales of high quality vegetable varieties for the professional grower and the processing industry. Nunza operates in the market under the brand names Nunhems and Sunseeds. Nunza employs about 1000 people and has operating units in more than 20 countries.

For more information about Nunza BV, please visit

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