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September 22-25, 2015

Seed meets Technology

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Proeftuin Zwaagdijk (Agricultural Research Centre)

Proeftuin Zwaagdijk, Tolweg 13 - Zwaagdijk, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

During Seed meets Technology Holland shows its seed business. At trial fields and at an exhibition participants demonstrate new seed treatments, coatings, varieties and germination systems. You also experience the newest technologies for seed processing-, drying-, and ...

May 18-21, 2015

CROPS 2015 - International Conference on Improving Agriculture through Genomics

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University of Georgia

HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology - Huntsville, Alabama, United States

CROPS 2015 is an international conference that brings together leading genomics researchers and plant breeders to explore emerging applications of new genomic technology to crop improvement.

November 18-18, 2014

Feijão-caupi: mercado, melhoramento genético e estratégias de manejo

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Auditório da Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril - Sinop , MT, Brazil

September 8-10, 2014

Balkan Agricuture Congress

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Balkan Congress Center, Trakya University - Edirne, Turkey

The aim of our international congress is to present the newest research results and research goals, analyse current conditions and perspectives in agriculture.

May 28-31, 2014

1º Dia de Campo de Feijão-Caupi

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Nova Ubiratã & Vera, MT, Brazil

April 22-24, 2013

III Congresso Nacional de Feijão-Caupi (CONAC)

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Mar Hotel - Recife, PE, Brazil




October 30, 2024
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2024
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


January 31 - February 4, 2025
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
Orlando, Florida


June 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit


November 5, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 9-12, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida









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