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March 25-25, 2025

2025 CA Leafy Greens Research Board Annual Research Conference

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California Leafy Greens Research Board

The Cliffs Hotel and Spa - Pismo Beach, CA, United States

February 18-18, 2025

Spinach Field Day

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University of Arkansas

University of Arizona Experiment Station, 6425 8th St. - Yuma, AZ, United States

10:00 am – 1:00 pm - For more information, contact: Jim Correll (jcorrell@uark.edu) or Bindu Poudel (bpoudel@email.arizona.edu)

August 28-31, 2023

EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetable Conference

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EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding

Utrecht Science Park - Utrecht, Netherlands

June 21-21, 2023

British Leafy Salads Demo Day

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, United Kingdom

May 1-2, 2023

International Spinach Conference

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Melbourne, Australia

May 4-8, 2020

2020 “Down Under” International Spinach Conference and Field Day

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University of Arkansas

East Gippsland, VIC, Australia

February 26-26, 2020

Spinach Field Day

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University of Arkansas

University of Arkansas Experiment Station - Yuma, AZ, United States

To attend, please register for the Southwest Ag Summit at https://yumafreshveg.com/attendee-registration/

February 14-15, 2018

2018 International Spinach Conference and Field Day

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University of Arkansas

Occidental Murcia Siete Coronas - Murcia, Spain

September 26-28, 2017

Sakata's annual field days in the Netherland

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Sakata Vegetables Europe S.A.S.

Stichting Proeftuin - Zwaadijk, Netherlands

This year, we will present you our broccoli, spinach, beetroot, cauliflower, cabbage and squash novelties, as well as numerous trial varieties which complete our wide range of vegetable seeds.

September 23-26, 2015

Sakata Vegetables Europe - Tagen der Offenen Tür

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Sakata Vegetables Europe S.A.S.

Zwaagdijk-Ost, Netherlands

September 22-25, 2015

Seed meets Technology

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Proeftuin Zwaagdijk (Agricultural Research Centre)

Proeftuin Zwaagdijk, Tolweg 13 - Zwaagdijk, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

During Seed meets Technology Holland shows its seed business. At trial fields and at an exhibition participants demonstrate new seed treatments, coatings, varieties and germination systems. You also experience the newest technologies for seed processing-, drying-, and ...

June 15, 2015 - July 3, 2015

Rijk Zwaan Demodagen (zomer)

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Rijk Zwaan BV

Rijk Zwaan Fijnaart, Eerste kruisweg 9 - Fijnaart, Netherlands

Van 15 juni t/m 3 juli aanstaande is op ons demoveld in Fijnaart het vollegrondsassortiment te zien, waaronder diverse soorten sla, spinazie, kool, andijvie, radijs, veldsla, bleekselderij en peterselie.

September 22-26, 2014

Sakata Vegetables Europe Open Days 2014

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Sakata Vegetables Europe S.A.S.

Tolweg 13 - Zwaagdijk-Oost, Netherlands

Wwe invite you to visit our trial field and see our wide range of species (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, red beet, radish, squash and spinach) we have on offer. Included are some new varieties and novelties which we would like to share with you.

September 8-10, 2014

Balkan Agricuture Congress

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Balkan Congress Center, Trakya University - Edirne, Turkey

The aim of our international congress is to present the newest research results and research goals, analyse current conditions and perspectives in agriculture.

January 25-28, 2014

ASTA 53rd Vegetable & Flower Seed Conference

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American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)*

Hyatt Regency Monterey - Monterey, CA, United States

November 10-14, 2013

International Plant Breeding Congress

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WOW Topkapi Palace Hotel - Antalya, Turkey

Topics: Conventional breeding, molecular genetics and biotechnology, genetic engineering and genomics, genetic resources for pre-breeding.

May 28-30, 2013

China Seed Expo 2013 - The 4th Guangxi-ASEAN Expo of New Vegetable Varieties

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Guangxi Modern Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center - Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China

April 7-9, 2013

Genomics in Business

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Beurs van Berlage - Amsterdam, Netherlands

The conference provides a prestigious business platform to meet and to exchange and create novel technologies, commercial applications and partnerships in the field of genomics in the agro and industrial biotech industries.

November 29-30, 2012

2012 International Spinach Conference

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Texas A&M AgriLife

La Quinta Inn and Suites - San Antonio., TX, United States

September 25-28, 2012

Open Days Clause, Nickerson-Zwaan & Vilmorin

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HM.Clause S.A.

Dirkshorn , Nord Holland, Netherlands

September 25-27, 2012

Seminis Open Days 2012

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Bayer Vegetable Seeds

Enkhuizen, Netherlands

January 24-26, 2012

Regional Symposium "High Value Vegetables in Southeast Asia: Production, Supply and Demand"

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World Vegetable Center

Chiang Mai, Thailand

3 sessions to improve the sustainability of vegetable production, market access, promotion of vegetable consumption for health and vitality, industry profitability and competitiveness, structural change, and the vegetable industrys reputation in Southeast Asia

November 7, 2011 - December 2, 2011

30th International Vegetable Training Course

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World Vegetable Center

Regional Office for East and Southeast Asia - Bangkok, Thailand

Module III: Vegetables for Sustainable Development

October 10, 2011 - November 4, 2011

30th International Vegetable Training Course

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World Vegetable Center

Regional Office for East and Southeast Asia - Bangkok, Thailand

Module II: From Harvest to Table

October 9-12, 2011

Fifth Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes

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International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)

Tirana, Albania

The aims of the symposium are the transfer of knowledge and the discussion of the main aspects of vegetable and potatoes production on a regional and European scale, and the highlight of current research work that targets increased productivity in harmony with agronomic...

October 6-6, 2011

Variety Showcase 2011

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Enza Zaden North America, Inc.

Enza Zaden research facility - San Juan Bautista, CA, United States

Featuring over 200 varieties of lettuce, peppers, spinach, squash, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, herbs and melon in organic and conventional form. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

September 12, 2011 - October 7, 2011

30th International Vegetable Training Course

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World Vegetable Center

Regional Office for East and Southeast Asia - Bangkok, Thailand

Module I: From Seed to Harvest

August 24-26, 2011

EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables Meeting

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EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding

Universit Lille Nord de France - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France

General aspects and market development - Culture and management, quality traits - Diseases and pests, disease resistance - Genetics and biotechnology - Germplasms and their diversity

July 29-29, 2011

Kansas State University Bedding Plant Field Day (industry only)

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All-America Selections

K-State Horticulture Research & Extension Center 35230 W. 135th St. - Olathe, Kansas, United States

All America Selections (AAS) national flower trials: 475 + flower cultivars in field research trials 200 + flower cultivars in container trials 50 + Echinacea (coneflower) cultivars in perennial flower trial 100 + cultivars in ornamental grass trial - All America Select...

April 4-7, 2011

Compost For Horticulture International

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University of Adelaide, Waite Campus - Adelaide, SA, Australia

Will present, discuss and explore options of using compost and other organic soil amendments for managing and improving horticultural soils and production systems, including amenity horticulture, nurseries, and protected cropping.

December 7-9, 2010

Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market EXPO

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DeVos Place Convention Center and Amway Grand Plaza Hotel - Grand Rapids, MI, United States

November 29, 2010 - December 1, 2010

25th Annual Southeast Vegetable & Fruit Expo

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Kingston Plantation Embassy Suites Hotel - Myrtle Beach, SC, United States




June 7-11, 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit
Washington, DC


October 29, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


February 15-20, 2026
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
San Diego, California


November 4, 2026
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 14-17, 2026
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


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