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June 6-12, 2025

Annual Meeting of the Association of Official Seed Analysts and Society of Commercial Seed Technologists

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Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) *

Holiday Inn – Missoula Downtown - Missoula, MT, United States

May 5-9, 2025

ISTA Annual Congress 2025

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Christchurch, New Zealand

Will include a Seed Symposium “Seed Quality for Global Food Security and Biodiversity”, Discussion Forum on New Breeding Technologies, Technical Committee presentations. A great opportunity for seed science professionals and seed industry representatives to meet, di...

April 14-14, 2025

WEBINAR - Revision of the ISTA Accreditation Standard and the ISTA Accreditation Directive, Acc-D-06B

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Online - Online, Switzerland

Morning session: 10:00-11:00 CEST. Afternoon session: 15:00-16:00 CEST. We will provide essential insights into the latest changes in the ISTA Accreditation Standard and the ISTA Directive on the Accreditation of Laboratories and Sampling Entities with Sampling Units at...

March 26-26, 2025

ISTA Webinar on Risk Assessment

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Online - Online, Switzerland

Session 1: 10:00 - 11:00 CEST. Session 2: 15:00 - 16:00 CEST

December 11-11, 2024

Last installment in ISTA's Centennial Webinar Series: "Next Generation on Variety Testing"

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Online 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM PST - Online, Switzerland

This final webinar will focus on the history and ongoing work of the ISTA Variety Committee, offering insights into both established and emerging seed testing techniques. The session will be interactive, and questions from the audience will be gathered and discussed dur...

November 13-13, 2024

CURSO: muestreo y aseguramiento de la calidad aplicado a la toma de muestras de lotes de semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

INASE Sede Central - Cno. Bertolotti s/n y Ruta 8, km 29, Uruguay


September 26-27, 2024

20èmes journées des laboratoires d’analyses de la qualité des semences

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GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences

Beaucouzé , France

September 13-13, 2024

1º Simpósio Brasileiro de Análise de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Rafain Palace Hotel & Convention - Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil

Organizado pelo Comitê Técnico de Análises de Sementes, o simpósio reunirá especialistas para discutir as últimas inovações e práticas na análise de sementes.

September 2-4, 2024

ISTA Workshop on Validation, Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Seed Health Methods

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Indo-American Hybrid Seeds - Bangalore, India

ISTA’s Seed Health Committee (SHC) will lecture on how to validate different seed health testing protocols for fungi, bacteria and viruses. All different validation performance characteristics in combination with different testing methods like dilution plating, molecu...

July 31, 2024 - August 2, 2024

Tetrazolium test in different crop groups: A hands-on workshop / Prueba de tetrazolio en diferentes grupos de cultivos: Un taller práctico

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Montevideo, Uruguay

Este taller propone enriquecer el conocimiento y perfeccionar las habilidades técnicas de los analistas de semillas que llevan a cabo la determinación de tetrazolio como parte fundamental de sus labores cotidianas. El taller se llevará a cabo en español.

July 31, 2024 - August 2, 2024

Encuentro de Analistas de Semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Montevideo, Uruguay

July 1-4, 2024

ISTA Annual Meeting 2024

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

The Cambridge Union Society - Cambridge, United Kingdom

June 26-28, 2024

ISTA Workshop on Purity Analysis and Seed Identification

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Cambridge, United Kingdom

June 19-22, 2024

ISTA Workshop on Imaging in Seed Quality Assurance

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Hyderabad, India

February 12-16, 2024

Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) Genetic Super Workshop

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Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) *

Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

The workshop is targeted towards those preparing to take the Genetic Technologist exams (RGT, CGT), individuals looking for a refresher course, and those beginning in this field. Workshops include lecture, hands-on activities, and materials to take home. Time will also ...

November 27-29, 2023

ISTA Workshop on Imaging in Seed Quality Assurance

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Massey University - Palmerston North, New Zealand

Participants will acquire theoretical and hands-on experience with different imaging technologies, such a RGB imaging, multi- and hyperspectral imaging and X-ray imaging used to evaluate seeds, seed surface characteristics, chemical properties etc.

August 15-17, 2023

3° Encuentro de Analistas de Semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

INASE Sede Central - Barros Blancos, Canelones, Uruguay

June 10-15, 2023

2023 AOSA SCST Annual Meeting

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Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) *

Canada Delta Hotel by Marriott - Saskatoon, SK, Canada

June 2-3, 2023

GMO Testing: Statistical Aspects and Implementation of the Performance-Based Approach

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Tavazzano (LO), Italy

The workshop would be aimed particularly at labs involved in GMO testing, either accredited or seeking accreditation, or labs outside of the ISTA circuit that would like to gain a better understanding of the ISTA approach.

June 1-6, 2023

Annual Meetiing of the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) and Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST)

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Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) *

Holiday Inn Rapid City – Rushmore Plaza - Rapid City, SD, United States

May 29, 2023 - June 1, 2023

ISTA 2023 Annual Meeting

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Hotel Leon d’Oro - Verona, Italy

May 9-9, 2023

ISTA Rules discussion session

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Online 14:00-16:00 (CET) - Online, Switzerland

December 3-4, 2022

IV edição do Curso de identificação de sementes e propágulos para o comércio no Brasil

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Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

Universidade Federal de Goiás - Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil

November 16-17, 2022

2° Encuentro de Analistas de Semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Online & presencial (Facultad de Agronomía) - Montevideo, Uruguay

November 2-4, 2022

ISTA Seed Symposium 2022 - 'Quality Seed for Sustainable Agriculture'

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Athens, Greece

August 17-18, 2022

Seed Quality Workshop

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Iowa State University, Seed Science Center

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

August 9-9, 2022

WEBINAR - Project 19-1: Application of Computer Vision in Seed Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Online - Online, Switzerland

webinar aims to: Illustrate the need and desire of seed testing industries for computer vision (one type of advanced technology), Understand better the computer version (AI) for end-users (seed testing labs), Motivate collaborations among seed testing labs or organisati...

June 23-23, 2022

Webinar - Exploring Seed Quality Assessments for North America

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SGS North America, Inc.

Online - Online, United States

This webinar examines Canadian and US regulatory compliance as well as potential internal benchmark assessments to determine seed quality and build confidence in seed selection decisions.

May 31, 2022 - June 3, 2022

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling & Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

DLF seeds A/S - Odense, Denmark

The workshop will focus on seed lot sampling, labelling and sealing, automatic seed sampling, sample reduction, and quality assurance. As the workshop will be held at a large seed cleaning and production site in Højme, there will be a lot of practical exercises after e...

May 8-11, 2022

International Seed Testing Association - 33rd ISTA Congress

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Sheraton Cairo - Cairo, Egypt

May 4-6, 2022

Symposium - 'Quality Seed for Sustainable Agriculture'

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Christchurch, New Zealand

May 2-5, 2022

Seed Quality Workshop - AOSA Advanced Purity Testing Short Course

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Iowa State University, Seed Science Center

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

This course will provide an opportunity for participants with experience in Purity Analysis to see species which they may not typically encounter in the lab or to study for the AOSA/SCST Purity Exam, which will be offered at the end of the week. We will study the AOSA R...

November 8-11, 2021

XV Curso Teórico-Prático de Capacitação de Análise de Sementes de Grandes Culturas

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras, MG, Brazil

September 16-17, 2021

GEVES's Lab Open Days for seed quality testing are a must for seed analysts

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GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences

Online - Online, France

September 1-1, 2021

1° Encuentro Nacional de Analistas de Semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Online - Online, Uruguay

August 30-30, 2021

18ème édition des journées des laboratoires d’analyse de la qualité des semences.

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GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences

Online - Online, France

June 3-3, 2021

Iinternational Seed Testing Assocation, Annual Meeting 2021

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

by correspondence with a presentation session online - Online, Switzerland

We will organize an online discussion session on the ISTA Rule Changes early May, in which all stakeholders will have the opportunity to participate. The Seed Health Seminar that was planed for the Annual Meeting will be a virtual seminar distributed over 4 individual d...

June 1-2, 2021

Presentations Technical Committees 2021

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Online - Online, Switzerland

1 June, 2021 12:30-15:00 CEST / 2 June, 2021 12:30-15:00 CEST

July 6-10, 2020

XIV Curso de Formação de Analista de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Universidade Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras, MG, Brazil

June 8-11, 2020

ISTA ATC Workshop on Seed Image Analysis

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

University of Bologna - Bologna, Italy

The overall aim of this workshop is to introduce optical technologies in seed evaluation. The participants learn about and practice the use of imaging technologies for seed evaluation. During training sessions and workshop discussions they will acquire insights into the...

May 28-28, 2020

WEBINAR - ISTA OGM Information Session

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Online, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CEST) - Online, Switzerland

May 25-28, 2020

Annual Meeting of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Verona, Italy

May 20-22, 2020

ISTA Workshop on Tetrazolium Testing and Equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) determination for Wild Species and Flowers

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Peri, Italy

The workshop aim is detecting some quality parameters of wild species and flowers outside of the ISTA Rules and it is focused on the needs of seed testing laboratories that would like to work according to the ISTA Methods, standardizing testing methods for determining v...

March 25-27, 2020

ISTA Workshop on Germination, Viability and Vigour Tests

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Bornova, Izmir, Turkey

February 29, 2020 - March 1, 2020

II Curso de identificação de sementes e propágulos para o comércio no Brasil

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Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (ICB), UFG, Campus Samambaia - Goiânia, GO, Brazil

September 23-27, 2019

Treinamento de Análise de Vigor de Sementes e Workshop Tetrazólio

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Associação Paranaense dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas (Apasem)

Lab APASEM - Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil

September 22-25, 2019

6th Workshop on the Molecular Aspects of Seed Dormancy and Germination

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International Society for Seed Science (ISSS)

Van der Valk Hotel - Volendam, Netherlands

July 5-12, 2019

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling, Purity, Germination and Moisture

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Hyderabad, India

Aim: Provide an overview of Seed Sampling, as well as Purity and Germination Analysis and Testing of Seed Moisture content of a range of species, but also to provide a forum where questions relating to seed sampling and testing methodologies can be discussed.

June 26, 2019 - July 3, 2019

32nd Congress of the International Seed Testing Association

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Hyderabad, TS, India

June 20-24, 2019

Pre-Congress ISTA Workshop on Varietal Identification

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Hyderabad , India

Aim: The use of protein based and DNA based tools for obtaining protein or DNA profiles had gain great value on the determination of seed mixtures, variety verification/identification schemes and for helping enforcement of breeder’s rights over the last decade.

June 1-6, 2019

Joint Annual Meeting of the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) & Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST)

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Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) *

The Nugget Resort Hotel - Sparks, NV, United States

June 1-6, 2019

AOSA/SCST Annual Meeting 2019

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Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) *

Nugget Casino & Resort - Sparks, NV, United States

March 27-28, 2019

Curso de pureza y germinación según reglas ISTA 2019 - Glycine max

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

INIA La Estanzuela - Colonia, Uruguay

Entrenamiento incluyendo revisión y novedades del Capítulo 3 (análisis de pureza) y del Capítulo 5 (análisis de germinación) de las Reglas ISTA 2019. - Práctica con plántulas de Glycine max. Discusión de posibles casos. Docente invitado: Ing. Agr. Augusto Marti...

November 5-9, 2018

69º Curso DIACOM: Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes para divulgação

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina, PR, Brazil

September 20-21, 2018

15èmes journées des laboratoires d’analyse de la qualité des semences

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GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences

Beaucouzé, France

Ces journées constituent un rendez-vous annuel incontournable d’information des laboratoires sur les évolutions de méthodes et en particulier des règles ISTA.

August 13-17, 2018

Seed Analyst Workshop

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Gastonia, NC, United States

The three day workshop will focus on purity and identification of similar crop and weed species, with emphasis on identification of noxious-weed seeds. The AOSA/SCST consolidated exam will be held on August 16-17, 2018.

August 7-9, 2018

CURSO: Vigor en soja por tetrazolio

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

INIA La Estanzuela - Colonia, Uruguay

July 10-11, 2018

Idaho State Seed Laboratory Summer Workshop

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Idaho State Seed Laboratory - Boise, ID, United States

June 24-27, 2018

2018 AOSCA Annual Meeting

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Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) *

The Omni Hotel - Atlanta, GA, United States

June 11-14, 2018

Annual Meeting 2018 of the International Seed Testing Association

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Sapporo, Japan

June 2-7, 2018

AOSA/SCST Annual Meeting 2018

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Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) *

Hilton Raleigh Midtown - Raleigh, NC, United States

April 23-27, 2018

XI Curso Teórico-Prático de Capacitação de Analistas de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras, MG, Brazil

Capacitação certificada pelo MAPA, para avaliação da qualidade de sementes de grandes culturas de acordo com as RAS.

February 19-22, 2018

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling & Quality Assurance in Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Volcani Center - Rishon LeZion, Israel

The workshop will include lectures, practical and group work. It will appeal to people in both seed testing laboratories and the wider seed industry, including warehouse staff, who are involved in sampling of seed.

January 15-19, 2018

ISTA Workshop on Germination Analysis & Viability by Tetrazolium Testing and Quality Management in Seed Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Seed Laboratory IN07, Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt. Ltd. - Bangalore, India

Discussion of the germination methods, the practical evaluation of seedlings as well as the preparation and evaluation of seeds for their viability with Tetrazolium salt. Both methods were worked out in a comparative way with agricultural crops: Glycine, Oryza, Brassic...

November 27-29, 2017

1° Workshop para Analistas de Sementes

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Associação Paranaense dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas (Apasem)

Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil

October 23-25, 2017

1° Workshop para Analistas de Sementes

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Associação Paranaense dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas (Apasem)

Toledo, PR, Brazil

September 18-21, 2017

ISTA Workshop Seed Health Testing Sunflower, Soybean and Flax

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Angers, France

Previous proficiency tests showed unexpected results between participants. This workshop will help participants to train on seed health testing methods for detecting fungi and harmonize notations.

August 15-17, 2017

Iowa State University's Seed Conditioning Workshop: Seed Corn/Soybean Quality Testing

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Iowa State University

Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

July 18-19, 2017

Bayer Company - ISAAA Summer Workshop

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Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) *

Bayer Vegetable Seeds - Parma, ID, United States

June 26, 2017 - August 9, 2017

Curso: Muestro y aseguramiento de la calidad aplicado a la toma de muestras de lotes de semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Complejo Turistico Flores - Flores, Uruguay

June 18-18, 2017

Workshop: Tolerances in Seed Testing: Applications and Practices and How to Design and Implement a Referee Study

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel - Denver, CO, United States

The first part will cover principles and applications of tolerances in seed testing. The second part of the workshop will cover how to establish a referee study.

June 17-18, 2017

Flower Seed Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Denver Botanical Gardens - Denver, CO, United States

June 16-18, 2017

Native Seed Testing Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Denver, CO, United States

Testing native seeds: Purity, Germination, TZ and practical testing issues will be explored

June 14-16, 2017

Workshop: Seedcalc and other Tools for Statistics in Seed Testing Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Denver, CO, United States

Statistical distributions usually found in seed testing; Sampling principles for seed testing; Seed testing plans for adventitious presence testing or low level testing using qualitative and quantitative assays; Seed testing plans for purity testing; Statistical outlier...

June 6, 2017 - November 23, 2017

ISTA Workshop on Advanced Seed Vigour Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Bangalore, India

The workshop will be focused on two of the ISTA validated tests, the Radicle Emergence test and the Conductivity test. The workshop will be made up of practical experience of the two tests, lectures and interactive seminars.

April 3-6, 2017

ISTA SHC Workshop: How to validate a method and check the performance of quality system in Seed Health testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Universidad de Almería - Almeria, Spain

This workshop will provide an overview of Seed health testing methods and method validation principle as well as methods to check the performance of their quality system: ability to implement a method, proficiency tests organization. It will allow participants to work w...

March 7, 2017 - May 16, 2017

Opleiding Zaadanalyse & Gezondheidsonderzoek

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Naktuinbouw - Roelofsarendsveen, Netherlands

February 20-23, 2017

ISTA Workshop on Advanced Seed Vigour Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Seed Laboratory INO7 - Bengaluru, India

The workshop will be focused on two of the ISTA validated tests, the Radicle Emergence test and the Conductivity test. The workshop will be made up of practical experience of the two tests, lectures and interactive seminars. It will also offer an opportunity for general...

January 18-19, 2017

2017 North East Seed Analyst Workshop

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Harrisburg, PA, United States

December 6-6, 2016

Journée technique pour les laboratoires d'analyse de la qualité des semences céréales

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GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences

Beaucouzé , France

December 5-9, 2016

2ª Turma do Curso de Analistas de Sementes

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Associação Paranaense dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas (Apasem)

Laboratório de Análise de Sementes da APASEM - Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil

Aspectos legais ligados à análise de sementes; recepção, protocolo e armazenamento de amostras de sementes; obtenção da amostra de trabalho; análise de pureza; determinação de outras sementes por número; teste de germinação; identificação de sementes; emis...

December 5-9, 2016

ISTA Workshop on Sampling, Purity and Germination

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Hyderabad, India

The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling, as well as purity and germination analysis of a range of species but also to provide a forum where questions relating to seed sampling and testing methodologies can be discussed.

October 24-28, 2016

Curso para formação e aperfeiçoamento de analistas de sementes

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Associação Paranaense dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas (Apasem)

Laboratório de Análise de Sementes da APASEM - Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil

Aspectos legais ligados à análise de sementes; recepção, protocolo e armazenamento de amostras de sementes; obtenção da amostra de trabalho; análise de pureza; determinação de outras sementes por número; teste de germinação; identificação de sementes; emis...

September 22-23, 2016

13ième Journées des Laboratoires d'Analyse de la Qualité des Semences

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GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences

GEVES - Beaucouzé, France

September 13-15, 2016

III Curso sobre Análise de Imagens de Sementes e Plântulas

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Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

USP/ESALQ - Piracicaba , SP, Brazil

Informações: (43) 3025-5120

August 8-12, 2016

VIII Curso Teórico-Prático de Capacitação de Analistas de Sementes

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Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)

Lavras , MG, Brazil

Informações: (43) 3025-5120

June 22-22, 2016

Zadendeterminatie, Module 2

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University of Groningen

University of Groningen - Groningen, Netherlands

Hoe ziet u het verschil tussen de zaden van 693 verschillende plantensoorten uit 105 plantenfamilies? De veertien belangrijkste families vertegenwoordigen tweederde van het aantal plantensoorten, namelijk 465. Deze komen dan ook uitgebreid aan bod in de cursus Zadendete...

June 18-20, 2016

I Curso Teórico - Prático de Avaliação da Qualidade Fisiológica de Sementes de Algodão

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Laboratório de Sementes do Instituto Federal Goiano - Rio Verde, GO, Brazil

Dirigido aos profissionais da indústria brasileira de sementes, o curso tem como objetivo capacitar analistas, para avaliação da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de algodão de acordo com as Regras para Análises de Sementes (Brasil, 2009). No curso será dado enfo...

June 15-21, 2016

International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Seed Symposium 2016

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Tallinn, Estonia

Theme: "Progress in seed testing and seed quality improvement through science and technology". Participants intending to take part are encouraged to present oral and display poster detailing a range of topics under the above theme.

June 14-21, 2016

31st International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Congress

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Tallinn, Estonia

June 11-13, 2016

ISTA Germination Workshop in Seed Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Agricultural Research Centre, Estonian Seed Testing Laboratory - Saku, Estonia

This workshop aims at presenting and discussing the principles of the ISTA germination test, seedling evaluations for different species, results calculations and reporting plus aspects of quality management linked to germination testing. The workshop is for persons who ...

June 10-13, 2016

ISTA Quality Assurance Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Agricultural Research Centre, Estonian Seed Testing Laboratory - Saku, Estonia

The objective is to give experienced laboratories the opportunity to discuss and be guided on ways to improve their Quality Assurance system and benefit from it. The workshop is for members of experienced laboratories that have already a well running quality management ...

June 3-9, 2016

AOSA/SCST Joint Annual Convention 2016

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Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) *

Embassy Suites by Hilton Portland Airport - Portland, OR, United States

Each year the AOSA & SCST Joint Annual Meeting brings together hundreds of seed analysts, technologists, and scientists from both the United States and Canada with a common goal to further advance seed testing and research.

June 3-3, 2016

Zadendeterminatie, Module 1

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Naktuinbouw - Roelofarendsveen, Netherlands

Hoe ziet u het verschil tussen de zaden van 693 verschillende plantensoorten uit 105 plantenfamilies? De veertien belangrijkste families vertegenwoordigen tweederde van het aantal plantensoorten, namelijk 465. Deze komen dan ook uitgebreid aan bod in de cursus Zadendete...

June 1-3, 2016

Curso: Análisis de la calidad física de gramíneas y leguminosas forrajeras

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

INASE Sede Central - Canelones, Uruguay

May 29, 2016 - June 3, 2016

19th International Sunflower Conference

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Trakya University

Edirne, Turkey - Edirne, Turkey

The conference is intended that the scientific subjects should be presented broadly in order to provide opportunity to sunflower community to present their work for sunflower production and trade in the world bringing science, research and private communities together.

March 10-10, 2016

Curso de muestreo y aseguramiento de la calidad

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Colonia, Uruguay

February 18-18, 2016

The Seed Biology webinar series – Seed Viability Testing

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SoDak Labs, Inc.

Online - Online, United States

The Seed Biology webinar series is similar to a "300" level university course on Seed Science and Technology presented as twelve (12) one hour webinar classes on Thursday mornings.

November 23-26, 2015

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

The Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre - Johannesburg, South Africa

The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling and aspects of quality assurance in relation to seed sampling for a range of species. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as the opportunity to have specific que...

November 16-19, 2015

Asian Seed Congress 2015

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Asia & Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)*

Goa Grand Hyatt Hotel - Goa, India

November 9-12, 2015

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

The Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre - Johannesburg, South Africa

The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling and aspects of quality assurance in relation to seed sampling for a range of species. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as the opportunity to have specific que...

November 2-4, 2015

3rd Conference of Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding

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Embassy of Hungary - Berlin, Germany

CBB conference series is a platform where researchers get the chance to present their latest results and getting further motivation from in-depth keynote presentations where the most important fields of cereal scinence will be introduced and summarized.

October 27-27, 2015

1º Fórum de Sementes: Qualidade, Tecnologia e Marco Legal

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Auditório do Parque da Expodireto Cotrijal - Não-Me-Toque, RS, Brazil

October 5-8, 2015

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

SASA - Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling and aspects of quality assurance in relation to seed sampling for a range of species. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as the opportunity to have specific que...

September 24-25, 2015

Journées des laboratoires d'analyse de la qualité des semences

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GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences

GEVES - Beaucouzé, France

September 22-25, 2015

Seed meets Technology

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Proeftuin Zwaagdijk (Agricultural Research Centre)

Proeftuin Zwaagdijk, Tolweg 13 - Zwaagdijk, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

During Seed meets Technology Holland shows its seed business. At trial fields and at an exhibition participants demonstrate new seed treatments, coatings, varieties and germination systems. You also experience the newest technologies for seed processing-, drying-, and ...

September 15, 2015 - November 10, 2015

Opleiding Zaadanalyse & Gezondheidsonderzoek

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Naktuinbouw - Roelofarendsveen, Netherlands

Inleiding in de wereld van zaadanalyse - 15 & 22 september 2015 - Schonings- en vochtonderzoek - 29 september 2015 - Zuiverheidsonderzoek - 6 oktober 2015 - Kiemkrachtonderzoek - 13 & 20 oktober 2015 - Vigour-bepalingen - 27 oktober 2015 - Toets Bruikbare Planten - 3 no...

August 13-14, 2015

1° Congreso Paraguayo de Semillas

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Asociación de Productores de Semillas del Paraguay (APROSEMP) *

Le Club Resort Hotel - Encarnación, Paraguay

Primera expo semillas y premera expo ciencia y technologia de semillas

August 3-6, 2015

7ª edição do Curso de Analistas de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Laboratório de Sementes da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) - Lavras, MG, Brazil

O objetivo é capacitar profissionais para a avaliação da qualidade de sementes de grandes culturas - milho, soja, algodão e girassol - de acordo com as Regras para Análises de Sementes (Brasil, 2009).

July 20-24, 2015

X Curso de Vigor de Sementes de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina, PR, Brazil

Dentre os diversos testes de vigor que podem ser utilizados atualmente em sementes, o teste de tetrazólio é o mais amplamente aplicado na avaliação da qualidade de sementes da soja. Entretanto, existem outros testes que podem também ser utilizados com sucesso.

July 5-9, 2015

14th International Rapeseed Congress

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Canola Council of Canada

TCU Place - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

The most comprehensive global rapeseed/canola event in the world. Scientists, students, policy analysts, industry managers, government, producer groups, trade associations are invited to this important event. Abstract deadline: Feb. 1, 2015

June 19-20, 2015

ISTA Workshop on Moisture Determination

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

National Seed Institute (Uruguay) (INASE) - Canelones, Uruguay

This workshop aims to improve the knowledge and technical skills of seed analysts performing moisture determination as part of their daily work. Participants should be able to: - Know about ISTA rules for moisture determination; - How to take working samples for moistur...

June 15-18, 2015

International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Annual Meeting 2015

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza - Montevideo, Uruguay

June 9-12, 2015

ISTA Workshop on Tetrazolium Testing for Viability and its use as a Vigour Test for Glycine max

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

La Estanzuela Experiment Station of the National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA) - Colonia, Uruguay

The workshop will be made up of lectures, interactive sessions and practical experience in Tetrazolium Testing as well as its use for determining the vigour in Glycine max. It will also offer the opportunity for general discussion of these techniques and provide time fo...

June 9-12, 2015

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

La Estanzuela Experiment Station of the National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA) - Colonia, Uruguay

The workshop will be made up of lectures, interactive sessions and practical experience in sampling of seed lots and evaluation of samplers. It will also offer the opportunity for general discussion of seed sampling and provide time for participants to ask specific ques...

June 1-19, 2015

COURSE - Integrated Pest Management and Food Safety (fellowship opportunity)

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen, Netherlands

In recent decades, consumers have become increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of their food. Public and private standards for pesticide residues have become stricter than ever before. But while there are plentiful technical solutions, the application of I...

May 18, 2015 - June 5, 2015

COURSE - Integrated seed sector development

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands

The overall objective of the programme is to enhance the capabilities to translate the Integrated Seed Sector Development concept into strategies for making seed programmes and policies that seek enhancement by connecting to present practices.

May 4-8, 2015

62º Curso DIACOM: Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes de Soja

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina , PR, Brazil

O curso irá apresentar a tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório. Os participantes do curso terão acesso a conhecimentos gera...

April 15-17, 2015

VIII Curso Teórico-Prático de Formação de Amostradores de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Laboratório de Análise de Sementes da Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras , MG, Brazil

March 23-25, 2015

California Seed Association Annual Convention

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California Seed Association (CSA) *

The Westin Mission Hills Golf Resort & Spa - Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

March 17-19, 2015

2º Curso de Capacitação Técnica para RT's na Produção de Sementes

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Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Uberlândia , Brazil

January 13, 2015 - April 7, 2015

SoDak Labs' Winter 2015 Seed Biology Webinar Series

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SoDak Labs, Inc.

Online - Brookings, SD, United States

The Seed Biology webinar series is similar to a “300” level university course on Seed Science and Technology presented as twelve (12) one hour webinars classes. The primary references are: “Principles of Seed Science and Technology” Fourth Edition by Lawrence O....

December 3-3, 2014

Curso sobre muestreo de semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Sede Central de INASE - Canelones, Uruguay

Inscripciones: hasta viernes 28 de noviembre.

December 2-2, 2014

WEBINAR - Understanding Seed Corn Quality Test Methods

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SoDak Labs, Inc.

Online, 10:00 AM Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States

This webinar will walk the participant through the primary standard germination and vigor tests used to evaluate seed corn quality. The principles of each test will be discussed, along with baseline quality levels and interactions that may occur. Two standard germinat...

December 2-5, 2014

Caracterización y Detección Molecular de Organismos Vegetales Genéticamente Modificados

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Edificio de Clientes de Antel - Montevideo,, Uruguay

Actividad sin costo.

November 17-20, 2014

VI Curso Teórico-Prático de Capacitação de Analistas de Sementes

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Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)

Laboratório de Sementes da Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras , MG, Brazil

November 17-20, 2014

ISTA Quality Assurance Workshop in Seed Testing for advanced laboratories

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Bassersdorf, Switzerland

The aim of this workshop is to give experienced laboratories the opportunity to discuss and find out how to improve their Quality Assurance system and benefit from it. Participation is open to both ISTA members and non-members. Registration is possible until September 3...

November 10-14, 2014

61° Curso Diacom Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina, PR, Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório.

November 10-14, 2014

ISTA Seed Health Testing Training Course

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Balai Besar PPMB-TPH, Jalan Raya Tapos - Depok, Indonesia

This workshop aim is to improve our understanding and practical ability in seed health testing based on ISTA Rules. This training course contains of Lectures and Practical work on detection of bacteria, viruses, fungi and nematodes. Classical and molecular methods will ...

November 10-13, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Seed Vigour

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Workshop: Indo American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt., Ltd. / Theory: Hotel Chancery - Bangalore, India

The workshop will be made up of lectures, interactive seminars and practical experience in vigour testing. It will also offer an opportunity for general discussion on seed vigour and time for participants to ask specific questions regarding vigour testing procedures.

October 14-17, 2014

ISTA Hands-on Seminar on Seed Image Analysis

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Angers, France

The ISTA Advanced Technologies Committee (ATC) and GEVES, French laboratories in Angers (France), organise an ISTA Hands-on Seminar on Seed Image Analysis. In the hands-on seminar the participants will learn and discuss about (basics of) different imaging technologies t...

September 30, 2014 - October 3, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

CFIA Seed Laboratory - Saskatoon, SK, Canada

The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling and aspects of quality assurance in relation to seed sampling for a range of species. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as specific questions relating to seed ...

September 30, 2014 - October 1, 2014

California Seed Association Mid Year Meeting

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California Seed Association (CSA) *

InterContinental Hotel - Monterey, CA, United States

September 15-19, 2014

11th Conference of the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS)

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International Society for Seed Science (ISSS)

Mingcheng International Hotel - Changsha, China

Theme: Seed science for future food security in a sustainable environment

September 9-12, 2014

Quality Assurance Workshop for Advanced Laboratories

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Álvares Machado, SP, Brazil

This workshop aims to improve the Quality Assurance inside Seed Testing Laboratories according to ISTA Accreditation Standard and provides theoretical and practical exercises for a better learning and so to prepare the seed testing station for an ISTA Audit or to keep t...

September 8-10, 2014

Balkan Agricuture Congress

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Balkan Congress Center, Trakya University - Edirne, Turkey

The aim of our international congress is to present the newest research results and research goals, analyse current conditions and perspectives in agriculture.

September 4-7, 2014

ISTA Seed Health Testing Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Poznań University of Life Sciences - Poznan, Poland

August 12-14, 2014

WORKSHOP - Corn and Soybean Quality Evaluation

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Iowa State University, Seed Science Center

ISU Seed Science Center - Ames, IA, United States

July 21-25, 2014

IX Curso de Vigor para Semente de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Núcleo de Sementes da Embrapa Soja - Londrina , PR, Brazil

Dentre os diversos testes de vigor que podem ser utilizados atualmente em sementes, apenas o teste de tetrazólio é amplamente aplicado na avaliação da qualidade de sementes da soja.

July 21-25, 2014

Curso de Tecnología de las Semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Sede central de INASE - Canelones, Uruguay

Este curso abarca, entre otros temas, los factores que afectan la producción y la calidad de las semillas, sus métodos de análisis y evaluación y la importancia de la calidad en las semillas. El curso incluye clases teóricas y prácticas en laboratorio.

July 7-10, 2014

ISTA Variety Identification Using Molecular Markers Workshop

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Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The workshop is intended to instruct the participant on the theory and practices of basic DNA techniques, genotyping methods, data interpretation.

June 23-26, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The objective of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling, and seed sampling related aspects of quality assurance in relation to a range of species. The workshop will offer a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as the opportunity to address ...

June 3-5, 2014

II Curso de Análise de Imagens de Sementes e Plântulas

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

USP/ESALQ - Piracicaba , SP, Brazil

A formação é destinada a estudantes, profissionais e empresas da cadeia produtiva de sementes e tem como objetivo oferecer treinamento em técnicas de análise de imagens em sementes e plântulas para aplicação em pesquisas e programas industriais de controle de qu...

May 19-21, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Tree and Shrub Seeds from the Mediterranean Basin

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Technical University of Madrid - Madrid, Spain

May 5-9, 2014

60° Curso Diacom Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina , Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório. Os participantes do curso terão acesso a conhecimentos gerais su...

May 5-9, 2014

60º Curso DIACOM: Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes

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Embrapa Soja - Londrina, Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório. Os participantes do curso terão acesso a conhecimentos gerais su...

April 7-25, 2014

Contemporary Approaches to Genetic Resources Conservation and Use

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Modern production and marketing of agricultural crops depend on a limited number of genetically uniform varieties that deliver uniform food products. With this approach becoming global, genetic diversity is endangered. Worldwide, strategies are developed to conserve gen...

March 24-26, 2014

Workshop Seed Identification

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Naktuinbouw - Roelofarendsveen, Netherlands

The course aims at improving the identification of seeds that are found as impurities in seed samples.

March 17-21, 2014

III Curso de Fisiologia de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Auditório do Crystal Palace Hotel - Londrina, PR, Brazil

O conteúdo do III Curso de Fisiologia de Sementes permitirá aos participantes conhecer o comportamento dos componentes da semente durante os processos de embebição, de germinação, do desenvolvimento das plântulas, além de compreender as deficiências de ordem fi...

March 11-13, 2014

Seed Analytics 2020 Workshop

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Centor Group

UC Davis Putah Creek Lodge - Davis, CA, United States

In-depth view of analytical equipment that is shaping the future of seed research and the industry. Program will include theoretical and practical modules on the fundamentals of seed respiration and maturity, principles of the Q2 Scanner, CF-Mobile, Videometer, experime...

February 3-7, 2014

SCST Genetic Technology Super Workshop

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Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) *

Seed Science Center, Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

Contact for more information: Trisha Scott Phone: 515-294-6028 E-mail: tscott@iastate.edu SCST office Phone: 309-736-0119 E-mail: scst@seedtechnology.net

December 9-13, 2013

Curso Teórico - Prático de Capacitação de Analistas de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras, MG, Brazil

Informações: abrates@abrates.org.br

December 4-5, 2013

I Simposio de Calidad de Semillas

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Ariston Hotel - Rosario, Argentina

December 3-6, 2013

ISTA Quality Assurance Workshop in Seed Testing for Advanced Laboratories

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

ISTA Secretariat - Bassersdorf, Switzerland

The aim of this workshop is to give experienced laboratories the opportunity to discuss and obtain inspiration on how to improve their Quality Assurance system and benefit from it. The language of the workshop will be English.

November 25-29, 2013

59° Curso Diacom Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Londrina, Paraná, Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório. Os participantes do curso terão acesso a conhecimentos gerais su...

October 13-15, 2013

European Seed Association Annual Meeting

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Hilton Warsaw Hotel & Convention Centre - Warsaw, Poland

September 30, 2013 - October 2, 2013

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Seed Identification

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Seed Identification - Ashburton, New Zealand

The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling in a range of species. The workshop will also to provide a forum where questions relating to seed sampling methodologies can be discussed. The language of the workshop will be English.

September 30, 2013 - October 2, 2013

ISTA Workshop on Seed Purity and Identification

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Palmerston North, New Zealand

The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed purity and identification in a range of species at both the theoretical and practical level. The workshop will also provide a forum where questions relating to seed purity analysis and seed identification can be ...

September 24-25, 2013

California Seed Association Mid-Year Meeting

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California Seed Association (CSA) *

InterContinental Hotal - Monterey, CA, United States

September 16-19, 2013

XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Sementes - CBSementes 2013

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Espaço de Convençoes Centro Sul - Florianópolis , SC, Brazil

Pela primeira vez o Congresso vai agrupar o XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Patologia de Sementes, o VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologias de Sementes Florestais e o I Simpósio Brasileiro de Sementes de Espécies Forrageiras, o que mostra a integração entre os diversos...

August 21-22, 2013

II Workshop sobre Tecnologia de Sementes

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Hotel Premium Norte, Sala de Eventos - Campinas , SP, Brazil

As palestras contemplarão os seguintes temas: Biotecnologia e Genética; Desenvolvimento de Produtos para Sementes - Qualidade e Tecnologia; Tratamento Industrial de Sementes; Lei de Inovação Tecnológica; Sanidade e Patologia de Sementes de Hortaliças.

August 14-15, 2013

Seed Quality Workshop

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Iowa State University

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

July 8-12, 2013

VIII Curso de Vigor para Semente de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina , PR, Brazil

Objetivo: dotar os alunos de conhecimentos sobre as metodologias atualizadas dos principais testes de vigor, passíveis de aplicação e que podem ser implementados para a soja, nos laboratórios de análise de semente.

July 8-10, 2013

ISTA Seed Testing Quality Management Training Course

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Federal Research Station - Zurich, Switzerland

The workshop will consist of lectures, group work and practical exercises. It will offer the opportunity to discuss how to implement an efficient, effective and economically justifiable quality management in seed testing. The language of the workshop will be English.

June 15-19, 2013

American Seed Trade Association's 130th Annual Convention

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American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)*

Nashville, TN, United States

June 12-14, 2013

30th ISTA Seed Symposium

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Antalya, Turkey

Genetic conservation, seed quality and plant breeding, seed pathology application of molecular markers, habitat regeneration, seed quality evaluation, seed germination and dormancy, seed physiology and stress responses

June 12-18, 2013

International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) 30th ISTA Congress 2013

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Kervansaray Lara Convention Center & Spa - Antalya, Turkey

Will be composed of three sections: the International Seed Symposium, the ISTA Technical Committee Sessions and the ISTA Ordinary General Meeting.

June 6-9, 2013

ISTA Workshop on Purity and Germination

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Variety Registration and Certification Center (VRCC) Meeting Hall and VRCC Laboratories - Ankara, Turkey

Will present theoretical aspects of purity and germination testing, results, calculations and reporting; quality assurance and the practical application of ISTA rules on different species.

June 4-6, 2013

ISTA Vigour Testing Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Seed Technology Centre, Ege Unversity - Izmir, Turkey

Will include new developments in seed vigour that have occurred over the last two years and potential future developments in vigour testing as well as established vigour tests.

May 27-29, 2013

ISF World Seed Congress 2013

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International Seed Federation (ISF)*

Athenaeum InterContinental Athens - Athens, Greece

May 9-9, 2013

WEBINAR - Understanding Seed Testing Tolerances

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Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) *

Online 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT - Itahca, NY, United States

This webinar will provide a basic overview and explanation of the tolerances in the AOSA Rules for Testing Seeds Vol. 1. We encourage everyone who is interested in understanding the correct application of tolerances for any purpose to participate in this educational se...

May 7-9, 2013

ISTA Workshop on Tree and Shrub Seeds from the Mediterranean Basin: development of test methods to be introduced into the ISTA Rules

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Technical University of Madrid - Madrid, Spain

May 6-9, 2013

IV Curso Teórico-Prático de Capacitação de Analista de Sementes

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Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)

Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras, MG, Brazil

May 3-3, 2013

WEBINAR - 2013 AOSA Rule Proposal Amendments

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Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) *

Online 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT - Ithaca, NY, United States

This webinar will provide an overview of the 2013 AOSA Rule amendment proposals. The 2013 Rule Proposals are available from the AOSA and SCST websites: www.aosaseed.com/rules_committee.htm / www.seedtechnology.net/rules_committee.htm

April 29-30, 2013

6ª edição do Curso Teórico-Prático de Formação de Amostradores de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Lavras , MG, Brazil

April 22-25, 2013

ISTA Workshop on Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

DLF-TRIFOLIUM A/S - Odense, Denmark

April 22-25, 2013

Seed Quality Workshop - Germination Testing Short Course

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Iowa State University, Seed Science Center

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

April 16-19, 2013

ISTA Workshop on Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

On one of the production sites of DLF-TRIFOLIUM A/S - Odense, Denmark

The workshop will consist of lectures and practical exercises. It will offer the opportunity for general discussion on automatic and manual seed sampling and dividing, as well as quality assurance in seed sampling and monitoring of seed samplers.

April 15-19, 2013

58° Curso Diacom Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Londrina, PR, Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório.

April 15-18, 2013

Seed Quality Workshop - Purity Testing Short Course

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Iowa State University, Seed Science Center

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

January 22-23, 2013

Seed Authentication Markers Workshop

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University of California, Davis

UC Davis - Davis, CA, United States

Targeted to experts and professionals in seed technology. This advanced course will cover the latest technologies for seed coatings, seed identification, systemic markers and related topics. Three Registered Seed Technologist credits will be available upon completion of...

December 4-7, 2012

ASTA 67th Corn & Sorghum Seed Research Conference / ASTA 42nd Soybean Seed Research Conference / Seed Expo

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American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)

Hyatt Regency Chicago - Chicago, Illinois, United States

November 23, 2012 - March 15, 2013

ISTA Proficiency Test on GMO Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Bassersdorf, Switzerland

November 11-13, 2012

Texas Seed Trade Association, Annual Convention

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Texas Seed Trade Association

Hotel Tremont - Galveston, TX, United States

October 29, 2012 - November 2, 2012

Seed Captain Program - Module: Seed Health & Pathology

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International Seed Academy

Kasetsart University - Bangkok, Thailand

The aim of this course is to provide understanding and enable the participants to master the important aspects in seed health and pathology which is essential in current competitive nature of the seed industry that prioritizes production of high quality seed that is fre...

September 26-28, 2012

SEMINAR - ISTA Seminar on Statistics in Seed Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The aim of the seminar is to provide a forum where seed testing professionals can increase there level of understanding of statistical methods/analysis associated with seed testing and to gain confidence in using statistical tools that have been provided by the ISTA Sta...

September 25-26, 2012

California Seed Association Mid Year Meeting

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California Seed Association (CSA) *

The Clement InterContinental Hotel on Cannery Row - Monterey, CA, United States

September 24-28, 2012

ISTA Workshop on Vigour, Moisture & Tetrazolium Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Tullamarine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

The aim of the workshop is to both inform participants on vigour, moisture and tetrazolium testing methodology in a range of species but also to provide a forum where questions relating to these methodologies can be discussed.

September 17-19, 2012

WORKSHOP - ISTA Workshop on Germination

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Canadian Food Inspection Agency seed laboratory - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

This workshop aims at presenting and discussing the principles of the ISTA germination test, seedling evaluations for different species, results calculations and reporting plus aspects of quality management linked to germination testing.

September 17-21, 2012

57o Curso Diacom: Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina, Parana, Brazil

September 16-19, 2012

XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Espaço de Convençoes Centro Sul - Florianópolis , SC, Brazil

September 11-14, 2012

WORKSHOP - ISTA Workshop on Vigour

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20/20 Seeds Labs Inc.

20/20 Seed Labs Inc. - Nisku, Alberta, Canada

Introduction to seed vigour and its importance in crop production - Conductivity test - Controlled deterioration test - Radicle emergence test: development and validation - Accelerated ageing test for soyabeans - Seed vigour and seed treatments - Physiological basis of ...

August 27-31, 2012

Seed Captain Program - Module: Seed Longevity, Drying & Storage

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International Seed Academy

Rhino Research Seed Technology Lab - Phichit, Phitsanulok, Thailand

This module will assess the existing technologies and introduce newer systems as well. Practical sessions will ensure the total understanding of drying systems and their relation to the physiology of the seeds.

August 15-16, 2012

Iowa State University workshop - Seed Corn / Soybean Quality Testing

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Iowa State University

Ames, IA, United States

August 13-17, 2012

Federal Seed Schools

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USDA AMS Seed Regulatory & Testing Division, 801 Summit Crossing Place, Suite C - Gastonia, NC, United States

The first three and a half days will focus on purity and identification of similar crop and weed species, with emphasis on identification of noxious-weed seeds. Other topics such as the uniform blowing procedure, ryegrass fluorescence, and pure seed definitions will b...

August 7-7, 2012

WEBINAR - "Testing for Exports" Webinar Series - Part 2

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States

July 31-31, 2012

WEBINAR - "Testing for Exports" Webinar Series - Part 2

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States

July 16-20, 2012

7o Curso de Vigor para Semente de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina, Paraná, Brazil

June 20-23, 2012

ASTA 129th Annual Convention

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American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)*

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - National Harbor, MD, United States

June 18-22, 2012

International Course on Seed Physiology and Technology

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Breedwise BV

Wageningen,, Netherlands

The course presents the scientific background for seed production, seed quality control and seed treatments. It also provides an overview of the latest new developments in seed research and seed handling.

June 14-14, 2012

Seed Central FORUM

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Seed Central

Hatnell College, Alisal Campus (5:00 to 7:30 pm) - Salinas, CA, United States

Monthly networking event on the 2nd Thursday of the month, with featured speaker. Topic: Food safety

June 12-14, 2012

30th ISTA Seed Symposium

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Antalya, Turkey

The overall theme of the symposium will be: "Evaluation of seed quality: a key step in exploiting the benefits of plant breeding and genetic conservation"

June 11-11, 2012

ISTA Seminar on New developments and technologies in seed testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Venlo, Netherlands

June 6-9, 2012

ISTA Workshop on Flower Seed Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Naktuinbouw - Roelofarendsveen, Netherlands

May 20-24, 2012

2012 AOSA-SCST Annual Meeting

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Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) *

Des Moines, IA, United States

May 7-11, 2012

Seed Quality Workshop

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Brookings, SD, United States

This rare training opportunity is appropriate for Quality Assurance personnel, seed technologists, those sitting for technologist exams, companies shipping internationally, and others who are interested in seed testing analysis.

April 23-27, 2012

56o Curso Diacom: Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina, Parana, Brazil

April 23-27, 2012

Federal Seed Schools

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USDA AMS Seed Regulatory & Testing Division, 801 Summit Crossing Place, Suite C - Gastonia, NC, United States

The first three and a half days will focus on purity and identification of similar crop and weed species, with emphasis on identification of noxious-weed seeds. Other topics such as the uniform blowing procedure, ryegrass fluorescence, and pure seed definitions will be...

April 23-26, 2012

AOSA Seed Analyst: Germination Short Course

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Iowa State University, Seed Science Center

Iowa State University Seed Science Center - Ames, IA, United States

Germination week explores the processes involved in seed germination, AOSA & ISTA Rules, seedling evaluation, seed dormancy, vigor, seed longevity and deterioration, tetrazolium (TZ) testing, testing for biotech traits, and other special tests. One full day is dedicat T...

April 16-19, 2012

AOSA Seed Analyst: Purity Short Course

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Iowa State University, Seed Science Center

Iowa State University Seed Science Center - Ames, IA, United States

Purity week consists of lecture and laboratory practice on seed structure, seed identification, purity analysis, sampling and dividing, seed laws, and tolerances. Attendees will conduct purity analyses and perform seed identification separations on at least 10 different...

April 5-5, 2012

WEBINAR - Vigor Test - Stressing Low Vigor Seeds

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States

Concepts of vigor testing to be covered are: Accelerated Aging, Electrical Conductivity, Saturated Salt Accelerated Aging and an in depth comparison cold test methods including box, rolled towel, tray and saturated colds plus a discussion on use of check samples and exp...

March 29-29, 2012

WEBINAR - Vigor Test - Stressing Low Vigor Seeds

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States

Concepts of vigor testing to be covered are: Accelerated Aging, Electrical Conductivity, Saturated Salt Accelerated Aging and an in depth comparison cold test methods including box, rolled towel, tray and saturated colds plus a discussion on use of check samples and exp...

March 22-22, 2012

WEBINAR - Seed Moisture Testing

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 AM Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States

Our webinar covers the principles of moisture determination and the instruments used to determine seed moisture. Accurate seed moisture measurements are essential throughout seed production harvest and storage.

March 20-23, 2012

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling of Agricultural Seeds

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Chisinau, Moldova

Lectures on principles of sampling, ISTA Handbook on Seed Sampling, training aspects for samplers, audit elements licensed samplers. Practical work: Sampling of cereals and other species in bags, big bags and boxes. Further species of interest asked for by participants ...

March 13-13, 2012

WEBINAR - Seed dormancy: physical, physiological, morphological

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am U.S. Central time - Brookings, SD, United States

We will review the primary dormancy Exogenous and Endogenous factors plus methods to relieve these types of dormancy. We will also cover after-ripening, effects of light and causes of secondary dormancy.

March 8-8, 2012

WEBINAR - Fungi and Mycotoxins

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am U.S. Central time - Brookings, SD, United States

We will review the impact that field and storage fungi has on seed quality and the fungi/germination interaction model. Species to be covered include: Fusarium, Diplodia, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Cercospera, and Phomopsis.

March 7-8, 2012

Southwest Ag Summit

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Yuma Quartermaster Depot State Historic Park - Yuma, AZ, United States

March 1-1, 2012

WEBINAR - Damage & Handling: Factors and Assessment of Seed Damage

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am U.S. Central time - Brookings, SD, United States

This webinar relates production and processing to seed quality through analysis of types of physical damage expressed in seeds and seedlings. Impact and abrasion damage test methods are explained along with dicot and monocot examples.

February 27, 2012 - March 2, 2012

Asian Seed Congress 2011

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Asia & Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)*

Royal Cliff Hotel Group & Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (Peach) - Pattaya, Thailand

February 23-23, 2012

WEBINAR - Seed Viability - How good is the field population ?

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am U.S. Central time - Brookings, SD, United States

Germination, tetrazolium and other viabililty tests will be reviewed.

February 19-21, 2012

California Seed Association Annual Convention 2012

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California Seed Association (CSA) *

Hard Rock Hotel - San Diego, CA, United States

February 16-16, 2012

Seed Germination - Physiological and Physical Aspects

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am U.S. Central time - Brookings, SD, United States

February 10-11, 2012

Indian Seed Congress 2012

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National Seed Association of India (NSAI)

Pune Marriott Hotel & Convention Center - Pune, Maharashtra, India

February 7-7, 2012

WEBINAR - Chemistry of Seeds - Factors that affect seed quality

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am U.S. Central time - Brookings, SD, United States

This webinar discusses these genetic and environmental factors along with storage compounds including carbohydrates, lipids, protein and other compounds. The third class in our Seed Biology Series.

February 7-8, 2012

Seed Sampler Workshop

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SGS North America, Inc.*

SGS Brookings laboratory - Brookings , SD, United States

The following topics will be reviewed: ISTA and AOSA sampling rules, sampling methods, sealing seed lots, subdividing samples, review of ISTA certificates and their use.

February 2-2, 2012

WEBINAR - Life after fertilization: seed formation and development

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am Central US time - Brookings, SD, United States

January 17-19, 2012

Independent Professional Seed Association, 23rd Annual Conference

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Independent Professional Seed Association (IPSA)*

The Westin Indianapolis - Indianapolis, IN, United States

January 16-19, 2012

III Curso Teorico-Pratico de Capacitaçao de Analista de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

UFLA - Lavras, MG, Brazil

January 14-17, 2012

Southern Seed Association, Annual Convention

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Southern Seed Association (SSA)

Worthington Hotel - Fort Worth, TX, United States

January 10-12, 2012

IV Curso Teorico-Pratico Formaçao de Amostradores de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

UFLA - Lavras, MG, Brazil

December 5-9, 2011

ISTA Workshop on Quality Assurance in Seed Testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Shanghai , China

Presenting and discussing basic principles of quality management and it focuses on the needs of seed testing laboratories that wish to comply with the ISTA Accreditation Standard and prepare for attaining and maintaining ISTA Accreditation.

December 5-9, 2011

ISTA Biotechnology Trait Detection Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Shanghai, China

Sampling principles, testing plan design, assessment of GMO content, SeedCalc, Uncertainty. Theory of PCR methodologies; testing through-put and turnaround time, challenges specific to GMO testing. Hands-on practice of samples processing; Qualitative and qPCR testing an...

December 1-1, 2011

WEBINAR - Corn Test Methods: Accurately Predicting Performance

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online 10:00 AM Central - Brookings, SD, United States

Review of four corn warm germination methods illustrating normal and abnormal seedling appearances - Cold vigor test methods (tray and saturated) and the stresses imposed by each test and their relationship to field performance - The silent killer - field population

November 22-24, 2011

CURSO: Arominizaci�n en la t�cnica de muestreo y an�lisis de semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Sede Central de INASE, Cno. Bertolotti, s/n y Ruta 8, Km. 29 - Barros Blancos, Canelones, Uruguay

November 10-10, 2011

WEBINAR - Legally Moving Seed: Federal Seed Act, State Seed Laws and Labeling

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online, 10:00 - 11:00 Central US time - Brookings, SD, United States

How to properly label seed; Germination and Purity regulations/tolerances; Date of last test; Required disclosures such as treatments

November 3-3, 2011

WEBINAR - Exporting Seeds

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online, 10:00 - 11:00 Central US time - Brookings, SD, United States

ISTA Sampling, ISTA Certificates and Seed Health - Are your seed lots held up at the border? Knowing and understanding the regulations helps to expedite your seeds to other countries throughout the world.

October 13-13, 2011

WEBINAR - Sorghum, Millet & Rice - Physical, physiological and pathological testing

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online, 10:00 - 11:00 Central US time - Brookings, SD, United States

A diagnostic approach with laboratory tests is considered the best practice approach to identify factors affecting seed quality. This webinar will discuss the common tests ordered on the fall production of sorghum, millet, and rice.

October 6-6, 2011

WEBINAR - Cotton and Large Seed Vegetables - Physical, physiological & pathological testing

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online, 10:00 - 11:00 Central US time - Brookings, SD, United States

This webinar will discuss the common tests ordered on cotton and large seed vegetables. Photographs will show the symptoms and signs of seed coat mechanical damage, field and storage fungi, and seedling abnormalities/vigor

September 29-29, 2011

WEBINAR - Natives: Harvesting and Pure Live Seed

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - , United States

Viability of native seed is affected by collection and storage methods. Information on purity, germination and TZ testing methods will be presented along with a review morphology of dicot and monocotyledon natives and checking for seed fill prior to harvest.

September 22-22, 2011

WEBINAR - Soybean Cultivar Testing - Cultivar and accelerated aging tests

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - Brookings, SD, United States

SGS will cover five processes used to determine soybean cultivars: hilum check and seed characteristics, seed coat peroxidase reaction. hypocotyl color seedling growout test, electrophoresis, event ID using PCR/DNA based methods

September 8-8, 2011

WEBINAR - Soybean: physical, physiological and pathological testing

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - Brookings, SD, United States

This webinar will discuss the common tests ordered on fall soybean production and also show photographs of symptoms/signs including seed coat mechanical damage, field and storage fungi and seedling abnormalities/vigor.

September 1-1, 2011

WEBINAR - Comparing corn cold test: physical, physiological and pathological testing

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States

August 25-25, 2011

WEBINAR - Corn sheller run - Warehouse and bulk sampling, shakeouts, and sample retention

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States




June 7-11, 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit
Washington, DC


October 29, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


February 15-20, 2026
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
San Diego, California


November 4, 2026
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 14-17, 2026
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


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