July 09
Researchers publish
integrated genetic and cytogenetic map of the cucumber genome
"Communicating Crop
Biotechnology: Stories from Stakeholders", a new ISAAA Brief
ISAAA releases new
Pocket K on marker-free GM plants
June 09
ISAAA publishes
"Biotech Crops in India: The Dawn of a New Era"
February 09
Biotech crops
poised for second wave of growth - Political will strengthens
Deuxième vague de croissance pour les plantes
biotechnologiques - La volonté politique s’accroit à l’échelle
Destaques da situação global das lavouras biotecnológicas/GM
comercializadas : 2008
Datos más destacados del informe sobre la situación mundial de
la comercialización de cultivos biotecnológicos/transgénicos en
ISAAA Brief 38
on "The Development and Regulation on Bt Brinjal in India
December 08
ISAAA publishes
"Trust in the Seed" to highlight the significance of the seed
and new crop technologies
October 08
Bridging the
knowledge divide: experiences in communicating crop
Combler le fossé des connaissances: expériences de
communication dans le domaine de la biotechnologie végétale
April 08
Conversations about Plant
ISAAA Chairman
shares results of 2007 report on global status of GM crops in
new online video and podcast
February 08
Biotech crops
experience remarkable dozen years of double-digit growth -
Socio-economic benefits becoming evident among resource-poor
Los cultivos agrobiotecnológicos registran doce años de
crecimiento de doble dígito - Los beneficios socioeconómicos se
hacen evidentes entre los agricultores de pocos recursos
Douze années exceptionnelles de croissance à deux chiffres pour
les cultures biotechnologiques - Les bienfaits socio-économiques
commencent à se voir chez les agriculteurs aux ressources
June 07
Genes are Gems:
Reporting Agri-Biotechnology - A sourcebook for journalists
February 07
GM crop
production up 180% in the Republic of South Africa
January 07
Global biotech
area surges past 100 million hectares on 13 percent growth -
Study predicts 200 million hectares, 20 million farmers by 2015
El área global
de cultivos transgénicos supera los 100 millones de hectáreas
con un crecimiento del 13% - Un estudio pronostica que para el
año 2015 habrá 20 millones de agricultores en 200 millones de
Global status of
commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2006
June 06
ISAAA fact sheet on
approved Bt cotton hybrids in India
January 06
Global biotech crop area
continues to soar in 2005 after decade of commercialization
La superficie mundial de
los cultivos biotecnológicos continúa aumentando en el 2005 tras una
década de comercialización
August 05
Fact sheet on biotech crops under development in India
May 05
ISAAA: Fact sheet on approved Bt cotton hybrids in India
January 05
Global status of
commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2004
- Worldwide biotech crops
experience near record growth
- Crecimiento récord de los cultivos transgénicos en el mundo
- Croissance quasi record des cultures biotechnologiques dans le monde
- Wachstumsrekorde des weltweiten Anbaus transgener Pflanzen auch für
- Seconda crescita record per le coltivazioni di piante geneticamente
modificate nel mondo
- Plantações de transgênicos no mundo aproximam-se do recorde de
June 04
opportunities for new European Union members
The 'omics' sciences:
genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics
April 04
Future prospects for
biotech crops
January 04
- Double-digit
growth continues for biotech crops worldwide
Pour la septième
année consécutive, les cultures génétiquement modifiées
connaissent une croissance à deux chiffres
La superficie
sembrada con cultivos biotecnológicos aumenta más de un 10 por
ciento en todo el mundo
zweistelliges Rekordwachstum des globalen Anbaus transgener
November 03
Biotech corn can boost yields to help meet growing world food demands -
Rising incomes in developing world will make corn the
No. 1 crop in 2020