August 09
New dialogue
makes significant progress in addressing independent seed
research research on commercial, patent-protected seed
products in the USA
July 09
American Seed Trade
Association (ASTA) develops guides on emerging diseases for
commercial growers
American Seed
Research Foundation (ASRF) marks 50 years of success
June 09
First the Seed
Foundation launches website focusing on seed industry
May 09
Seed panel of
the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO)
holds its first meeting
April 09
126th Annual
Convention of the American Seed Trade Association offers
greater value with new format
March 09
American Seed
Research Foundation marks 50 years of success
ASTA's First the
Seed Foundation meets benchmarks of success
December 08
Seed Trade Association launches Beyond the Seed Program to
communicate a shared message on the benefits of intellectual
property rights to customers and policy makers
October 08
American Seed
Trade Association suspends Market Choices, the grain marketing
program and certification mark
Successful first
American Seed Research Summit outlines path forward
Seed Trade Association welcomes progress in updating USDA
biotechnology regulations
Marketing magazine to publish salute to the American Seed
Trade Association
September 08
Seed Research Summit to address major challenges to future
seed research
Biotechnology Industry Organization and the American Seed
Trade Association join with Congressional Biotech Caucus to
highlight importance of agricultural biotechnology
reinvents the Seed Expo to feature services and suppliers
across all seed types
Giant Views of the Industry interview posted on
August 08
American Seed
Trade Association launches Guide to Seed Quality Management
American Seed
Trade Association introduces new slate of leadersship
July 08
First the
Seed Foundation kicks off fund raising effort
American Seed
Trade Association (ASTA) partners with CIMMYT and USAID to
test market segmentation of seed for agricultural
development in Africa
American Seed
Trade Association launches Guide to Seed Quality Management
June 08
U.S. seed
industry announces new foundation to support education
American Seed
Trade Association celebrates 125 years of advocacy and
advancement for seed industry
May 08
American seed
industry honors Dr. Roger Krueger
April 08
American Seed
Trade Association announces first 2008 Future Seed
Executives (FuSE) educational unit hosted by Syngenta
property fosters research and development in agriculture
March 08
New resource
available on the website of the American Seed Trade
Association (ASTA)
January 08
ASTA gives
back: American seed industry lends a green thumb to the New
Orleans Botanical Gardens
November 07
Acting U.S.
Secretary of Agriculture to speak at the Opening General
Session of the upcoming ASTA CSS 2007 & Seed Expo in
American Seed Trade Association staff to focus on
communications and seed health
Nichols joins ASTA as Director of International Programs
September 07
Seed Trade Association welcomes development of APHIS
Biotechnology Quality Management System
June 07
U.S. National
Corn Growers Association looks to future cooperation with
the seed industry
January 07
American Seed
Trade Association to co-host Conservation Workshop on March
15-16 - Members will examine impact of farm bill, Conservation
Reserve Program and ethanol on the seed industry
American Seed
Trade Association creates first comprehensive Guide to State
Seed Regulations
ASTA expands
legislative and regulatory staff
December 06
In memoriam Gary
geneticist Dr. Jerry Miller receives ASTA's Plant Breeding Award
November 06
Scientists, industry
and government leaders to convene in Chicago for annual soy, corn &
sorghum research conference
September 06
Statement by American
Seed Trade Association CEO on the ruling of the WTO
Market Choices™
database aids U.S. corn growers at harvest
August 06
Delta and Pine Land
Company executive named Chairman of the American Seed Trade Association
Lisa J. Dry joins
American Seed Trade Association as Vice President of Public Affairs
March 06
Seed Trade Association announces new Vice President for Scientific and
International Affairs
January 06
Andrew LaVigne tapped to
lead American Seed Trade Association
November 05
First open meeting of
the new Seed Association of the Americas
Richard Crowder,
President and Chief Executive Officer for the American Seed Trade
Association, to be Chief Agricultural Negotiator, Office of the United
States Trade Representative
August 05
Future Seed Executives (FuSE) initiative is
pleased to announce its third educational unit
Newly launched Seed Association of the Americas to focus on intellectual
property protection, biotechnology and phytosanitary issues
April 04
USDA signs agreement with
the American Seed Trade Association
September 02
ASTA grain handlers
database updated for 2002 harvest
July 02
Dr. John Baylor named
Honorary Member of the American Seed Trade Association
National Seed Health System
(NSHS) developers receive ASTA Distinguished Service Awards
March 02
Richard T. Crowder joins
ASTA as new Chief Executive Officer
Febraury 02
Celebrate the gene
revolution at ASTA's Boston Seed Party
January 02
All rows lead to Chicago
for FIS Congress in May
December 01
Seed trade to be enhanced by China's entry into WTO
American Seed Trade Association meeting provided high yield of
Dr. Arnel
Hallauer receives Crop Genetics Award of the Year
China in WTO
and its impact on seed sector to be discussed at ASTA press
conference Dec. 5
November 01
ASTA to host
Producer Protection Workshop on December 6
Biotechnology, farm
policy on the menu at ASTA Corn & Sorghum and Soybean Seed Research
September 01
ASTA grain handlers
database updated for 2001 harvest
August 01
National Seed Health System
to enhance U.S. seed exports
July 01
Grain sorghum
researchers receive ASTA Distinguished Service Awards
meeting fosters seed production and trade in North America
premarket review of biotech foods will enhance public confidence, say
seed and biotech trade groups
members to provide StarLink™ testing validation
members remove corn seed with traces of StarLink™
Seed Trade Association calls for global standards of tolerance for
adventitious biotech material in traditional seed
ASTA Grain Handlers Database
updated for 2000 harvest
Annual Convention gateway to information superhighway and future of