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June 09

Measuring diseases via plant emissions

Plant breeder logic

March 09

Wageningen University scientists develop potato plants that sustainably produce 'platform chemicals'

November 08

Cisgenic potato resists phytophthora

June 08

Breakthrough in plant medicine production at Wageningen UR

May 08

Dr Andries Koops appointed as manager of the business unit Bioscience of Plant Research International

Seed transmission of Pepino mosaic virus in tomato

Nauwelijks vermenging tussen genetisch gemodificeerde maïs en gangbare maïs

April 08

Plant Research International and Luminex develop multiplex detection for the agricultural and food industries

Genetically modified potatoes do not affect microflora in the soil

March 08

Wageningen scientist discovers genes that increase yield on marginal soils

November 07

Investing in the next generation of DNA sequencers: Wageningen University and Research Centre buys the Roche Genome Sequencer FLX
Wageningen UR investeert in nieuwe generatie DNA-sequencers

Tomato disease in Mexico caused by new virus
Tomatenziekte in Mexico veroorzaakt door nieuw virus

Neues Virus verursacht Tomatenkrankheit in Mexiko
Un nuevo virus ocasiona enfermedad en el tomate
Maladie des tomates au Mexique provoquée par un nouveau virus

Plant Research International and Bayer BioScience start a research collaboration to improve plant glycosylation
Plant Research International B.V. en Bayer BioScience N.V. hebben een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten op het gebied van glycosylering van eiwitten in planten

June 07

Food poisoning by Salmonella in lettuce plants can be avoided

May 07

New thrips attractants support growers in pest control

Genetically modified chicory brings hope to African malaria patients

February 07

Wageningen UR scientists unmask virus that threatens Spanish tomato growing

Genetic modification a tool for making vegetables and fruit (even) healthier

May 06

Plant Research International charts structure of sex pheromone of the harmful insect Duponchelia fovealis - Pheromone traps for early signalling available soon

January 06

Plants speak to their friends, but their enemies are eavesdropping

October 05

Plant Research International and CatchMabs join forces to develop new technology for the detection of toxins and pathogens

March 05

Mycosphaerella graminicola, major wheat pathogen chosen for genome sequencing
Patógeno principal del trigo escogido para secuenciar el genoma

November 04

Genome of Mycosphaerella graminicola fungus, cause of number one wheat disease, soon to be identified

September 04

Maximum use of rumen capacity merits further research: sweeter grass does not lead to more milk

August 04

Plant Research International recognised for major contribution to Indonesian agriculture

June 03

Sufficient organic starting material available in the Netherlands for major crops in 2004

May 03

Keygene and Plant Research International sign framework agreement on the application of molecular markers based on Keygene’s AFLP® technology

January 02

Plant Research International uses aromatic substances to increase yields for rooibos tea

December 02

Molecular research ensures breath of fresh air

November 02

Dow and Plant Research International to collaborate on therapeutic glycoprotein production in plants

October 02

Agriculture and green spaces for a healthy environment' project wins major award

How tasty is a strawberry and why?

May 02

Genome of PURAC’s lactic acid-producing microorganism completed by Greenomics™ (Plant Research International B.V.)

Plant Research International grants Danisco a license on technology in plant metabolomics

December 01

Gentech breakthough for ecological chrysanthemums (4044)

Newly published report lists regulations for health-promoting gentech food products - differences between EU and US clarified (4039)

Shortage of nitrogen plays role in organic farming at an early stage (4027)

September 01

AGF Innovation Award 2001 for healthy plants - Significant innovation for fruit and vegetable market thanks to collaboration between Koppert Trading and Plant Research International (3835)

August 01

PamGene, Whatman and Plant Research International collaborate to develop new genomic tools for agrobiotechnology applications (3763)

March 01

DNA chips for improved product quality (3370)

February 01

Plant Research International and RIKILT announce breakthrough in medicine production via plants (3343)

January 01

Wageningen UR unscrambles genetic code of key Chinese virus (3345)
Wageningen UR ontrafelt de genetische code van belangrijk Chinees virus

Plant Research International to sequence DNA of main wheat pathogen (3344)

November 00

Plant Research International ‘domesticeert’ gewas met industriële toepassingen

October 00

Het nitraatbeleid: de wetenschap, de sector en het beleid 
Nationaal symposium over onderzoekresultaten, praktijk en normen, met speciale aandacht voor melkveehouderij op zandgrond

Plant Research International en het Amerikaanse instituut NCGR bundelen krachten in bioinformatica

Greenomics (Plant Research International B.V.) finishes the sequencing of Lactobacillus plantarum genome for Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences

Dr. Fokkema krijgt belangrijke Duitse wetenschappelijke onderscheiding

September 00

Plant Research International vindt beter houdbare lelies

Internationale workshop "Towards an ecologically sound fertilisation in field vegetable production"

August 00

Van Tunen bijzonder hoogleraar Biochemie van planten UvA

June 00

Onmogelijk mooie Clematis wordt toch mogelijk

Plant Research International publiceert doorbraak in genomica

Actieplan genomics overha ndigd aan kabinet; pleidooi voor gecoördineerde aanpak en versterking ‘GENOMICS’ (2264f)

April 00

Plant Research International kan smaak van appels al aan kiemplantjes voorspellen

Plant Research International levert nieuwe inzichten in verspreiding van akkerdistel

Plant Research International maakt ziekteverwekkers ziek en gewassen beter

March 00

Zorglandbouw kan lonend zijn

January 00

Plant Research International van start

November 99

Research alliance between DLO and AgrEvo

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