The Wageningen UR research project proposal 'Agriculture and
green spaces for a healthy environment' has won the prestigious
‘Sprongprijs’ award. Presented by the Dutch National Initiative
for Sustainable Development (NIDO), this annual award is granted
to a research proposal judged to have major potential in the
field of sustainable development. The award ceremony took place
on 22 October in the Beurs van Berlage building in Amsterdam as
part of the 'Crossing the thinkable: making sustainable
innovation work' conference. The NIDO will now provide financial
support towards the realisation of Jan Hassink’s proposal
(Wageningen UR) to the tune of 500,000 euros.
The 'Agriculture and green spaces for a healthy environment'
research proposal is geared towards the contribution that
‘agriculture and green spaces in and around the city’ are able
to make to the social, mental and physical health of human
beings. Many people with health problems benefit from staying
and working on a farm with animals or plants. At the same time,
many agricultural companies are looking to establish a more
sustainable basis for their operations.
Hassink’s proposal aims to bridge the huge gap between the
social service and agricultural sectors by cooperating with
different groups of interested parties. In the process, he also
intends to build up a professional knowledge network. A genuine
breakthrough is possible when the direct link between productive
agriculture and psychological healthcare will be established.
The jury found that the proposal is in tune with social
trends and current developments, stating that: "The
(un)healthiness of people and the future of agriculture are
vital issues in today’s society." It also applauded the way the
proposal brought different parties together. With the scientific
support in place, the jury anticipated both green and care
projects would be addressed in a focused manner.
In the execution of the proposal, partners from the
agriculture, care, labour & welfare and construction sectors
plus social organisations, researchers, industry, professionals
from the field, policy employees and civilians will cooperate
and learn from each other.
The proposal will involve Wageningen UR working with many
parties in agriculture, green space and healthcare such as the
Landelijk Centrum Opbouwwerk, Landelijk Steunpunt Landbouw en
Zorg, Innovatienetwerk Groene Ruimte en Agrocluster, Stichting
Kinderboerderijen Nederland, de Vereniging van Zorgboeren,
Stichting Omslag en LTO advies Groenforum, Hoge Woerd, the
University of Maastricht, the University of Utrecht, Rotterdam
and Amsterdam councils, and FORUM.