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News and Developments from ZERAIM GEDERA
Fertilization Requirements of the Plant:
Growth stage Nitrogen
Planting to first blossom *4.0 1.0-1.5 2.0-3.0
Fruit development to harvest 4.5 1.0 1.6
Harvest at red stage 4.5 1.0 1.6

In order to achieve the aim of extended fruit bearing, and for this purpose to create enough foliage at the initial stages of the growth, it is necessary to remove blossoms at first and second levels and, depending on the development, perhaps also at the third level. This can be done manually or by shading, which causes the blossoms to drop off.


The desired radiation level inside the structure is 800-1000 micro-Einstein during the middle of the day. When radiation is too strong, the dropping of flowers can be achieved with a 30-40% shade net during a number of weeks from planting. Another method is to apply a light whitewash to the roof.
For improved pollination and fruit setting, it is recommended to shake the plants. This will also increase the size of the fruit and improve their quality.

Harvesting should take place when the evening dew has already dried but before the fruit warm up. The picked fruit should be immediately shaded. Fruit should be stored at 8°C. When marketing of red fruit is required, picking should take place when 70% of the fruit surface area has changed color. If the distance to the market is short and temperatures not too high, it is preferable to pick when 90% of the fruit surface has changed color.

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