Planting &
Plant Population: Planting distances depend on climate and light
intensity. The greater the light intensity and the lower the relative
humidity, the greater the possibility of increasing the density of plant
population. For example:In Israel:
high light intensity – low
humidity "Spanish" trellising: beds are prepared with a width of 1.4-1.6 meters;
two rows are planted in each bed. The distance between rows within the
bed is 50 cm and the distance between plants in each row is 30 cm. In
total, 42,000 – 45,000 plants/ha. "Dutch" trellising: there are two planting possibilities:
a) single rows – the distance between rows is 1.2 meter and between
plants 25 cm. Total: 33,500 plants/ha.
b) double rows on 1.6 – 1.8 meter beds, 50-60 cm between rows within the
bed and 35 cm between plants in each row. Total: 32,000 – 35,000
In Almeria,
medium light intensity – relatively high humidity.
Single rows – Distance between rows: 1 meter; distance between plants:
0.5 meter. Total: 20,000 plants/ha.
Before planting, one should ensure
that the root mass is soaked in water. Planting is done in damp soil
previously irrigated. Planting should be done as deeply as possible, at
least above the root neck. Immediately after planting, drippers should
be placed near the plant.
Irrigation should be carried out not later than 1-2 hours after the
commencement of planting. One should check that the soil around the
plants is indeed wet. When possible, irrigation should be carried out
during planting. During the first few days, one should irrigate
frequently in order to encourage root growth.
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