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News and Developments from ZERAIM GEDERA
Sweet Seedless Success - Zeraim Gedera's watermelon varieties
Zeraim Gedera began its involvement in seedless watermelon in 1986. It was a new area of operation and much has been invested in research and development. After learning the tricks of the trade, performance has skyrocketed and currently our varieties are considered some of the best in the market. Our Crimson type seedless watermelons "Sweetheart" and "Crispy Sweet" are performing outstandingly here in Israel as well as in the USA and Mexico.

"Motril", our Tiger Stripe seedless watermelon, has quickly become one of the most successful varieties in Spain. Our program continues to reach even higher levels through well-focused research and development. New advances are being made to deliver consistent, high-performance products with wide climatic condition adaptability. Our ultimate goal is to provide the farmer with the right variety, consistently bringing a high quality product to the consumers.

Recently, we interviewed two Israeli growers in order to get some feedback directly from the field. Hanan Mor, a key Israeli watermelon grower from the village of Kfar Tafor, near Mount Tabot, markets his watermelons to the large food chains. He brands his produce with his own label and deliberately includes his telephone number.

 "What I look for in a watermelon is quality", says Hanan, "and I am not afraid to take responsibility for my produce. Like any other food, watermelon has to be pleasing to the eye, and a good watermelon variety has to show consistency over a long period of time. good color, taste and shelf-life are essential. Zeraim Gedera's watermelon breeder is top-notch."

This year, Hanan grew Zeraim's "Sweetheart" and "Crispy Sweet" on 50% of his land and he is planning to increase the areas grown with Zeraim Gedera varieties next year.

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