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News archive 1997-2008
University of Queensland

July 25, 2024

The road to food security through better plant disease management

July 10, 2024

The heat is on: Fast tracking high temperature tolerant chickpea varieties

June 11, 2024

Boosting grain size in sorghum by increasing the grain filling duration

June 5, 2024

The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (APPF) has been officially renamed the Australian Plant Phenomics Network (APPN) - The change reflects our new national network

April 12, 2024

Leading a new chapter in international cooperation on wild rice

April 11, 2024

Twin role speeds path of research into improving varieties (Grain Central)

Best of both worlds: translating research to industry

March 20, 2024

A wholistic approach is the key to improving drought adaptation in crops

March 14, 2024

Leading a new chapter in international cooperation on wild rice

October 26, 2023

A wild Australian grain to diversify diets - Researchers from The University of Queensland hope wild millet from outback Australia’s Channel Country could help feed the world as climate change impacts established grain crops

August 28, 2023

Australia - National partnership to harness analytics for grains RD&E

August 11, 2023

Turning big data into better breeds and varieties: Can artificial intelligence help feed the planet?

July 31, 2023

University of Queensland to strengthen industry-ready workforce with ARC funding

July 14, 2023

A student quinella at the Global Sorghum Conference in France - Two University of Queensland students topped the best student presentation awards at the recent Sorghum in the 21st Century conference

June 2, 2023

Research to improve yield stability of “money” beans - A mungbean field trial at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus is shedding light on improving yield stability of the high value crop

May 29, 2023

Field trial at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus looks to boost yield stability of mungbeans (Grain Central)

March 29, 2023

University of Queensland papers proposing reforms to Australia's plant breeder's rights regime (Lexology)

March 3, 2023

Problem weed evolves to grow in Queensland's summer

March 2, 2023

University of Queensland students can apply for a A$5,000 Pacific Seeds Scholarship to assist with their final year agricultural studies

February 9, 2023

Scientists crack one of broadacre cropping’s most sought genetic secrets

December 21, 2022

Accelerating genetic gain in grain crops will be the subject of a 15-million dollar International Research Training Group (IRTG) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in association with The University of Queensland

December 15, 2022

Accelerating genetic gain in grain crops to be the subject of a 15-million dollar International Research Training Group funded by the German Research Foundation in association with The University of Queensland

November 30, 2022

Is photosynthesis the silver bullet to improve crop yield?

November 18, 2022

Züchtung von Nutzpflanzen beschleunigen - Im Rahmen eines neuen DFG-geförderten internationalen Graduiertenkollegs wollen Gießener Forschende mithilfe moderner Technologien Nutzpflanzen an veränderte Umweltbedingungen anpassen (Biooekonomie)

September 16, 2022

Tapping into roots to develop sustainable wheat

August 30, 2022

A battle is won in the fight against food scarcity - A focus on the traits linked to photosynthesis could hold the key to improving crop yields, according to University of Queensland research

August 19, 2022

The hunt for more sustainable agriculture

August 18, 2022

Accelerating genetic gain – the role of Genomic Breeding Values

Next generation scientists to tackle plant problems at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture

August 4, 2022

Adapting Australian wheat to changing environments



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