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News archive 1997-2008
U.S. Federal Register

May 17, 2024

U.S. Federal Register - Bacillus thuringensis Cry1B.868 and Cry1Da_7 proteins; Exemption from the requirement of a tolerance

July 7, 2023

U.S. Federal Register - Black stem rust; Identification requirements for addition of rust–resistant varieties

April 11, 2023

USDA/APHIS - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.; Availability of a draft plant pest risk assessment and draft environmental assessment for determination of nonregulated status for insect resistant and herbicide-tolerant maize

USDA/APHIS - Notice of request for extension of approval of an information collection; imported seeds and screening

May 16, 2022

U.S. Federal Register - Competition and the intellectual property system: seeds and other agricultural inputs - Comment period extended until June 15, 2022

March 15, 2022

USDA/APHIS - Determination of Nonregulated Status of Plant-Parasitic: BASF Corp.; Nematode-protected and herbicide-tolerant soybean, 14440–14441 [2022–05444]

July 19, 2021

USDA/APHIS - Movement of organisms modified or produced through genetic engineering; Notice of exemptions

June 30, 2021

U.S. Federal Register - USDA/APHIS, reopening of comment period - Bayer; Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement for determination of nonregulated status for maize developed using genetic engineering for dicamba, glufosinate, quizalofop, and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid resistance, with tissue-specific glyphosate resistance facilitating the production of hybrid maize seed

June 24, 2021

U.S. Federal Register - Availability of a draft plant pest risk assessment, draft environmental assessment, preliminary determination, and preliminary finding of no significant impact for determination of nonregulated status of maize developed using genetic engineering for the production of phytase enzyme

December 30, 2020

USA - Amendments to the pale cyst nematode regulations

November 27, 2020

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Glyphosate registration review; Draft Endangered Species Act biological evaluations; Notice of availability

November 11, 2020

USDA/APHIS - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.; Availability of a request and plant pest risk similarity assessment for an extension of determination of nonregulated status for maize for use in the seed production technology for Africa process

October 28, 2020

U.S. Federal Register - Domestic hemp production program, request for approval of a new information collection

October 15, 2020

U.S. Federal Register - Revisions to the Federal Seed Act Regulations; Correction

September 7, 2020

U.S. Federal Register - Establishment of a domestic hemp production program; Comment period reopened

July 20, 2020

U.S. Federal Register - Pioneer Hi-Bred International; Availability of a preliminary pest risk assessment and draft environmental assessment for corn designated DP202216 Maize, which has been genetically engineered for enhanced grain yield potential and Glufosinate-ammonium herbicide resistance

June 5, 2020

USDA/APHIS, Amendments to the pale cyst nematode regulations

May 18, 2020

USDA/APHIS - Movement of certain genetically engineered organisms; Final rule

May 15, 2020

USDA/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Notice of request for reinstatement of an information collection; Imported seeds and screenings

May 5, 2020

U.S. Federal Register - USDA/APHIS : Notice of availability of an environmental assessment for release of Aphelinus hordei for biological control of Russian wheat aphid

January 28, 2020

U.S. Fewderal Register - Revision of three U.S. grade standards for carrots

January 23, 2020

U.S. Federal Register - USDA/AMS - National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard; Validation of refining processes

January 6, 2020

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Pesticide Registration Review; Proposed interim decisions for several triazines; Notice of availability

December 18, 2019

USA - Establishment of a domestic hemp production program

October 31, 2019

USDA/ARS - Establishment of a domestic hemp production program

U.S. Federal Register : Establishment of a domestic hemp production program

September 13, 2019

U.S. Federal Register: Environmental Impact Statement; Regulation of the Importation, Interstate Movement, and Intrastate Movement of Plant Pests: Record of Decision

August 7, 2019

U.S. Federal Register - Determination of Nonregulated Status: Soybean genetically engineered for yield increase and resistance to glufosinate; Verdeca, LLC

U.S. Federal Register - Determination of Nonregulated Status: Canola genetically engineered for altered oil profile and resistance to an Imidazolinone herbicide; BASF Plant Science, LP

July 12, 2019

U.S. Federal Register - Regulations and Procedures Under the Plant Variety Protection Act



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