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News archive 1997-2008
North Carolina State University

July 19, 2024

A North Carolina State University engineer and plant pathologist work together to create robotics to get ahead of cucurbit downy mildew, a devastating cucumber disease

North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative advances AI for agriculture

June 14, 2024

At North Carolina State University, the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative avances artificial intelligence for agriculture

June 13, 2024

Registration is open for the 2024 North Carolina State University Fiber Hemp Field Day

May 27, 2024

Professors attend launch of African lndigenous vegetables project in Kenya

May 7, 2024

Growing a homerun peanut - Nearly all of the peanuts enjoyed at major and minor league baseball games hail from the peanut breeding program at North Carolina State University

April 9, 2024

Giving symbiosis back to the brassicas

March 26, 2024

New software boosts accuracy of technology to measure crop health

March 13, 2024

A simple trick could improve accuracy of plant genetics research

February 16, 2024

Using written records – and tweets – as a roadmap for plant disease spread

December 20, 2023

USA - Land-grant university scientists are making turfgrass safer, better for the environment

October 10, 2023

A new leaf in tobacco breeding

October 3, 2023

New North Carolina State University tomato varieties tested (Wilkes Journal-Patriot)

September 29, 2023

What makes a carrot orange? Genome study offers answers to questions about pigmentation, domestication

September 20, 2023

New North Carolina State university peanut variety extends harvest window for growers (Farm Progress)

September 15, 2023

No pollen, no seeds: genome editing technique yields useful traits

September 7, 2023

USDA/ARS to break ground on new plant research facility on North Carolina State University campus

September 6, 2023

North Carolina State University Assistant Professor Joseph Gage secures $1.9M NIH grant to study gene-environment interactions

August 8, 2023

North Carolina State University’s Lake Wheeler Turfgrass Field Laboratory receives generous gift

July 18, 2023

New online tool maps ‘beans gone wild’

June 29, 2023

New tool predicts crop yields in the southeastern United States

May 17, 2023

USDA/AMS launches hemp farm search tool

April 13, 2023

Multifunctional patch offers early detection of plant diseases, other crop threats

March 29, 2023

The philanthropic pioneers of plant science

March 24, 2023

Cover crops help mitigate farmer losses

March 6, 2023

SunGrains, a collaborative breeding program of seven states including North Carolina, Clemson, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas, sets the model for collaborative plant breeding

Wheeled robot measures leaf angles to help breed better corn plants

February 28, 2023

Horticultural Salary Survey

December 22, 2022

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) grant tackles peanut allergy

December 6, 2022

Scientists prepare for exploding Christmas tree seeds



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