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News archive 1997-2008
United Kingdom, Ministry of Agriculture

June 26, 2015

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, June 2015

May 26, 2015

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, May 2015

April 23, 2015

Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, April 2015

March 25, 2015

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, March 2015

February 26, 2015

EU regulation on GM Organisms not 'fit for purpose'

February 24, 2015

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, February 2015

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, Special edition 2015/1

January 15, 2015

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, January 2015

December 24, 2014

Government funded spider venom project to provide lifeline for bees - United Kingdom businesses and universities to benefit from £16 million of funding to solve some of the world’s greatest agricultural challenges

December 16, 2014

United Kingdom - Plant disease prevention and control: state aid re-registration

November 15, 2014

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, November 2014

October 15, 2014

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, December 2014

October 8, 2014

Inited Kingdom - Animal and Plant Health Agency is launched

September 8, 2014

United Kingdom - Deputy Prime Minister announces Kew Gardens funding to be protected

August 13, 2014

United Kingdom - Combined agency to safeguard animal and plant health

July 30, 2014

United Kingdom - Zonal Harmonisation Seed Treatment Project: Revised UK requirements addressing the storage of treated seed

June 24, 2014

United Kingdom - National Farmers Union continues to call for sound science

May 14, 2014

United Kingdom - Growing our future: plant science to address global challenges and boost growth

May 3, 2014

United Kingdom - Agricultural Minister announces shake up of Defra agencies (Farmers Guardian)

May 1, 2014

United Kingdom - Update from the Plant Health & Seeds Inspectorate - ban on certain imports from India

April 17, 2014

Trial of GM plants to help fight heart disease given go-ahead - Scientists to grow a crop of camelina plants genetically modified to produce fish oils that could be used in health supplements (The Guardian)

March 14, 2014

United Kingdom - David Cameron's science advisers call for expansion of GM crops (The Guardian)

March 12, 2014

United Kingdom - New Chief Plant Health Officer announced - Professor Nicola Spence to take up post in April

March 11, 2014

United kingdom - DEFRA Secretary Owen Paterson backs EU proposal to fast-track GM crops (Farmers Weekly)

October 30, 2013

United Kingdom - National Listing and Plant Breeders' Rights: Consultation on revision of fees to achieve full cost recovery for statutory services

September 7, 2013

United Kingdom - Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE) publishes three reports on the EU regulatory system for GMOs

July 24, 2013

UK’s agricultural resilience strengthened by new initiative in York

June 28, 2013

British scientists to lead major EU-funded project (TESTA) which will look at how and what pests and diseases are transmitted by seed, together with the reliable detection and disinfection of contaminated seed

June 14, 2013

Rothamsted Research is granted permission by Defra to plant autumn-sown wheat as part of its GM field trial

June 13, 2013

United Kingdom - Defra approves Rothamsted GM wheat trial extension (Farmers Guardian)

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