April 08
Soybean variety
selection in Illinois
Fungicide seed
treatments and poor quality soybean seed
Pioneer's Optimum
AcreMax 1 Insect Protection - What is it?
November 07
Is the European
corn borer an endangered species?
November 06
The Bulletin No 24,
November 3, 2006
- North Central Weed Science
Society Meeting
- Results from the 2006 fall survey for second-generation
European corn borers
- Syngenta's Agrisure RW event encounters significant challenge
in University of Illinois Experiment
- Controlling perennial weed species
March 06
Results from University of
Illinois' insect management research trials conducted in 2005 and 2004
are on the Web
Bt corn and neonicotinoid
seed treatments: are nontarget effects and potential insecticide
resistance justified concerns?
October 05
Bulletin No. 23
September 05
No 22,
September 2, 2005
- Preliminary root-evaluation ratings
available for DeKalb and Urbana corn rootworm product trials
- Annual survey for second-generation
European corn borers set to begin
- Aflatoxin in the corn crop?
- A drought-stressed corn crop nears
harvest in Illinois
August 05
Wheat seed
treatments for fall 2005
April 05
University of Illinois Extension - The Bulletin
No. 5
- Insect management research under way
- First
intense capture of black cutworm moths
- Corn flea beetles feeding on seedling
- Soybean aphids: impact of soil
potassium and overwintering temperatures on population dynamics
- European researchers investigate the
influence of maize roots and subsequent infection rates of
western corn rootworm larvae by nematodes
- Challenges for alfalfa growers
University of
Illinois Extension - The Bulletin No. 4
- Soybean Aphids and Rust: Looking at the Glass Half Full
- Outlook for Soybean Rust in Illinois
- Update on Management of Soybean Rust with Fungicides in
- Crop Conditions and Soybean Seeding Rates
University of
Illinois Extension - The Bulletin No. 3
- Proceedings of the 1999-2005 Crop
Protection Technology Conference
- Protecting corn from soil insect injury
- Cruiser registered for use on soybeans
- Does corn seed size really matter?
December 04
University of
Illinois Extension - The Bulletin
- More about the corn rootworm management
distance education workshop
- New crop
management conferences planned by University of Illinois Extension
- 2005 crop protection technology
conference--don't forget to register
- Consistency ratings for corn rootworm control products
- Asian soybean rust confirmation in Louisiana raises concern of
potential impact of this disease in Illinois
- Effects of plant growth regulator herbicides on soybeans
November 04
Asian soybean
rust confirmation in Lousiana raises concern of potential impact
of this disease in Illinois
University of
Illinois Extension - The Bulletin
- 2005 Crop Protection Technology
Conference--Speakers Announced
- Corn Rootworm Management Distance Education Workshop
- Results from
the Annual Fall Survey for Second-Generation European Corn Borers
- Review of 2004 Soybean Insect Management
- Illinois Soybean and Corn Diseases in
Review--Reports and Observations from 2004
October 04
University of
Illinois Extension - The Bulletin
- Mark Your
Calendars for the 2005 Crop Protection Technology Conference
- Dates and Locations Set for the 2005 University of Illinois Corn and
Soybean Classics
- Follow-up to Our Article Regarding YieldGard Rootworm Corn
- Results of Variant Western Corn Rootworm Larval-Injury Survey
- Clarification Regarding the 2004 Evaluations of Corn Rootworm Control
- Does the 2004 Fall Flight of Soybean Aphids Help Us Forecast Their
Potential for 2005?
- Introducing the Western Bean Cutworm
- Green in the Fields at Harvest
- New Crop and Weed Identification DVD
- Regional Reports
September 04
University of
Illinois Extension - The Bulletin
- Transgenic corn rootworm hybrid stumbles in Urbana experiment
- 2004 evaluations of rootworm control products
- Hessian flies and fly-free dates
- Western corn rootworm scouting report form
- Brown stem rot and sudden death syndrome: similar yet
different damaging soybean diseases
- Toward the finish line: the likely effects of an unusually
cool August in Illinois for corn and soybean