Registration for the 2007 Illinois Crop Protection
Technology Conference and the University of Illinois Corn &
Soybean Classics Will Be Available Soon
Synopses of January 2007 University of Illinois
educational programs are provided.
North Central Weed Science Society Meeting
Producers and others in search of current information
about weeds and weed management should consider attending
December's North Central Weed Science Society meeting in
Results from the 2006 Fall Survey for Second-Generation
European Corn Borers
Population densities of second-generation European corn
borers increased noticeably in most Illinois counties and
crop reporting districts from 2005 to 2006. Corn growers in
western Illinois should be on alert for 2007.
Syngenta's Agrisure RW Event Encounters Significant
Challenge in University of Illinois Experiment, Urbana
Experimental trials continue to reinforce that there are
no silver bullets for corn rootworm larvae.
Controlling Perennial Weed Species
No-till producers should take seasonal effectiveness into
account when deciding whether and when to apply a
postemergence translocated herbicide to perennial weeds.
Fall-Applied Herbicides
Observations are presented in light of studying the
efficacy of fall-applied herbicides for controlling winter
annual weed species.
Regional Report
A report is provided this issue for northern Illinois.