Urbana, Illinois
August 12, 2005
of Illinois Extension
Bulletin No. 21 / August 12, 2005
Treatment of wheat seed before
planting with fungicides, or in some cases insecticides, can be
an important part of an overall disease and wheat management
plan. Many variables come into play when deciding whether seed
treatments pay off: seed cost, seed treatment cost, crop value,
seed condition, seed-bed condition, time of planting,
anticipated disease and insect pressure, intended crop use, and
options for disposal of excess treated seed. Because many of
these variables are difficult to predict with much accuracy
before planting, many folks looking for insurance either plant
wheat a little heavier or use a seed treatment. Just like with
car insurance, you buy the protection you need based on product
performance and your particular situation and risk tolerance.
Many different seed treatments
are registered for use on wheat. Each active ingredient has
strengths and weaknesses, which is why premixed fungicide
products are so common. In addition, an insecticide may be
included or used alone to control insect pests. Typically, seed
treatments last only about 10 to 14 days beyond planting.
However, some products can protect the seedlings considerably
longer when applied at the highest labeled rate. For example,
difenoconazole and triadimenol can protect against fall-season
foliar disease such as powdery mildew and rust. In addition,
imidacloprid or thiamethoxam may be included or used alone to
help manage aphids that transmit the barley yellow dwarf virus.
Although these long-lasting systemic compounds offer a good deal
of protection, they are relatively expensive.
Common active ingredients used
for seed treatment and the fungi they control are listed in
Table 3. Table 4 provides a current, but likely incomplete, list
of seed treatment pesticides labeled for treating wheat seed.
Check with local dealers to determine which products are
available in your area and at what cost. Also consult the
current edition of the Illinois Agricultural Pest Management
Handbook for more information. Several of these products are
available only to commercial seed treaters. Although there are
many convenient premix products on the market, should you decide
to create your own combination, be sure to read and follow the
label of each product and contact the manufacturer if you need