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University of Illinois Extension - The Bulletin - October 2004
University of Illinois Extension
The Bulletin
Pest management and crop development information for Illinois
No. 23, October 8, 2004

TABLE OF CONTENTS (links are to the website of The Bulletin)

Mark Your Calendars for the 2005 Crop Protection Technology Conference
The Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference will be held January 5 and 6. Six symposia and 15 specialty seminars will follow the keynote session on climatological changes and their effects on crop production and crop protection practices.

Dates and Locations Set for the 2005 University of Illinois Corn and Soybean Classics
The six Corn and Soybean Classics scheduled around the state January 11-20 will focus on timely issues associated with crop production and protection.

Follow-up to Our Article Regarding YieldGard Rootworm Corn
Read more about the issue regarding YieldGard Rootworm corn.

Results of Variant Western Corn Rootworm Larval-Injury Survey
Results are presented of a 24-county survey in July and August of western corn rootworm larval injury. Producers are encouraged to base their management decisions for 2005 not solely on their county's average, but on scouting input and the use of thresholds.

Clarification Regarding the 2004 Evaluations of Corn Rootworm Control Products
Force 3G was applied by mistake at a lower-than-recommended rate in the 2004 evaluation of corn rootworm control products.

Does the 2004 Fall Flight of Soybean Aphids Help Us Forecast Their Potential for 2005?
The fall flight of soybean aphids may provide some insight for the potential for soybean aphids for the subsequent year. Based on very limited data over time, the potential for significant infestations of soybean aphids in 2005 exists (though much can change between now and next year's growing season).

Introducing the Western Bean Cutworm
The western bean cutworm, historically a severe pest of both corn and dry beans in the western cornbelt, is moving eastward. Characteristics, life cycle, feeding habits, and scouting guidelines are detailed.

Green in the Fields at Harvest
Hophornbeam copperleaf seems to be more prevalent at harvest this year. The biology of the species is reviewed.

New Crop and Weed Identification DVD
An interactive DVD covering 447 of the most important weeds and crops in the United States and Canada is available from the North Central Weed Science Society.

Regional Reports
Reports are provided this issue for northern and west-central Illinois.

The Bulletin

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