July 09
Bulletin Volume 12 Number 1
Special issue
The future of agricultural biotechnology: creative destruction,
adoption or irrelevance?
January 09
Bulletin Volume 11 Number 2
Insiders' views on business models used by small agricultural
biotechnology firms: economic implications for the emerging
global industry
- An ex-ante evaluation of the economic impact of Bt cotton
adoption by Spanish farmers facing the EU cotton sector reform
- Trust and distrust in biotechnology risk managers: insights
from the United Kingdom, 1996-2002
- Public attitudes toward molecular farming in the UK
- How external political-economic forces affect firms' attitudes
toward the industrial use of genetically modified organisms: an
analysis in the South Korean context
- Does biotech labeling affect consumers' purchasing decisions?
A case study of vegetable oils in Nanjing, China
- Pricing and welfare impacts of new crop traits: the role of
IPRs and Coase's conjecture revisited
July 08
Bulletin Volume 11 Number 1
- Biofuels in the US: today and in the future
- The economic realities, sustainable opportunities, and
technical promises of biofuels
- Global impact of biotech crops: socio-economic and
environmental effects, 1996-2006
- Can information about GM corn and its oil have significant
effects on Japanese consumers' risk perception and their
- Performance of tissue-cultured sweet potatoes among
smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe
- Biotechnology adoption over time in the presence of
non-pecuniary characteristics that directly affect utility: a
derived demand approach
January 08
Bulletin Volume 10 Number 3
Special issue: Biofortified Food Crops: Progress and Prospects
in Developing Countries
- Addressing micronutrient deficiencies: alternative
interventions and technologies
- Patterns of political response to biofortified varieties of
crops produced with different breeding techniques and agronomic
- Political actors on the landscape
- Crop case study: GMO Golden Rice in Asia with enhanced vitamin
A benefits for consumers
- Biofortification for China: political responses to food
fortification and GM technology, interest groups, and possible
- Biofortified crops and biotechnology: a political economy
landscape for India
- Socio-economic and political concerns for GM foods and
biotechnology adoption in the Philippines
- Assessing the prospects for the adoption of biofortified crops
in South Africa
- Biofortified foods and crops in West Africa: Mali and Burkina
- Patterns of political support and pathways to final impact
September 07
Bulletin Volume 10 Number 2
- Current Contribution of Four Biotechnologies to New Zealand's
Primary Sector
- The Economic Impacts of Introducing Bt Technology in
Smallholder Cotton Production Systems of West Africa: A Case
Study from Mali
- Consumer Attitudes and Policy Directions for GM Labeling and
Pollen Drift Regulation: Evidence from the 2006 Vermonter Poll
- Economic Impacts of Not Extending Biofuel Subsidies
- Market and Welfare Effects of GMO Introduction in Small Open
May 07
Volume 10 Number 1
The net gain to cotton farmers of a
natural refuge plan for Bollgard II® cotton
- The long-run impact of corn-based ethanol of the grain,
oilseed, and livestock sectors with implications for biotech
- The cost of product development of Bt corn event MON810 in the
- Insect resistance management plans: the farmers' perspective
- Inequality and GM crops: a case-study of Bt cotton in India
- A review of international labeling policies of genetically
modified food to evaluate India's proposed rule
January 07
Volume 9 Number 3
Insect resistance management for Bt
Corn: an assessment of community refuge schemes
- Global impact of biotech crops: socio-economic and
environmental effects in the first ten years of commercial use
- An analysis of McLean county, Illinois farmers' perceptions of
genetically modified crops
- Consumers willingness to pay for biotech foods in China: a
contingent valuation approach
- Perceptions of genetically modified and organic foods and
- Bales and balance: a review of the methods used to assess the
economic impact of Bt cotton on farmers in developing economies
September 06
Volume 9 Number 2
- Bt
cotton adoption in the United States and China: international trade and
welfare effects
Agricultural biotechnology and organic agriculture: National Organic
Standards and labeling of GM products
Who adopts what kind of technologies? The case of Bt eggplant in India
Public perceptions of tobacco biopharming
Potential regional trade implications of adopting Bt cowpea in West and
Central Africa
Does application matter? An examination of public perception of
agricultural biotechnology applications
June 06
AgBioForum Volume 9
Number 1
Three seasons of subsistence
insect-resistant maize in South Africa: have smallholders
- Will agbiotech applications reach marginalized farmers?
Evidence from developing countries
- Spillovers and crowding effects in a mixed biotech industry:
the case of canola
- International patent behavior of nine major agricultural
biotechnology firms
September 05
Volume 8 Number 2 & 3
issue: Innovation and Dynamic Efficiency in Agricultural
June 05
AgBioForum Volume 8
Number 1
Comparing the
performance of official and unofficial GM cotton in India
- International agricultural research: intellectual property
administrations in the making
- Biopharming and the food system: examining the potential
benefits and risks
- A public consultation on plant molecular farming
- An empirical analysis of U.S. consumers' concerns about 8 food
production and processing technologies
April 05
AgBioForum Volume
7 Number 4
An economic
cost-benefit analysis of GM crop cultivation: an Irish case
Food safety
concerns and biotechnology: consumers' attitudes to GM products
in urban China
Categories of
GM risk-benefit perceptions and their antecedents
distribution of benefits from Bt cotton adoption in South Africa
perceptions of irban Italian and United States consumers for GM
Role of
product benefits and potential risks in consumer acceptance of
GM foods
New pathogen
testing technologies and the market for food safety information
January 05
AgBioForum Volume 7
Number 3
Economic impact of
genetically modified cotton in India
The market potential
of a new high-oleic soybean: an ex ante analysis
Objective and
subjective knowledge: impacts on consumer demand for genetically
modified foods in the United States and the European Union
Can Chinese consumers
be persuaded? The case of genetically modified vegetable oil
Fear and hope over the
third generation of agricultural biotechnology: analysis of public
response in the Federal Register
Europe on transgenic
crops: how public plant breeding and eco-transgenics can help in the
transatlantic debate
AgBioForum Volume 7
Number 1 & 2
Special Issue
Progress, Achievements and Constraints for Plant Biotechnology in
Developing Countries
Guest editors: Nigel Taylor, Lawrence Kent, and Claude Fauquet
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis |