July, 2009
Volume 12 / Number 1 / 2009
Special Issue: The
Future of Agricultural Biotechnology: Creative Destruction,
Adoption, or Irrelevance?
In Honor of Prof. Vittorio Santaniello
The Future of Agricultural Biotechnology: Creative
Destruction, Adoption, or Irrelevance? In Honor of Prof.
Vittorio Santaniello
J. Wesseler & S. Scatasta
Vittorio Santaniello: Founder of the International
Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR)
P.L. Scandizzo, D. Zilberman, & C.E. Pray
The Santaniello Theorem of Irreversible Benefits
J. Wesseler
Persistent Narratives: Why is the "Failure of Bt Cotton in
India" Story Still with Us?
R. Herring
Science and Technology in World Agriculture: Narratives and
P.L. Scandizzo
The Political Economy of Agricultural Biotechnology Policies
G.D. Graff, G. Hochman, & D. Zilberman
The Role of Coordination and Cooperation in Early Adoption
of GM Crops: The Case of Bt Maize in Brandenburg, Germany
N. Consmüller, V. Beckmann, & C. Schleyer
Coping with Ex-ante Regulations for Planting Bt Maize: The
Portuguese Experience
T. Skevas, J. Wesseler, & P. Fevereiro
Biotechnology Research in the CGIAR: An Overview
H. Okusu
Assessing the Performance of GM Maize Amongst Smallholders
in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
M. Gouse, J. Piesse, C. Thirtle, & C. Poulton
Socio-economic Considerations, Article 26.1 of the Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety: What are the Issues and What is at
J.B. Falck-Zepeda
A Model of Regulatory Burden in Technology Diffusion: The
Case of Plant-Derived Vaccines
D. Castle, K. Kumagai, C. Berard, M. Cloutier, & R. Gold
Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beet under Changing EU
Sugar Policies
K. Dillen, E. Tollens, & M. Demont
The Role of Biotechnology in a Sustainable Biofuel Future
S. Sexton, D. Zilberman, D. Rajagopal, & G. Hochman
Private Sector Innovation in Biofuels in the United States:
Induced by Prices or Policies?
R. Karmarkar-Deshmukh & C.E. Pray