August 09
Computer program
allows growers to track herbicide use, manage resistance,
May 09
Research aims to
give consumers richly colored specialty potatoes
April 09
Idaho bean seed
deal with Mexico nurtures an expanding market
March 09
Tri-State Potato
Variety Program releases three new potatoes for 2009 growing
season in Idaho, Oregon and Washington state
February 09
University of Idaho bean breeder Leslie L. “Bill” Dean receives
Governor’s Award for Excellence in Technical Innovation
University of
Idaho breeders release improved varieties of potatoes, wheat,
and beans
University of
Idaho offers four new potato publications
New sugarbeet
crops need fewer herbicides
January 09
Idaho Oilseed
Conference addresses global and local issues
December 08
January 8-9
Snake River Sugarbeet Conference highlights the future of the
industry and its biotechnology
November 08
Two potato
scientists join the University of Idaho faculty at Kimberly and
August 08
Idaho State
University professor attempts to create drought-resistant spuds,
June 08
University of Idaho
scientists evaluate potato varieties for performance in organic
Aphid tracking
network helps Idaho and eastern Washington pea and lentil
producers protect peas and lentils
May 08
University of Idaho
entomologists takes a hard look at softer insecticides for
blossoming alfalfa seed fields
April 08
University of
Idaho Extension website helps Idaho’s potato growers navigate
good agricultural practices audits
Tomatoes are hot -
even in Idaho’s cold, short-season areas
February 08
publication helps farmers keep herbicide-resistant weeds under
January 08
University of
Idaho's 2008 Snake River Sugarbeet Conference to focus on
Roundup Ready sugarbeet
November 07
agriculture faces changes with global warming
September 07
University of
Idaho research arms potato growers with new control for wily
July 07
University of Idaho
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences hires international
businessman to capitalize on research
University of Idaho
brings new wheat breeder on board for Southern Idaho
May 07
barleys could add zest to already strong markets
March 07
collaboration strengthens agricultural science for Idahoans
February 07
University of
Idaho's new crop releases to increase yields, aid human,
environmental health
oilseed and biodiesel researchers are working to grow
alternative fuel supply
January 07
potatoes pose daunting threat to sugarbeet crops, University of
Idaho weed scientist finds
New values for
mustard, canola meals may transform Idaho's oilseed industry
December 06
University of Idaho
offers new publication on storing Alturas potatoes
Tri-state (Idaho,
Oregon ,Washington) potato program releases three new varieties this
November 06
University of Idaho
plant breeder's rapeseed, canola and mustard research grows into
international research pact
October 06
University of Idaho
Extension releases two publications on crop disease management
June 06
University of Idaho potato
rotation research now includes organics
February 06
Idaho seed potato growers evaluate
winter-time crop testing in geothermally heated greenhouse close to home
USDA/ARS - University
of Idaho cooperative breeding program releases new early-developing
potato variety
University of Idaho
potato scientists confirm: different varieties need different
January 06
University of Idaho's
Aberdeen wheat breeding program releases new hard white wheat named 'UI
November 05
Proprietary Western
Russet potato is winning acceptance in several markets
August 05
Iris yellow spot virus
threatens onion fields in Idaho's Treasure Valley
June 05
University of Idaho weed
scientists go over the top in controlling late-season weeds in
University of Idaho
bluegrass study tour reviews research progress
New University of Idaho
study targets interactions among crop-protection products
May 05
Third edition of University
of Iowa's "Idaho Forage Handbook" should appeal to a broad agricultural
and horse-owning audience
University of Idaho
scientists to review Kentucky bluegrass research at June field tours
April 05
University of Idaho's
"Monte Carlo" analysis enumerates the odds for potato profits
University of Idaho
agricultural scientists help identify grain varieties for fractional
March 05
U.S. Pacific Northwest
Pest Alert Network gives growers an electronic heads-up on encroaching
insects and erupting crop diseases
Website of the Idaho
Center for Potato Research and Education is primed to help growers again
this year
New publication helps U.S.
Pacific North West hard wheat growers deliver premium-earning protein
New pesticides rely on
bacterium to fight root-damaging fungi
February 05
Tri-State Potato
Variety Development Program releases four new potatoe varieties: one
resists late-blight
University of Idaho
potato scientists find 'astounding' help for disease control in storage
January 05
New publication
describes the role of alfalfa in horse feeding
University of Idaho
website provides potato growers with predictions of surface-water
supplies fine-tuned at the irrigation-district level
University of Idaho
issues two new publications for potato growers
October 04
University of Idaho team
studies mustard's role as new ingredient in agriculture, rural economies
University of Idaho
releases publications on storing Gem Russets, Ranger Russets and organic
University of Idaho
wheat breeder Ed Souza named Fellow of the Crop Science Society of
August 04
University of Idaho late
mlight models successfully forecast disease this year
July 04
University of Idaho dry bean
breeding program invites public to see current research, new Great
Northern and Pinto beans at Kimberly R&E Center
University of Idaho wheat
breeder asks growers' help in identifying new stripe rust races
University of Idaho
scientists asking Idaho potato growers to scout their fields for pink
rot in July and August and send suspect plants to them
June 04
University of Idaho
researchers working on stripe rust resistant wheat and barley