Moscow, Idaho
October 19, 2006
University of Idaho
Extension has released two new publications on crop disease
management for Idaho growers, field workers, consultants and
chemical dealers.
"Managing Fungicide Resistance," by plant
pathologists John Gallian, Jeff Miller and Phil Nolte,
addresses methods of managing the application of fungicides
to prolong their useful lives. Although the 8-page
publication specifically targets sugarbeets and potatoes,
the principles it describes apply to all crops.
Fungicide resistance is one of
the most significant problems in chemical disease management
today. Resistance to formerly effective fungicides has been
widely reported, and the authors say all major Idaho crops
are at risk. The publication-which includes color
photographs-explains how fungicide resistance occurs and
suggests ways to slow it.
"Late Blight Management
Action Plan for Potatoes" was developed in cooperation
with the Idaho potato industry and in consultation with late
blight experts in the Pacific Northwest and other areas of
the U.S. The 12-page publication is intended to help the
Idaho potato industry reduce potential yield and quality
losses and make informed decisions about disease prevention,
fungicide spray programs and optimizing disease-management
costs. Written by Jeff Miller, Phil Nolte, Nora Olsen, Terry
Miller, Bill Bohl and Mike Thornton, it offers best
practices for controlling late blight during all phases of
planting and harvesting. In addition, it includes color
illustrations of infected plants and tubers and rankings of
18 potato varieties for susceptibility.
To download free copies of
both publications, click on and select Catalog, CALS
Publishing Catalog and New Releases for 2006. To order
printed copies, call (208) 885-7982 or write
A single copy of "Managing Fungicide Resistance" costs $5.00
plus shipping, handling and sales tax; a single copy of
"Late Blight Management Action Plan for Potatoes" costs
$6.00 plus shipping, handling and sales tax.