Twin Falls, Idaho
May 31, 2005
Idahoans who are growing hay crops or simply managing
pasture for horses or other animals can order a
comprehensive 99-page handbook that's well-stocked with
current information on forages and their management and use.
Entitled "Idaho Forage
Handbook," the University of
Idaho Extension publication costs just $10, plus $3.50
for shipping and handling.
It's the third edition of a
handbook that was previously published in 1975 and 1990. In
addition to alfalfa, corn and cereal grains, it covers new
and improved grasses and legumes for dryland, irrigated and
wetland environments. According to editor Glenn Shewmaker,
UI Extension forage specialist, it includes updated or new
chapters on selecting varieties, controlling pests, seeding,
fertilizing, irrigating, sampling, quality testing,
harvesting and storing. Readers will benefit from an
in-depth chapter on alfalfa management as well as the most
recent research on annual forages, silage management and
forage use by horses, sheep, and beef and dairy cattle. The
handbook also includes chapters on leasing arrangements and
production costs.
"This is a publication that
small farm owners, people with horse pastures and
experienced hay growers will want to have because it has a
lot of information all in one book," says Shewmaker. "Much
of the information is specific to Idaho, and it's so new
that you won't see it in other places."
Dan Ogle, plant materials
specialist for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation
Service in Boise, calls it a "state-of-the-art forage
reference that has volumes more information than the
previous version. It should allow readers to do a much
better job of establishing and managing their forage
The NRCS, Idaho State
Department of Agriculture and USDA Agricultural Research
Service contributed financially to the publication's
development. Authors and reviewers include experts from the
University of Idaho, University of Wisconsin, NRCS and ARS.
"Idaho Forage Handbook" can be
ordered from Educational Publications, University of Idaho
CALS, P.O. Box 442240, Moscow, ID 83844-2240; telephone
(208) 885-7982, fax (208) 885-4648 or e-mail