August 09
Bayer CropScience and China
National Rice Research Institute sign agreements for rice
research and development
Bayer CropScience und
chinesisches Reisinstitut CNRRI vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit
June 09
Chinese "space
vegetables" expected to be available in 2012
Publication on
hereditary basis and molecular mechanism of superhybrid rice
LYP9 and its parents
May 09
Chinese Academy of
Sciences scientists cultivate new salt-tolerant wheat variety
March 09
China's "Green
super rice for the resource poor of Asia and Africa" project
receives financial support from the Gates Foundation
Critical gene for
enhancing China's super rice yield identified
DuPont and the
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences collaborate to advance
crop insect control, increase yield
November 08
scientists call for enhancing studies on chromosome engineering
in plants
CropScience and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
sign memorandum of understanding, initiate joint projects in
seeds and traits business development
Bayer CropScience und die Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences unterzeichnen Vereinbarung Strategische Partnerschaft
zum Ausbau des Saatgut- und Traitsgeschäfts
July 08
Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences and Bayer Group discuss cooperation
strategy on crop research
Chinese Academy of
Sciences research sheds new light on Asian rice domestication
March 08
Valent BioSciences
and Chengdu Institute of Biology to collaborate on crop stress
management research
January 08
Industrialization of sweet sorghum derivatives fruitful
December 07
Chinese Academy
of Agricultural Sciences and CIMMYT team up to confront climate
change and new subspecies of wheat stem rust
China's new
high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat boosting domestic
production as world prices soar
November 07
scientists develop a plant-mediated RNA interference technique
to control the gene expression of the cotton bollworm
July 07
KeyGene establishes
a Joint Lab for Plant Molecular Breeding with the Shanghai
Institutes for Biological Sciences
April 07
Chinese scientists
succeed in cloning a gene underlying quantitative trait locus
(QTL), a region of DNA that controls grain weight and yield in
March 07
Embrapa e China
afinam parceria
January 07
Whiteflies and
plant viruses can help each other to speed up biological
January 07
Crops mutated in outer
October 06
Seeds returned from space sowed in the botanical garden of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dual-action bacterium
fights fungal infection in crops
Chinese Academy of Sciences
institute seals long-term partnership with Keygene
September 06
University of Leeds
and Chinese Academy of Sciences create first virtual joint laboratory to
study role of genes within crop plants, particularly rice
June 05
Chinese Academy of Sciences
scientists breed a new high-yield wheat strain
GM rice increases yields
while reducing use of pesticides
April 05
China opens centre of
excellence for agricultural biodiversity
September 04
Self-incompatibility and ubquitin/26 proteasome pathway: a
sexual link revealed
Pollen sliding
as a new self-pollination mechanism