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SWEET BREED™ sweet corn


February 2004

Harris Moran Seed Company is proud to offer you its innovative line of Sweet Breed™ sweet corn.

These field-proven problem solvers blend the best of su, se and sh2 genetics into each variety.

Sweet Breed™ varieties give you the combination of features you need to meet the demands of today's quality markets and your need for top yields.

Growers report excellent performance with strong stand establishment, good plant growth, ease of harvest and competitive yields.

Harris Moran
SweetBreed_logo.gif (1097 bytes)
Sweet Breed
sweet corn varieties

Sweet Breed™ varieties from Harris Moran are possibly the most revolutionary group of varieties in 25 years.

Give them a try!

Better varieties and better solutions:
Harris Moran sweet corn

Sweet Breed™ spells sweet success

Looking for one sweet corn type with the seed quality and vigor of sugary (su) varieties, the enhanced sweet corn flavor of the sugary enhancers (se) and harvest-ability and shelf life approaching supersweets (sh)?

Look no further than the Sweet Breed™ sweet corn varieties by Harris Moran. This outstanding endosperm class blends the best of the su, se, and sh2 endosperm types into a single hybrid. All three endosperm types are actually present in each ear of corn.

In the 1996 and 1997 growing seasons, growers of Sweet Breed™ sweet corn varieties raved about stand establishment, seedling vigor and ear quality of these new hybrids. Offering growers an improved alternative to se and sh2 types, these varieties are creating a great deal of excitement.

Sweet Riser: Sweet Breed™ performance in an early yellow. Beautiful, well-sized ears, clean plants and top eating quality. Maturing a refined 7.5-inch ear in 68 days, Sweet Riser has a well covered, good looking husk with nice flags. A great combination of top quality features with good yield potential in the early class.

Sweet Rhythm: This Sweet Breed™ sets the standard for performance in the early and mid-season bi-color class. Strong seed quality for a good start. Sweet Rhythm gives excellent performance for top yields of girthy, 7.5-inch ears. Beautiful husk and ear for strong buyer appeal. Good from planting to packing.

Sweet Ice: White Sweet Breed™ for early and mid-season plantings. Sweet Ice matures to an attractive 7.5-8-inch ear in 74 days. Good stand establishment. And top yields of beautiful corn. Excellent overall variety with a well-filled, refined ear, nice green husk, and good cover.





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