With planting seed quality of normal sugary types (su), eating quality of the
sugary enhanced (se) and improved holding like the supersweets (sh2), Sweet Rhythm
performs in the field and on the table. Sweet Rhythm is an early, midseason bicolor corn. 73-day maturity gets you to market fast, and strong performance at stand establishment gives you added confidence in your early plantings. Strong Stewarts Wilt tolerance and moderate Common Smut tolerance are advantages in this maturity class and help protect Sweet Rhythms yields. Ears pick easy and are well placed to reduce harvest labor. |
Sweet Rhythm is very successful in
the Northeast, Midwest and Canadian growing regions with strong performance and high yields reported. Sweet Rhythm is an excellent choice for the midseason.
Sweet Breed is a trade mark of Harris Moran Seed Company. Isolate from sh2 and field corn. Sweet Breed varieties can be planted with su and se varieties but will develope best flavor if grown separately. Watch for full maturity to get maximum se and sh2 eating quality. |
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