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International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

September 25, 2023

IITA–CGIAR's program Strengthening the Supply of Improved Seeds and the Public-Private Partnership in Central Africa (SISCA) highlights seed regulation merits in the Democratic Republic of Congo

August 3, 2023

Aflasafe: A natural bioprotectant product that safeguards food for Africans now available

August 12, 2022

IITA scientists reveal strategy to increase cowpea yield and protein content

March 30, 2022

Better breeding tools for future-proofing potatoes - Thanks to a collaboration between researchers across the world, potato breeders will now have a much better toolkit to develop new varieties best suited to their needs in a changing climate

November 12, 2020

Recent advances in breeding for Striga resistance in early and extra-early maturing maize for sub-Saharan Africa

May 28, 2020

IITA scientist develops a cheaper and faster tool for identifying whiteflies

April 17, 2020

Malawi registers Aflasafe, the cost-effective technology for aflatoxin management

March 16, 2020

How wasps are used to control the destructive cowpea pest Maruca vitrata

December 4, 2019

Decade-long trials prove efficacy of Nigeria’s aflatoxin biocontrol product

November 22, 2013

IITA to release mycotoxin resistant maize variety in Nigeria (Business Day)

November 4, 2013

Putting biological nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers - Improved legume technologies can boost entire farming system from the ground up

April 15, 2013

Early maturing maize parental lines at IITA hold drought tolerance that could save farmers in Africa

April 8, 2013

Nigeria, Benin, Mali and Ghana develop work plans for massive dissemination of drought tolerant maize

March 11, 2013

Biocontrol product developed by IITA reduces mortality in poultry by 43.9%

February 15, 2013

Zambian farmers excited about prospects of safer crops with aflasafe biocontrol product

January 16, 2013

Farmers in Burkina Faso get IITA improved cowpea varieties

June 18, 2012

Saving Africa’s maize and cowpea from the violet vampire

March 26, 2012

CIMMYT's drought tolerant maize wins 2012 UK Climate Week Award - More than 2 million farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are growing the new varieties for more food and income

July 20, 2011

Biological control offers benefits to Africa

June 16, 2011

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and partners launch project to fight killer aflatoxin in African crops

November 23, 2010

Drought hardy maize

August 26, 2010

New varieties of drought-tolerant maize could generate up to US$1.5 billion for African farmers, consumers

Production du niébé en Afrique de l’Ouest: Guide du paysan

Farmers' Guide to Cowpea Production in West Africa


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