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Väderstad-Verken AB

March 10, 2025

Unlocking crop potential: the benefits of precision seeding and optimal plant stands

Experience the Väderstad PD 1350 Precision Delivery Air Cart, Väderstad’s largest air seeder

October 30, 2017

Le Tempo Väderstad, nouveau kit pour petites graines du semoir à grande vitesse : encore plus précis pour le colza et les betteraves sucrières

November 21, 2016

The new Väderstad seed drill Spirit 600-900S brings innovative technology to the farm

November 3, 2016

Väderstad Tempo – Increased precision for small seeded crops

September 14, 2016

Väderstad's mountable small seeder BioDrill BDA 360 on Swift offer new possibilities

April 29, 2016

Following Väderstad's 25 year-celebration of Rapid, here is just one of those good stories about efficiency, quality and endurance of Rapid

March 25, 2016

Väderstad's Rapid the easy winner in a 10-year trial of direct seed drilling in Finland

January 19, 2016

Väderstad's planter Tempo V is reaping success in Holland

September 18, 2015

Le Tempo V de Väderstad, un semoir de précision pour les betteraves (Terre-net)

September 1, 2015

Väderstad breaking new ground with SeedEye

Modern design and innovative technology in Väderstad’s new seed drill

August 14, 2015

Väderstad continues to further develop the Tempo R. - The steel-framed precision seed drill that connects to a tractor via a three-point hitch now has 18 row units

May 25, 2015

"My Tempo keeps me from getting stressed" - French farmer Michael Pauly bought Väderstad's Tempo drilling machine number 1000 at Sima earlier this year

April 23, 2015

Väderstad E-Control is now available for Rapid RDAC & RDAS

April 2, 2015

Blades give Väderstad's Carrier high capacity in intercrops

February 19, 2015

CrossCutter Disc from Väderstad takes quick care of the rape stubble

January 29, 2015

Half of all customers choose E-Control for their new Väderstad Rapid seed drill

January 26, 2015

Combat corn borer in maize silage with CrossCutter Knife and CrossCutter Disc

January 12, 2015

Väderstad introduces new filling auger for Tempo F and Tempo T

December 30, 2014

Yield increase for oilseed rape with Väderstad-Verken's Spirit StripDrill 

November 20, 2014

Väderstad's new 47 cm discs with milled notches, TrueCut,  improve the slicing effect of TopDown and Carrier X and cut up harvest trash more thoroughly so that it decomposes faster

November 7, 2014

Completely new Swift 640 for 6 & 12-metre cultivation systems from Väderstad-Verken

October 17, 2014

Opus - a brand new member of Väderstad’s cultivator family

October 7, 2014

Väderstad’s legendary Rapid seed drill reborn to suit modern agriculture

September 24, 2014

Record yield on record field

September 19, 2014

Väderstad-Verken AB - Tempo’s new row spacing interesting for organic farmers

September 9, 2014

For winter wheat, smoothness of the soil surface more important than depth in ploughless tillage

September 7, 2014

Field demo shows that Seed Hawk’s Tempo precision planter hits mark at high speed (The Western Producer)

May 23, 2014

Väderstad' Tempo can drill rape and sugar beet



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