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BASF Crop Protection USA

June 6, 2013

USA - BASF launches Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide as part of the Intrinsic brand fungicide family

April 10, 2013

New BASF sequential fungicide application program controls disease, drives yield - BASF research shows sequential application benefits in corn

March 25, 2013

BASF promotes comprehensive pest management (AgWired)

March 19, 2013

Colorful way shows how BASF herbicide works (AgWired)

March 1, 2013

Prof. Fred Below shares the six secrets of soybean success at Commodity Classic - BASF-sponsored education session reveals keys to maximizing soybean yields

January 16, 2013

USA - Farmers plan to update weed control management (Delta Farm Press)

December 12, 2012

Products join best-in-class BASF plant health portfolio

December 10, 2012

BASF and FMC help rice growers manage tough weeds - Command herbicide recommended for use on the Clearfield Production System for rice

October 18, 2012

Field trials with Engenia herbicide from BASF demonstrate effective control of resistant weeds in soybeans

September 6, 2012

Fall burndown clears out weeds, controls seed banks

Fall burndown a best practice for helping to control resistant weeds

June 7, 2012

Timely fungicide application key to success in soybean production

June 6, 2012

Disease control practices imperative for high corn yields

May 14, 2012

Louisiana growers granted Section 18 emergency exemption for early access to Sercadis fungicide to help battle resistant sheath blight on rice

April 19, 2012

Five strategies to high-yield corn production from BASF - Tips to maximize hybrid selection, weed management and disease control to protect yield potential

April 18, 2012

Tips for growers on a quest for high-yield soybeans - Top management practices to maximize soybean acres from BASF

March 22, 2012

Beating resistant weeds proactively with dicamba (AGProfessional)

March 7, 2012

Increase efficiency, protect yields now with preemergence weed control from BASF

January 30, 2012

Facet L herbicide liquid formulation from BASF now available for U.S. rice growers

January 25, 2012

Despite unprecedented opportunity, many corn and soybean growers leaving profit on the table by not pushing yieldb

January 3, 2012

New OpTill PRO herbicide from BASF gives growers a more complete foundation to control the toughest weeds



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