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Black leg

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May 19, 2023

Staying ahead of canola blackleg

July 26, 2022

Seed applied fungicides a key part of best practice blackleg management

March 1, 2018

Technology gives Australian canola growers a leg-up against blackleg

February 26, 2018

Western Australia - New app for canola growers to manage blackleg disease

January 22, 2017

Slowing blackleg resistance with rotation (Grainews)

May 8, 2015

Australia - Fungicide tolerant blackleg – opportunity to screen your canola

Three-pronged approach tackles costly oilseed and pulse diseases in Australia

January 25, 2015

Management of black ieg in Oregon on vegetable brassica crops and seed crops

August 7, 2014

Up close and personal with blackleg - A new video from the Canola Council of Canada zooms in on blackleg, showing how the canola disease infects a plant, how it spreads throughout a field, and what growers can do to protect blackleg resistance traits

June 2, 2014

Think profit when you think pest management

April 30, 2014

Step-by-step guide can help reduce blackleg damage

March 26, 2014

Research underway to unravel causes of blackleg

August 12, 2013

Pre-harvest or during swathing are good times to scout canola fields for disease severity - Here is how to identify the major diseases of canola at this time of year

April 26, 2013

Change canola cultivars regularly to reduce blackleg legacy

April 8, 2013

GRDC releases a Back Pocket Guide which highlights the various diseases of canola and how best to manage them

December 26, 2012

Latest 'Focus on Potato' webcast covers soft rot, black leg disease management

June 29, 2012

New guide can help growers manage blackleg disease

June 26, 2012

Assess blackleg risk to canola yields before spraying crops

June 18, 2012

Control blackleg early to minimise canola yield losses

May 31, 2012

Prosaro: new option from Bayer CropScience Australia to broaden blackleg management in canola

April 13, 2012

Western Australia's growers urged to plan ahead to reduce blackleg risk

April 11, 2012

Risk assessment vital before sowing canola crops

September 7, 2011

Potential control of blackleg and wet rot in seed potatoes and flower bulbs discovered

March 30, 2011

Decision making tool to help in blackleg battle

February 15, 2011

Leg-up for Australian canola growers in minimising the risk of blackleg

February 14, 2011

GRDC's Blackleg Risk Assessor fact sheet

December 13, 2010

Canada - Blackleg back on the radar

December 1, 2010

Tips to keep blackleg resistance strong

September 28, 2010

GRDC blackleg research ramped up in Western Australia

May 15, 2009

Australian canola growers urged to manage blackleg risk this season


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