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April 16, 2024

Ukraine - Grain and feed, annual report

April 12, 2024

Domestic sunflower cultivation is at the forefront of Europe (Trade Magazin)

April 2, 2024

Deutschland - Ernteergebnisse der Körner- und Silomaisernte 2023 veröffentlicht

March 29, 2024

Développement du sorgho biogaz en Pologne

March 26, 2024

Meloni: campagna in anticipo in Sicilia - Superfici stabili a livello nazionale

March 19, 2024

Euromonitor 2023: the global canned tomatoes market
Le marché mondial des conserves de tomate

March 18, 2024

Deutschland - Umfrage Sommergetreide: Einem Viertel der Landwirte fehlt das Saatgut (Agrar heute)

March 12, 2024

Turkey - Oilseeds and products, annual report

March 11, 2024

Ostschweizer Saatgutproduzenten diskutierten an der GV das Erntejahr 2023 - «Das Saatgetreide hat eine ausserordentliche Keimfähigkeit» (BauernZeitung)

March 4, 2024

Poland as the largest producer of pumpkins in the EU

February 28, 2024

Mehr als 10 Prozent der landwirtschaftlichen Fläche in der Europäischen Union werden biologisch bewirtschaftet

February 20, 2024

The Italian tomato processing industry: Ismea 2024 report (part 2) (Tomato News)

February 15, 2024

Horticulture in Côte d'Ivoire: A blossoming industry

February 7, 2024

Les semences de pommes de terre deviennent une denrée rare en Suisse (Swiss Info)

February 1, 2024

Brazil, Overview 2023 agricultural sector

France - Agricultural biotechnology, annual report

January 30, 2024

Donau Soja: Best conditions for soybean cultivation in Europe in 2024

Sojabohnen aus EU-Anbau weiter auf dem Vormarsch (Top Agrar)

January 25, 2024

Changes in the European biologicals market and approaches to increase product adoption

January 23, 2024

United Kingdom - National Farmers Union seeks urgent resolution to spring seed availability

December 22, 2023

Les exports de semences françaises progressent en valeur, selon l'Union française des semenciers (Réussir)

December 20, 2023

Les Français aiment le gazon : une étude SEMAE/BVA Xsight 

December 19, 2023

Italia - Indagine superfici sementi da orto, campagna 2022

December 12, 2023

European Union - Biotechnology and other new production technologies, annual report

December 8, 2023

World agricultural output and productivity growth have slowed

December 1, 2023

Ukraine - Biotechnology and other new production technologies, annual report

United Kingdom - Agricultural biotechnology, annual report

United Kingdom - Agricultural biotechnology, annual report

November 29, 2023

Deutschland - Getreidebilanz 2022/23: Inlandsverbrauch gestiegen

November 28, 2023

France, campagne 2023-2024 - Semences de maïs : aucune tension à craindre (Circuits Culture)

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Better Food Venture's
AgTech Landscape 2019



2019 THRIVE Top 50
landscape map


Concentration in Seed Markets - Potential Effects and Policy Responses

(OECD December 2018)

Visualizing Consolidation
in the Global Seed Industry

Seed Industry Structure

Phil Howard
Associate Professor
Michigan State University


2017 Seed Company Family Tree
Ccreated Septebmer 2017
by Robert Walsh
WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

Syngenta Brands Family Tree
Ccreated January 2017 by Robert Walsh, WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

World Vegetable Map 2018



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