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American Soybean Association (ASA)

February 22, 2024

American Soybean Association survey paints harsh reality of U.S. EPA's herbicide strategy on soy farmers

March 29, 2022

U.S. growers welcome U.S. EPA decision on Enlist, hope for continued progress and lessons learned

January 10, 2022

USA - Agriculture and green industry groups reaffirm glyphosate safety and public benefits following court oral arguments

August 26, 2021

USA - Grower groups disappointed that neonicotinoid draft biological evaluation does not reflect actual product use - “Likely to adversely affect” species list inflated as a result

February 22, 2021

Science shows soy is good for health in USA and abroad

June 17, 2020

“Respect U.S. EPA’s dicamba decision and protect farmers’ livelihoods during the growing season” - Grower coalition files amicus brief to defend continued use of existing stocks

August 9, 2019

American Soybean Association submits comments on USDA/APHIS proposed biotech rule - ASA supports rule and suggests ways to improve olarity, transparency, and support of plant breeding innovations

June 12, 2019

American Soybean Association applauds Biotech Executive Order

June 15, 2018

Trump’s $50 billion tariff announcement harsh reality for U.S. soybean growers - America’s leading agricultural export braces for more market uncertainty, potentially devastating drop in Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans and soy products

April 5, 2018

American Soybean Association welcomes USDA announcement on plant breeding innovations

U.S. soy responds to proposed China tariff

October 1, 2017

U.S. soy growers urge Congress to support the Global Crop Diversity Trust

June 16, 2017

American Soybean Association provides input to USDA, FDA on advances in biotechnology

May 12, 2017

U.S. Administration’s 100-day China Plan a step forward for soybeans, says American Soybean Association

January 23, 2017

American Soybean Association registers significant concern following U.S. withdrawal from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership

January 19, 2017

American Soybean Association: Proposed rule on biotech a progressive step for plant breeding innovation

November 4, 2016

U.S. national farm organizations comment on recent review of the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology

October 31, 2016

The American Soybean Association responds to an article from The New York Times : GMO article paints incomplete picture

September 26, 2016

USA - Agricultural merger mania fuels fears among small seed sellers (Reuters)

July 14, 2016

American Soybean Association congratulates House of Representatives on GMO labeling passage, looks to move forward

July 6, 2016

Survey shows that Vermont GMO label misleads consumers

June 8, 2016

American Soybean Association pushes for immediate approval of soy traits in Europe

April 8, 2016

American Soybean Association argues that treated seed is ‘critical to the success’ of farmers

January 28, 2016

More work still needed on EU biotech approvals timeline, says the American Soybean Association

April 30, 2015

American Soybean Association pushes for national labeling standard

March 25, 2015

USA - GMO labeling bill would provide clarity with a national non-GMO label, says American Soybean Association

January 23, 2015

Neonicotinoid seed treatments critical for certain soybean operations, says American Soybean Association 

November 7, 2014

American Soybean Association discusses sustainability, biotech acceptance and future trends at Bayer CropScience event in Germany

June 25, 2014

American Soybean Association Treasurer Richard Wilkins testifies on the importance of biotech trade policy for U.S. soybean farmers

March 31, 2013

American Soybean Association details impacts of Continuing Resolution signed into law by President Obama (Hoosier Ag Today)



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