November 5, 2021
FAO pondera acceso a semillas de calidad para incrementar producción (Prensa Latina)
October 29, 2021
Securing the future of African food culture - One phenotype at a time
July 26, 2021
FAO Director-General: World faces historic task to turn the tide on ending hunger, poverty and achieving the other SDGs - QU Dongyu urges global leaders at Rome gathering to change policies, mind-sets and business models to transform agri-food systems
June 3, 2021
Embedding biodiversity in all we do - FAO Director-General points to interconnections between agri-food systems and biodiversity
June 2, 2021
Climate change fans spread of pests and threats plants and crops, new FAO study - Pests destroy up to 40 percent of global crops and cost $220 billion of losses
May 24, 2021
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture releases inventory on farmers' rights - Unique collection of best practices from around the world
May 14, 2021
The world is converging on the need for sustainable agri-food systems
September 24, 2020
Artificial Intelligence best-practices in agriculture can help bridge the digital divide while tackling food insecurity
September 14, 2020
Auch eine Frage des Überlebens: Saatgut über die Katastrophe retten - Ein von Deutschland unterstütztes Projekt im Südlichen Afrika zeigt, warum Saatgut in die Nothilfe einbezogen werden muss Germany supports the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in rebuilding seed systems in Southern Africa after Cyclone Idai
June 30, 2020
Radically transform food systems for Food Security and Nutrition, a new UN Report urges
May 18, 2020
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the Global Seed Vault Il Trattato Internazionale e il Deposito Globale di Semi delle Isole Svalbard
April 30, 2020
"Asia-Pacific countries must take urgent action to tackle COVID-19’s recession-induced hunger" - Op-ed By Marco V. Sánchez Cantillo, Deputy-Director, Agricultural Development Economics Division, FAO
April 21, 2020
Global Report on Food Crises reveals scope of food crises as COVID-19 poses new risks to vulnerable countries - Annual report on acute food insecurity and malnutrition published today
Joint statement on COVID-19 impacts on food security and nutrition - FAO, IFAD, the World Bank and WFP on the occasion of the Extraordinary G20 Agriculture Minister's Meeting
April 17, 2020
New report looks at food crises in the time of COVID-19 - 2020 edition of The Global Report on Food Crises will be released 21 April - Describes the scale of acute hunger as implications of COVID-19 pandemic for food security begin to be felt
March 31, 2020
Mitigating impacts of COVID-19 on food trade and markets
February 24, 2020
World’s food systems rely on biodiversity - FAO Director-General urges “robust” outcome from Convention on Biological Diversity negotiations
November 14, 2019
New tool to help local crop varieties flourish - FAO publishes Voluntary Guidelines for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Farmers Varieties/Landraces
November 11, 2019
Global treaty critical for saving disappearing plants amid climate change - FAO calls for greater support for plant genepool and the Fund which support millions of farmers around the world
August 1, 2019
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture turns 15
June 20, 2019
Pick a leader with vision for the Food and Agriculture Organization (Nature)
June 17, 2019
Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to improve farmers’ resilience to drought
May 20, 2019
Declining bee populations pose threat to global food security and nutrition - FAO urges countries to step up efforts to protect our crucial allies in fight against hunger, as it observes World Bee Day
February 22, 2019
The biodiversity that is crucial for our food and agriculture is disappearing by the day - FAO launches the first-ever global report on the state of biodiversity that underpins our food systems
February 5, 2019
Achieving sustainable agriculture requires an integrated approach - FAO launches comprehensive publication that points the way to how we can improve our food systems
June 7, 2018
20 actions to transforming food and agriculture - New FAO tool lists concrete steps ways to speed up implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda
February 23, 2018
Save the seeds - and the living plants we eat and use - Svalbard seed vault is the apex of a global network to protecting plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
December 13, 2017
Urgent need to step up efforts to fight fast-spreading pests and diseases - Three major animal and plant pests and diseases put global food security at risk
November 29, 2017
African Union Commission and FAO speak loud and clear: biotechnologies can be decisive in bridging the food deficit gap in Africa
November 1, 2017
Will the genomics revolution result in more nutritious food on our tables? Scientists and policy makers meet at United Nations special event
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