July 1, 2022
In 10 years, CRISPR transformed medicine - Can it now help us deal with climate change?
July 13, 2020
Climate-change research provides tools for farmers - Most California crops will be endangered to some degree by rising temperatures and variable weather patterns, researchers say (The Western Farm Press)
May 1, 2018
University of California vs. Harvard: Round 2 in CRISPR fight
October 14, 2016
How University of California scientists are taking on the global food crisis
April 4, 2015
Who owns CRISPR? - With one US patent awarded and many other applications under consideration for the popular genome-editing technology, companies are adopting multiple strategies to navigate the complex intellectual property landscape (The Scientist)
December 18, 2014
GMOs and global food security (Genetic Literacy Project)
December 10, 2014
Can organic crops compete with industrial agriculture?
July 22, 2014
California, USA - Herbicide resistance top issue for farmers, researchers
July 7, 2014
Discovery provides insights on how plants respond to elevated CO2 levels
April 28, 2014
A journalist and a scientist break ground in the G.M.O. debate (The New Yorker)
April 11, 2014
UC Berkeley graduate student brings extinct plants to life
April 7, 2014
The economic power of the Golden Rice opposition
November 19, 2013
Tomato therapy: engineered veggies target intestinal lipids, improve cholesterol
October 31, 2013
Co-existence of Roundup Ready and conventional hay fields
May 1, 2013
New plant protein discoveries could ease global food and fuel demands
March 26, 2013
Researchers find novel way plants pass traits to next generation - Inheritance behavior in corn breaks accepted rules of genetics
February 22, 2013
Corporate space and the Monsanto case (The Berkeley Blog)
February 13, 2013
A history of genetically modified organisms at UC Berkeley (The Daily Californian)
November 15, 2012
University of California's YouTube series shows how farming innovation can sustainably feed the future
August 15, 2012
California’s Proposition 37: effects of mandatory labeling of GM food
May 21, 2012
More plant species responding to global warming than previously thought
April 10, 2012
Which plants will survive droughts, climate change?
December 15, 2011
Plant studies miss the full effect of climate change (NewScientist)
October 7, 2011
Transgenic rice evaluated for risks to marketability (California Agriculture)
June 15, 2009
Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's Analysis of the Issues (Part II)
February 19, 2008
Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's Analysis of the Issues (Part I)
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