May 9, 2024
European retail opts for high-tech in winter tomato cultivation (Fresh Plaza)
July 11, 2023
Entrevista com Antônio Pierro, o líder de desenvolvimento e pesquisa da América do Sul da BASF, para Notícias Agrícolas
July 18, 2022
Vicente Navarro, BASF: “La forma de producir frutas y hortalizas está cambiando” (Revista Mercados)
January 13, 2022
España - "El Sector Agrícola apoya el talento y el entusiasmo de los jóvenes"
April 27, 2020
Marcel Huibers about 20 years of high wire cucumbers Marcel Huibers over 20 jaar hogedraadteelt komkommers
May 9, 2018
Vragen over verkoop Nunhems Zaden (Groenten en Fruit Actueel)
October 20, 2017
Indoor farming: just hype or the path to the tuture?
August 10, 2017
Fun at the Grocery - What changes might we observe when food moves from field to stomach?
May 30, 2017
Eating ourselves to health
May 12, 2017
The future of the tomato (Fresh Plaza)
November 22, 2015
Zaadbedrijven bevechten elkaar om kwekersrecht (
January 13, 2015
What happened to vegetable innovations of the past? (Fresh Plaza)
September 7, 2014
Bayer synergy between biologics and vegetables (AgWired)
July 2, 2014
Glastuinbouw Koerier Juni 2014 - "Hogedraadkomkommers hebben de toekomst" Interview met onze Sales Specialist komkommer Marcel Huibers en teler Paul van Lipzig
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