January 17, 2025
Why early-stage on-farm sparse testing could be a game changer for crop breeding in Africa
November 12, 2024
Recarbonization of agricultural soils and decarbonization of agri-food systems: towards a sustainable future Recarbonización de los suelos agrícolas y descarbonización de los sistemas agroalimentarios: Hacia un futuro sostenible
August 9, 2024
What happens when farmers receive more information about potential seed purchases? CIMMYT uses innovative survey technique to quantify how farmers purchasing is influenced by more information
July 16, 2024
Agricultura mexicana traza la ruta para la seguridad alimentaria global
July 4, 2024
G7 summit highlights importance of sustainable food systems - CIMMYT contributes to the G7 goals on agricultural productivity, food security, and climate change through the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils initiative
April 2, 2024
Revolutionizing food security: Africa’s millet renaissance - With the right mix of policy support, technological innovation, and market development, millets have the potential to become the cornerstone of Africa's resilient and sustainable agricultural future
March 15, 2024
Borlaug Global Rust Initiative announces 2024 Women in Triticum (WIT) awardees
September 20, 2023
Public and private plant breeding: Finding common ground
July 18, 2023
Reflections from the Sorghum Conference: Insights and inspiration for the future
Unveiling the potential of sorghum to shape sustainable agriculture - Sorghum Conference brought together researchers, scientists, and experts from around the world.
June 30, 2023
Agricultural transformation in Africa - CIMMYT Director General Bram Govaerts calls for support among CIMMYT, CGIAR, and African researchers
June 14, 2023
Building capacities for advanced modern breeding programs in Africa - CIMMYT trains scientists in product profile-based maize breeding for increased genetics gains
June 9, 2023
CIMMYT at the Group of 20 - At the recent G20 MACS, CIMMYT endorsed joint agricultural research and innovative partnerships to address global challenges facing agrifood systems through a multi-crop and multi-disciplinary approach
March 17, 2023
Counties urged to scale up and adopt pest control technologies
March 10, 2023
Scaling impact of dryland crops research through regional crop improvement networks
March 8, 2023
One year of Women in Crop Science at CIMMYT - For its first birthday, a co-founder of the Women in Crop Science at CIMMYT, talks about their journey over the past year
February 24, 2023
Ethiopia’s experience of wheat production is exemplary to African countries: CIMMYT (ENA)
February 10, 2023
Growing stronger with every season - At CIMMYT, our Women in Crop Science network is working to create a more inclusive internal and external environment - Here’s a glimpse of a day in the life of our team
December 9, 2022
Indian scientists visit CIMMYT Türkiye facility for wheat improvement systems
November 23, 2022
Analyzing 25 years of maize supply and demand in the Global South
November 8, 2022
Combatting soil-borne pathogens and nematodes vital for food security - Impressions from attendees of the VIII International Cereal Nematode Symposium
November 3, 2022
Achieving sufficiency and sustainability in maize production - At the International Maize Congress, Bram Govaerts emphasized the importance of collaborative research to work towards healthy diets and sustainable systems.
October 14, 2022
Planting better seeds is a key for Mexico’s food security (Mexico Business)
October 7, 2022
Partnerships crucial for protecting plant health - Insights from the CGIAR Plant Health Initiative reached new audiences at the first ever International Plant Health Conference.
October 4, 2022
Because error has a price - Incorrect identification of crop varieties is widespread among farmers, according to a new CIMMYT study
September 16, 2022
Setting a standard: improving field trial data - New manual helps standardize field trial data collection across Afghanistan
July 19, 2022
Essential actions to mitigate the food crisis, stabilize supply and transition to greater agrifood system resilience - Experts propose short-, medium- and long-term practical actions to respond to the looming global food crisis catalyzed by the Russia-Ukraine war
July 15, 2022
Untapped potential of genome-edited crops explored in new research - Analysis of evidence by scientists of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and CGIAR concludes that the scientific risks of genome editing are similar to those of traditional breeding
June 16, 2022
Getting to win-win: Can people and nature flourish on an increasingly cultivated planet? Faced with dramatic biodiversity loss and a growing population, should farmers “share” or “spare” land? Agricultural scientists weigh in, yielding a new perspective
CIMMYT and CGIAR senior leaders share vision ahead - During two-day visit, CGIAR managing director and regional director deepen their understanding of CIMMYT’s research and impact
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