May 27, 2020
European Patent Office endorses EU's stance on conventionally-bred plants (Euraktiv)
April 30, 2019
European Patent Office stays examination of plant applications in light of enlarged board referral (Mondaq)
January 30, 2019
Europäisches Patentamt kritisiert falsche Behauptung von „No patents on seeds“ (Top Agrar)
December 11, 2018
EuropaBio Statement on European Patent Office decision on the patentability of plants obtained by essentially biological processes (case T 1063/18)
December 10, 2018
L’Union Française des Semenciers regrette la décision de l'Office Européen des Brevets invalidant la limitation de la brevetabilité des plantes
Europäisches Patentamt öffnet Tür für umfangreiche Patentierungen
European Patent Office 'in conflict with member states' following pepper plant ruling (IPPro Magazine)
December 7, 2018
The European Patent Office Board holds that a rule can no longer be used to reject plant and animal breeding inventions (Lexology)
November 30, 2017
Supporting innovation in the plant sector with IP rights: EPO-CPVO conference in Brussels
June 29, 2017
European Patent Office clarifies practice in the area of plant and animal patents
March 13, 2016
The Broccoli’ war turns on the conflict between the European Patent Office and European Parliament (Lexology)
January 21, 2016
European Patent Office revokes patent for virus resistant melon Zur Annullierung eines Patents auf bestimmte Melonen
December 8, 2015
Europäisches Patentamt bleibt bei Patent für Schrumpeltomate (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
April 16, 2015
Patentability of plants and plant materials in Europe (Lexology)
May 23, 2013
European Patent Office still granting patents on conventional vegetables; ‘Just following rules’
November 9, 2011
Kein Patent auf Klassische Züchtungsmethoden - Europäisches Patenamt verhandelte erneut über Nutzpflanzen-Patent
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