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December 17-18, 2013

CUPAGRA 2013 Conference

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University of Cambridge

Robinson College - Cambridge, United Kingdom

November 27-28, 2013

Potato Council's BP2013

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Yorkshire Event Center - Harrogate, United Kingdom

November 25, 2013 - December 6, 2013

Refresher course: Development of seed potato supply systems in Sub – Saharan Africa

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen , Kenya

Potatoes play an important role in the diet of many families in most Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. The crop is grown by subsistence farmers as well as by more market- oriented farmers that sell harvest surpluses to gain additional income.

November 12-12, 2013

Curso para Formação de Amostradores de Batatas-Sementes

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Canoinhas, Brazil

November 10-14, 2013

International Plant Breeding Congress

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WOW Topkapi Palace Hotel - Antalya, Turkey

Topics: Conventional breeding, molecular genetics and biotechnology, genetic engineering and genomics, genetic resources for pre-breeding.

October 9-11, 2013

COST FA1208 meeting 2013 - 1st Annual Meeting of the SUSTAIN (Pathogen-informed strategies for sustainable broad-spectrum crop resistance) Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action

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James Hutton Institute

Birnam Arts & Conference Centre - Birnam, Dunkeld , Scotland , United Kingdom

Bringing together European scientists and breeders seeking to translate breakthroughs in plant-pathogen interaction research into effective breeding strategies for durable disease resistance in cereal and Solanaceous crops.

September 11-12, 2013

Potato Europe 2013

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Emmloord, Netherlands

August 29-29, 2013

East of England Potato Day 2013

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Frederick Hiam - Tuddenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

August 8-8, 2013

Potatoes in Practice 2013

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James Hutton Institute

Balruddery Farm, by Dundee DD2 5LJ - Dundee , United Kingdom

June 30, 2013 - July 4, 2013

17th Joint Meeting of European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) Breeding and Varietal Assessment Section and EUCARPIA Section Potatoes

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EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding

Hévíz, Hungary

April 7-9, 2013

Genomics in Business

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Beurs van Berlage - Amsterdam, Netherlands

The conference provides a prestigious business platform to meet and to exchange and create novel technologies, commercial applications and partnerships in the field of genomics in the agro and industrial biotech industries.

April 4-4, 2013

3er Congreso de la Patata

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Sevilla, Spain

April 4-5, 2013

Assessment of the CET impact on the rice sector in West Africa

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Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)

AfricaRice - Cotonou, Benin

March 21-22, 2013

China Potato Expo 2013

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National Agriculture Exhibition Center - Beijing, China

January 22-24, 2013

University of Idaho Extension’s 45th annual Potato Conference

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University of Idaho

Pond Student Union Building on the Idaho State University campus - Pocatello, ID, United States

January 9-11, 2013

2013 Potato Expo

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Ceasars Palace - Las Vegas, NV, United States

January 9-11, 2013

Potato Expo 2013

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Caesars Palace - Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

December 16-18, 2013

Sud’Agral - Salon de l'Agriculture Saharienne et Steppique

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Biskra, Algeria

Sud’Agral s’adresse en priorité aux opérateurs de l’Algérie et des pays du Sahel : Mali, Niger, Cap Vert, Gambie, Burkina Fasso, Guinée Bissau, Mauritanie, Sénégal, Tchad.

November 17-20, 2013

Creating and Leveraging Intellectual Property in Developing Countries

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Southern Sun Elangeni Hotel - Durban, South Africa

Join more than 30 Key and Global IP Leaders in an open forum discussion on how to motivate domestic inventions to spur economic and social growth.

October 21-24, 2013

Africa Rice Congress 2013 - ‘Rice Science for Food Security and Agri-business Development in Africa’

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Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)

Hilton Yaoundé - Yaoundé, Cameroon

Brings together representatives from the public and private sector, civil society organizations, farmer associations and research and extension communities engaged in the development of Africa’s rice sector.

October 14-17, 2013

11th African Crop Science Society conference / 11e Conference de la Societe Africaine de la Science de Culture

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African Crop Science Society

Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel - Entebbe, Uganda

Theme: Sowing innovation for sustainable African crops production to meet food security under climate change.

October 1-4, 2013

11th International Sysmposium on Biocontrol and Biotechnology

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Faculty of Agriculture and Institute of Graduate studies and Researches - Alexandria , Egypt

Biotechnological approach in biocontrol, plant pest management, biodiversity as source of biocontrol agents, biotechnology products, other areas related to biocontrol and biotechnology.

July 15-20, 2013

6th African Agricultural Science Week and FARA General Assembly

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Accra International Conference Centre - Accra, Ghana

July 15-20, 2013

Africa Agriculture Science Week 2013 - 6e Semaine africaine des sciences agricoles

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Accra, Ghana

Every three years, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa convenes a continental gathering of all stakeholders involved in Africa agricultural development. This gathering has become known as the Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW).

May 8-9, 2013

SANSOR Annual Congress 2013

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South African National Seed Organisation (SANSOR)

Hilton Durban - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

April 8-12, 2013

4th Global Feed & Food Congress (GFFC)

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Sun City Resort - Sun City , South Africa

March 3-6, 2013

African Seed Trade Association (AFSTA) Congress 2013

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African Seed Trade Association (AFSTA)

Port Louis, Mauritius

February 17-22, 2013

World Soybean Research Conference IX

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Durban International Convention Center - Durban, South Africa

Will include both a technical program and a trade show that showcases all aspects of the industry including soybean seed; oil and fat products; foods and drinks; soybean fiber products; biotech; animal feed; processing equipment and more.

January 28, 2013 - February 1, 2013

12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium

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International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

The Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge - Arusha, Tanzania

Theme: "Evolution, ecology and control of plant viruses. There will be a special session on plant virology in sub-Saharan Africa.

January 21-24, 2013

Combined Crops, Soils, Horticulture and Weeds Congress 2013

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University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus - Westville , South Africa

Theme: “Innovative Agricultural Sciences for Progress to Meet Research and Development Challenges”. Keynote speakers from the fields of Crop Science, Horticultural Science, Soil Science and Weed Science.

January 6-8, 2013

International Crop-Science Conference & Exhibition

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Kenyatta International Conference Centre - Nairobi, Kenya

Great opportunity for manufacturers and formulators of agrochemicals, producers & distributors of seeds, fertilizers, micro-nutrients, public health products, spray equipments, packaging & labeling, improved irrigation systems.




October 30, 2024
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2024
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


January 31 - February 4, 2025
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
Orlando, Florida


June 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit


November 5, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 9-12, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida









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