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October 24-24, 2014

University of Wisconsin-Madison Field Days: potatoes, winter squash, carrots

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West Madison Agricultural Research Station - Madison , WI, United States

UW-Madison has scheduled three field days over the next 10 weeks during which farmers, local chefs and anyone else can sample the flavors of a variety of organic vegetable crops.

September 22-22, 2014

University of Wisconsin-Madison Field Days: beets, carrots, onions, tomatoes

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University of Wisconsin

West Madison Agricultural Research Station - Madison , WI, United States

UW-Madison has scheduled three field days over the next 10 weeks during which farmers, local chefs and anyone else can sample the flavors of a variety of organic vegetable crops.

September 17-19, 2014

International Symposium, Carrot and other Apiaceae

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Centre Technique Interprofessionel des Fruits et Legumes (CTIFL)

Agrocampus Ouest - Angers, France

Growers, industry and researchers will share experience and results in the areas of production practices, genetics and breeding, biology and plant protection, food technology and product quality of carrot and other Apiaceae species.

September 8-10, 2014

Balkan Agricuture Congress

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Balkan Congress Center, Trakya University - Edirne, Turkey

The aim of our international congress is to present the newest research results and research goals, analyse current conditions and perspectives in agriculture.

January 25-28, 2014

ASTA 53rd Vegetable & Flower Seed Conference

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American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)*

Hyatt Regency Monterey - Monterey, CA, United States

December 10-10, 2014

International Grains Forum

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Jeddah Hilton Hotel - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

March 10-11, 2014

4th Annual International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology (BioTech 2014)

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BITS Pilani Dubai Campus - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This multi-disciplinary conference aims to provide a challenging forum and vibrant opportunity for researchers and industry practitioners to share their original research results and practical development experiences on specific new challenges and emerging issues.

February 10-12, 2014

3rd Biotechnology World Congress

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Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Women’s Campus - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

February 3-5, 2014

Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture

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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

GFIA 2014 will present the world's largest collection of sustainable agriculture inventions and pool together the highest level of expertise, investors and suppliers to show the world how big ideas can be used to substantially increase food production in both arid and s...




October 30, 2024
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2024
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


January 31 - February 4, 2025
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
Orlando, Florida


June 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit


November 5, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 9-12, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida









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