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December 22-22, 2010

WEBINAR - Staying organized: Sample track and website results improve accuracy and efficiency

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - , United States

Customers tell us that Sample Track® and our website are critical to their success so join us for 30 minutes while we provide helpful hints and user information on these two tools.

November 23-23, 2010

WEBINAR - Seed health testing - Understanding the basics of seed health

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - , United States

Host - Pathogen - Environment - Vector Interaction; Common Seed Pathogens; Types of Seed Health Tests - Blotter, Culture Plates, ELISA, Wash, PCR; Accreditations, Rules, and Methods for Seed Health testing

November 22-26, 2010

ISTA Workshop on Germination, Tetrazolium, Sampling and Statistics

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Nakuru, Kenya

The workshop will be engaging seed samplers and laboratory managers who have to monitor seed sampling and want a quality assurance system and quality checks in place in their daily work.

November 9-9, 2010

WEBINAR - Comparing corn cold tests. Advantages and limitations of test methods

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - , United States

While the main focus is corn, the information covered definitely applies to other crops: soybean, sorghum, and rice.

November 9-13, 2010

Asian Seed Congress 2010

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Asia & Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)*

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

October 28-28, 2010

WEBINAR - Soybean Testing Webinar - Cultivar and accelerated aging tests

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - , United States

30 minute webinar will cover five processes used to determine soybean cultivars: Hilum check and seed characteristics, Seed coat peroxidase reaction, Hypocotyl color seedling growout test, Electrophoresis, Event ID using PCR/DNA based methods

October 20-20, 2010

Workshop sobre tecnologias aplicadas às sementes e mudas

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Associação Brasileira do Comércio de Sementes e Mudas (ABCSEM) *

Jaguariúna, SP, Brazil

O objetivo do evento é divulgar informações atualizadas sobre o uso da tecnologia pelas empresas de sementes e afins (beneficiamento e peletização, laboratórios de análises, produtores de insumos, etc.) e sua aplicação prática pelos consumidores (viveiristas e produtore...

October 16-16, 2010

Exporting Seed Webinar - Why seed lots are held up at the border

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - , United States

GMO seed testing recommendations; What requirements impact international seed movement; Advantages to Orange and Blue ISTA certificates; Do you need a ‘Seed Passport’? More...

October 13-15, 2010

ISTA Workshop Water activity measurement applied to seed testing

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Montargis & Nogent sur Vernisson, France

This workshop aims to discuss the potential role of water activity as a new method for seed testing. Lectures and practical aspects related to water activity measurement will be considered in relation with gravimetric moisture content.

September 29, 2010 - October 1, 2010

ISTA Quality Assurance in Seed Testing Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

This workshop will appeal to seed analysts working in laboratories or laboratory leaders that have a quality assurance system implemented. The aim is to give laboratories the opportunity to discuss and obtain inspiration on how to improve their Quality Assurance system ...

September 20-24, 2010

LII Curso Diacom - Tetrazólio e patologia de sementes

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina , Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório.

September 16-16, 2010

Soybean Harvest and Testing Webinar

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SGS North America, Inc.*

, United States

A 45 minute webinar on soybean seed moisture and mechanical damage, hypochlorite soak test for grower use and seed coat and severe field fungi infection in soybeans

August 31, 2010 - September 1, 2010

Seed Sampling Workshop

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Brookings, SD, United States

This course is the first step towards accreditation to sample for ISTA certificates. ISTA certificates require the sampler (person who pulls the sample) to be accredited. The following topics will be reviewed: ISTA and AOSA sampling rules, Sampling methods, Sealing see...

August 19-19, 2010

August Corn Webinar

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SGS North America, Inc.*

, United States

Accurate sampling, mixing, screening, retention and seed treating are key factors in assuring test results truly represent the seed lot quality.

August 18-19, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Seed Corn / Soybean Quality Testing

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Iowa State University

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States

August 10-12, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Research Seed Corn Conditioning

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Iowa State University

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States

August 5-5, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Gravity Separation

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Iowa State University

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States

August 3-3, 2010

August Corn Webinar

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SGS North America, Inc.*

, United States

Accurate sampling, mixing, screening, retention and seed treating are key factors in assuring test results truly represent the seed lot quality.

August 3-3, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Gravity Separation

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Iowa State University

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States

July 28-29, 2010

Seed Sampling Workshop

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Salinas, CA, United States

This course is the first step towards accreditation to sample for ISTA certificates. ISTA certificates require the sampler (person who pulls the sample) to be accredited. The following topics will be reviewed: ISTA and AOSA sampling rules, Sampling methods, Sealing see...

July 18-21, 2010

3rd Workshop on Molecular Aspects of Seed Dormancy and Germination

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York Museum Gardens - York, United Kingdom

July 6-10, 2010

Joint Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA) 87th Annual Meeting & Canadian Seed Growers Association Meeting

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Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA / ACCS) *

Grand Okanagan Lakefront Resort - Kelown, British Columbia, Canada

June 30, 2010 - July 1, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Seed Treatment

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Iowa State University

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States

June 26-30, 2010

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) Annual Convention

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American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)

J.W. Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa - San Antonio, Texas, United States

June 21-24, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Commercial Seed Corn Conditioning

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Iowa State University

Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States

June 16-22, 2010

International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) - 29th ISTA Congress

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Cologne City Council - Cologne, Germany

June 11-13, 2010

ISTA Workshop on Species and Variety Testing / Proteinelectrophoresis

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Bundessortenamt (Federal Plant Variety Office) - Hanover, Germany

June 9-10, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Color Sorting

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Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States

June 8-12, 2010

ISTA Workshop on GMO Testing

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Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety) - Oberschleißheim, Bavaria, Germany

June 7-8, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Color Sorting

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Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States

May 31, 2010 - June 2, 2010

ISF World Seed Congress 2010

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International Seed Federation (ISF)*

Calgary TELUS Convention Centre - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

May 25-27, 2010

Iowa State University Seed Conditioning & Seed Quality Workshops: Commercial Popcorn Conditioning

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Iowa State University

Seed Science Center at Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa, United States




June 7-11, 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit
Washington, DC


October 29, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


February 15-20, 2026
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
San Diego, California


November 4, 2026
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 14-17, 2026
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


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