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December 10-11, 2014

International Cauliflower Congress - Challenges of European Production / Congrès international Chou-fleur : les enjeux de la production européenne

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Espace Congrès Le Kérisnel - Saint Pol de Léon, France

Day 1: Economic roundtable & technical forum - Day 2: Field visits to discover the Brittany's vegetable sector

December 9-9, 2014

HGCA Agronomists' Conference 2014

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Home-Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA)

Peterborough Arena, The East of England Showground - Peterborough, United Kingdom

December 4-4, 2014

3. BBE/UFOP-Fachseminar "Nachhaltige Biokraftstoffe"

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Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. (UFOP)

Landesvertretung Rheinland-Pfalz - Berlin , Germany

Ziel des Fachseminars ist es, über die für die betroffene Wirtschaftskette neuen Anforderungen zu informieren und mit Experten der zuständigen Verwaltungen zu diskutieren, so dass die betriebliche Umsetzung der gesetzlichen Änderungsvorschriften möglichst unproblem...

December 3-6, 2014

Growtech Eurasia 2014 Fair

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Antalya Expo Center - Antalya, Turkey

14th international greenhouse, agricultural equipment and technologies fair.

December 3-4, 2014

Seed Treatments 2014

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Hotel Palace Berlin - Berlin, Germany

Informa LifeSciences' 2nd Annual Seed Treatments conference will provide you with the latest regulatory guidance and practical advice on product development, seed enhancement and risk mitigation strategies for chemical and biological seed treatments to enhance your seed...

December 3-4, 2014

Plant Breeding 2014

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Hotel Palace Berlin - Berlin, Germany

Plant Breeding 2014 will provide you with the latest regulatory guidance and industry practical advice on the application of next generation plant breeding technologies, access to genetic resources and IP protection rights for new varieties and breeding technologies for...

December 2-5, 2014

First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference

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Palais des Congrès - Dijon, France

Assessing soil biodiversity and its role for ecosystem services

November 26-26, 2014

Robotik in der Landwirtschaft

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Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA

Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung - Stuttgart, Germany

November 26-29, 2014


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Wels, Austria

November 26-27, 2014

Organic Producers Conference

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St.Johns Hotel - Solihull, United Kingdom

November 25-25, 2014

Qualitätstagung Weizen 2014

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Swiss Granum

Stade de Suisse - Bern/Wankdorf, Switzerland

November 25-26, 2014

Crop Production in Southern Britain: Precision Decisions for Profitable Cropping

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Peterborough Arena - Peterborough, United Kingdom

November 24-26, 2014

65. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs

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Saatgut Austria (Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs)

HBLFA - Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Austria

Zukünftiges Saatgut – Produktion, Vermarktung, Nutzung und Konservierung / Future Seeds – Production, Marketing, Utilization and Conservation

November 20-20, 2014

46. Pflanzenbauliche Vortragstagung, Baden-Württemberg

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Stadthalle - Sindelfingen, Germany

Der Ackerboden – ein Spiegelbild seiner Bewirtschaftung

November 20-20, 2014

27th Colloquium „Genomic Selection in Plant Breeding“

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University of Hohenheim

Aula, Castle Hohenheim - Hohenheim, Germany

November 19-20, 2014

CropTec 2014

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East of England Showground - Peterborough, United Kingdom

Brings together 16 of the UK’s leading industry experts speaking in seminar sessions on key areas of crop protection, crop nutrition, plant breeding and managing precision. Over 100 exhibitors will showcase the latest technology, business advice, research and developm...

November 19-20, 2014

Jahrestagung des Deutschen Maiskomitees

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Kongresszentrum Rosengarten - Mannheim, Germany

Neben den internen Sitzungen und Veranstaltungen stehen verschiedene Fachausschüsse auf dem Programm, in denen die Tagungsteilnehmer aktuelle Züchtungs- und Marktfragen öffentlich diskutieren.

November 18-18, 2014

European Neighbourhood Food Safety Conference

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European Union - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Star Hotel du Parc - Parma, Italy

The objective of the Conference is to promote understanding of EFSA’s working methods and practice in the European Neighbourhood countries and to contribute to the creation of communication and information exchange systems.

November 17-20, 2014

Wheat Improvement Strategic Programme (WISP) course on Wheat Genetics

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John Innes Centre - Norwich, United Kingdom

The aim of this course is to offer training in the genetic analysis methodologies employed in WISP at the John Innes Centre. The participants will gain the skills necessary to apply these methodologies in their own research.

November 17-20, 2014

ISTA Quality Assurance Workshop in Seed Testing for advanced laboratories

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Bassersdorf, Switzerland

The aim of this workshop is to give experienced laboratories the opportunity to discuss and find out how to improve their Quality Assurance system and benefit from it. Participation is open to both ISTA members and non-members. Registration is possible until September 3...

November 11-14, 2014

Total Food 2014

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John Innes Centre Conference Centre, Norwich Research Park - Norwich , United Kingdom

Fourth in a series of international conferences which focus on the sustainable exploitation of agri-food co-products and related biomass, thereby helping to minimise waste.

November 10-12, 2014

8th Conference of the World Mycotoxin Forum 2014

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Vienna, Austria

The conference will be aimed at integrated solutions minimising mycotoxin contamination of raw materials and providing management solutions for safe use from the farm to the fork.

November 8-16, 2014

Agri-Tech Week

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Agri-Tech East

East Anglia, United Kingdom

Agri-Tech East, the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association, the Suffolk Agricultural Association, and the Home Grown Cereals Authority – have joined forces to present Agri-Tech Week.

November 5-6, 2014

BVL-Symposium: Neue Entwicklungen in der Gentechnik – Neue Ansätze für das behördliche Hand

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Germany, Government

Auswärtiges Amt, Konferenzzentrum, Weltsaal, Unterwasserstraße 10 - Berlin, Germany

November 5-6, 2014

BVL-Symposium: "Herausforderungen 2015: Neue Entwicklungen in der Gentechnik – Neue Ansätze für das behördliche Handeln?"

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Germany, Government

Auswärtiges Amt. Konferenzzentrum · Weltsaal - Berlin, Germany

Angesprochen werden unter anderem Aspekte zu gentechnischen Arbeiten, Sicherheitstechniken, synthetischer Biologie, neuen GVO, Risikobewertung, internationalem Handel, Koexistenz und Überwachung sowie Risikokommunikation und -wahrnehmung.

October 30-30, 2014

Jornada BIOVEGEN “Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en producción vegetal”

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Salón de Actos del CSIC - Madrid, Spain

Este evento tiene como objetivo transmitir al sector agroalimentario español el potencial de la investigación en Biología Vegetal para mejorar su competitividad, la revolución tecnológica que está teniendo lugar en este ámbito, y resaltar la importancia que tiene...

October 29-31, 2014

Phytotron Conference 2014 - Analysis of Plants in Controlled Environments

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Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research

Helmholtz Center - Munich, Germany

Adaptations and responses to various stresses/factors of plants and ecosystems are diverse and still not fully understood. The uncertainty/variability of the weather and climate models/prediction and the co-variation and interaction of many of its components make it dif...

October 29-31, 2014

PhenoDays 2014

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LemnaTec GmbH

Palais des Congrès - Beaune , France

October 29-30, 2014

Croptec 2014

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East of England showground - Peterborough, United Kingdom

October 28-29, 2014

Fachtagung 'Leguminosen - Bausteine einer nachhaltigeren Landwirtschaft'

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Germany, Government

Stadthalle Bonn- Bad Godesberg - Bonn, Germany

October 27-28, 2014

International Conference on Global Plant Health Risks and Consequences

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United Kingdom, Ministry of Agriculture

Lakeside Conference Centre, Fera's Sand Hutton - York, United Kingdom

October 21-22, 2014

Synthetic Biology Congress

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London Heathrow Marriott Hotel - London, United Kingdom

This event will attract over 150 industry & academic experts working in areas such as synthetic biology, bioengineering, biochemical / metabolic / chemical / genetic engineering, systems biology, microbiology, computational / molecular biology, chemistry, mathematics,...

October 20-22, 2014

9th Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting (ABIM)

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Congress Centre - Basel, Switzerland

October 20-21, 2014

2nd qPCR & Digital PCR Congress

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London, United Kingdom

October 19-25, 2014

International Conference on Biopesticides 7

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Sueno Hotel Beach Side - Antalya, Turkey

October 15-15, 2014

Scientific NTO workshop - Stacked Bt genes: assessment of effects on non-target organisms

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Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM)

Crowne Plaza Amsterdam City Centre Hotel - Amsterdam , Netherlands

Can Bt proteins interact? Are effects on NTOs due to the combination of Bt proteins to be expected? Should we take possible interactions into account in the risk assessment? How should possible effects be assessed?

October 15-17, 2014

Fruit Attraction - International Trade Show for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry

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Avenida del Partenón 5, Feria de Madrid - Madrid, Spain

October 14-17, 2014

ISTA Hands-on Seminar on Seed Image Analysis

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Angers, France

The ISTA Advanced Technologies Committee (ATC) and GEVES, French laboratories in Angers (France), organise an ISTA Hands-on Seminar on Seed Image Analysis. In the hands-on seminar the participants will learn and discuss about (basics of) different imaging technologies t...

October 13-15, 2014

18th IFOAM Organic World Congress

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International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)

Istanbul, Turkey

October 12, 2014 - December 15, 2014

Third International Glucosinolate Conference - Glucosinolates and beyond

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Wageningen University & Research

Conference Centre and Hotel De Wageningsche Berg - Wageningen, Netherlands

October 12-14, 2014

European Seed Association Annual Meeting 2014

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Corinthia Hotel Lisbon - Lisbon, Portugal

October 8-8, 2014

4. Norddeutscher Zuckerrübentag

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Klostergut Mönchehof - Wunstorf-Kolenfeld, Germany

Mit Präsentationen zum Zwischenfruchtanbau wird ein aktuelles Thema hinsichtlich der Greeningauflagen und der notwendigen Ausrichtung auf hohe und stabile Zuckererträge abgedeckt. Hier werden die unterschiedlichen technischen Möglichkeiten der Herbstbearbeitung von Z...

October 8-9, 2014

Elsoms Vegetable Open Days 2014

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Elsoms Seeds Ltd.

Spalding, United Kingdom

We will have an extensive range of vegetable and arable plots available to view, with experts from Elsoms and Bejo on hand to offer technical advice.

October 7-10, 2014

XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Fitopatología

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Palacio de Congresos de Lleida. La Llotja - Lleida , Spain

October 6-11, 2014

UC Davis European Plant Breeding Academy Class 3 - Session 4

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University of California, Davis

Enkhuizen, Netherlands

The 2013 class will maintain the core curriculum delivered in the previous classes and add modules to address the most recent development in plant breeding theory and practice, including an expanded section on molecular marker use, genome selection, non-replicated desig...

October 2-2, 2014

Beet Europe 2014

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Pawlowiczki Commune - Dobieszów, Poland

October 1-3, 2014

Vegetal World

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Feria Valencia - Valencia, Spain

September 30, 2014 - October 1, 2014

BCPC Congress 2014 – Focus on Regulatory Affairs

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British Crop Production Council (BCPC)

Hilton Metropole Hotel - Brighton, United Kingdom

Special keynote presentation from Professor Joyce Tait, ESRC Innogen Institute, The University of Edinburgh entitled: Anticipatory Governance and Responsible Innovation: "Newspeak" and the political control of technology.

September 29, 2014 - October 2, 2014

VI Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes

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Zagreb , Croatia

September 29, 2014 - October 1, 2014

British Crop Production Council (BCPC) Congress 2014

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British Crop Production Council (BCPC)

Hilton Metropole - Brighton , United Kingdom

September 25-25, 2014

Colloque "Implantation des cultures, place à l'innovation !"

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Terres Inovia

Centre Culturel La Passerelle - Fleury les Aubrais, France

L'objectif est de présenter aux agriculteurs et techniciens les connaissances récemment acquises sur les implantations innovantes du colza, du tournesol, de la betterave, du maïs et des céréales, et de discuter de l'intérêt et des difficultés de leur adoption da...

September 24-26, 2014

MacFrut 2014

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Cesena Fiera - Cesena, Italy

September 24-25, 2014

Wirtschaftliche Fachtagung für Futterpflanzen- und Zwischenfruchtsaatgut

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Bundesverband Deutscher Saatguterzeuger e.V. (BDS)

Maritim Hotel - Fulda, Germany

September 24-26, 2014

BioSpain 2014

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Galicia Congress & Exhibition Palace - Miguel Ferro Caaveiro s/n – San Lázaro - Santiago de Compostela, Spain

September 23-26, 2014

59. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung

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Albert-Ludwigs-Universität - Freiburg, Germany

"Forschen – Wissen – Pflanzen schützen: Ernährung sichern!"

September 23-24, 2014

Fachtagung zum Thema betaGlucan Gerste – Fakten, Forschung, Marktchancen

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IGV Institut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH - Nuthetal, Germany

September 23-25, 2014

Haupttagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. (GPZ) - "Genetic Variation in Plant Breeding"

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Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V.

Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel - Kiel, Germany

Session 1: Natural Variation - Session 2: Induced Mutations and Genetic Modification - Session 3: Gene Introgression into Elite Material - Session 4: Perspectives for Breeding

September 23-27, 2014

Bejo Zaden Open Days 2014

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Bejo Zaden BV

Warmenhuizen, Netherlands

September 23-25, 2014

Syngenta Open Field Demo Days 2014

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Syngenta Seeds B.V.

Cornelis Kuinweg 28A - Andijk, Netherlands

September 23-26, 2014

Nickerson Zwaan Open Dagen 2014

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Hazera Benelux

Middenweg 15 (GPS coordinaten: 52o 45,10 Noord, 04o 47,23 Oost) - Dirkshorn, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

September 23-26, 2014

Seed meets Technology

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Proeftuin Zwaagdijk, Tolweg 13 - Zwaagdijk-Oost, Netherlands

An event all about innovative seed and coating technology, breeding support, sustainable crop protection, growing systems and varieties. In short: adding value to horticultural seed in the widest sense of the word.

September 22-26, 2014

Sakata Vegetables Europe Open Days 2014

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Sakata Vegetables Europe S.A.S.

Tolweg 13 - Zwaagdijk-Oost, Netherlands

Wwe invite you to visit our trial field and see our wide range of species (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, red beet, radish, squash and spinach) we have on offer. Included are some new varieties and novelties which we would like to share with you.

September 22-26, 2014

International Course on Seed Physiology and Technology

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Breedwise BV

Hotel de Wageningsche Berg - Wageningen, Netherlands

The course is developed for employees of seed companies, seed technology companies, plant nurseries and related institutions, who are involved in seed production, seed quality, seed treatments and seed research. The minimum requirement for education is a BSc. degree in ...

September 17-19, 2014

International Symposium, Carrot and other Apiaceae

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Centre Technique Interprofessionel des Fruits et Legumes (CTIFL)

Agrocampus Ouest - Angers, France

Growers, industry and researchers will share experience and results in the areas of production practices, genetics and breeding, biology and plant protection, food technology and product quality of carrot and other Apiaceae species.

September 16-18, 2014

VII Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas

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Instituto Agronómico Mediterráneo de Zaragoza-CIHEAM, situado en el Campus de AULA DEI - Zaragoza, Spain

September 14-17, 2014

7. Tagung Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzenforschung des Deutschen Fachausschusses für Arznei-, Gewürz- und Aromapflanzen

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Vienna, Austria

VIIth Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research of the German Expert Committee on Medicinal Aromatic and Perfumery Plants and the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria

September 10-10, 2014

Metabomeeting 2014

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Royal Institution - London, United Kingdom

The MPF will focus on the conference program while SELECTBIO will take care of logistics, promotion and exhibition/sponsorship activities.We are expecting up to 300 attendees offering a unique opportunity to network with key researchers who are making innovative discove...

September 10-12, 2014

Plant Nutrition 2014

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University Halle-Wittenberg (Martin Luther Universität Halle Wittenberg)

Martin Luther University - Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

From basic understanding to better crops

September 9-9, 2014

5th International Symposium of Biofumigation

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Harper Adams University - Newport , United Kingdom

September 9-10, 2014

Kongress der Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe - "Mit Pflanzenzüchtung zum Erfolg"

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Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.

Mövenpick Hotel Berlin - Berlin, Germany

„Mit Pflanzenzüchtung zum Erfolg“ ist die erste Veranstaltung der FNR, die sich ausschließlich mit der Züchtung von Industrie- und Energiepflanzen befasst.

September 9-10, 2014

GARNet 2014: The Past, Present and Future of the Genetic Model Revolution

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University of Bristol

Bristol, United Kingdom

September 8-10, 2014

Balkan Agricuture Congress

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Balkan Congress Center, Trakya University - Edirne, Turkey

The aim of our international congress is to present the newest research results and research goals, analyse current conditions and perspectives in agriculture.

September 4-7, 2014

ISTA Seed Health Testing Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Poznań University of Life Sciences - Poznan, Poland

September 3-4, 2014

Potato Europe 2014

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Rittergut Bockerode - Bockerode, Hanover, Germany

September 2-3, 2014

Four Oaks Trade Show

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The venue is a 23 acre nursery site in Cheshire UK, close to the Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope - Cheshire, United Kingdom

The last ten years have brought a steady growth to the nursery sector, specifically specimen plants and mature stock from across Europe. Massive displays of plant material form the heart of the show, with associated supplies and services from production to point-of-sale...

September 1-3, 2014

SPS 2014 - Sustainable Phosphorus Summit

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Le Corum - Montpellier, France

The primary aim of this multidisciplinary event is to define the global research priority agenda, integrating phosphorus-related issues across scales, geographical regions and scientific domains.

August 26-29, 2014

PSP5 2014 - Phophorus in Soils and Plants / 5th International Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants

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Le Corum - Montpellier, France

Multidisciplinary event, gathering plant nutritionists (plant physiology, genetics and systems biology), agronomists, ecologists, biogeochemists and soil scientists from worldwide, fostering scientific exchanges across discipline boundaries, in order to face the challen...

August 25-29, 2014

XIII. Congress of the European Society of Agronomy

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European Society for Agronomy (ESA)

entre for Agricultural and Applied Economic Sciences of the University of Debrecen - Debrecen, Hungary

August 19-20, 2014

Soja-Exkursion nach Oberösterreich im Rahmen des Soja-Netzwerks

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Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft / Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung

Abfahrt: Freising - Freising, Germany

Auf dem Programm stehen am ersten Tag unter Anderem eine Besichtigung eines Soja-Sortenversuches und eines On-Farm-Versuches sowie der Besuch eines Futtermittelwerkes. Einen intensiven Einblick in die Soja-Züchtung und -Aufbereitung erhalten die Teilnehmer am zweiten T...

August 17-22, 2014

15 th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships

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University of Neuchâtel - Neuchâtel, Switzerland

The symposium will have a multidisciplinary perspective, and will put special emphasis on the presentation of emerging new fields and hitherto neglected areas.

July 23-24, 2014

Pflanzenschutztagung des Deutschen Maiskomitees

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Deutsches Maiskomitee e.V.

Bildungszentrum Triesdorf - Triesdorf , Germany

July 22-24, 2014

45th Annual Fleuroselect Convention

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Norwich, United Kingdom

July 14-18, 2014

CURSO - ‘La biotecnología: bases y aplicaciones en agricultura, nutrición, farmacia y medicina’

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Universitat Jaume I

Campus universitari de la Universitat Jaume I - Castelló de la Plana, Spain

El curso busca ampliar los conocimientos de los asistentes sobre las distintas técnicas de la biotecnología. Después de una introducción teórica se analizará su impacto en biomedicina refiriéndose nuevas terapias y fármacos.

July 13-16, 2014

16th European Congress on Biotechnology

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Edinburgh International Conference Center (EICC) - Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

The scientific programme is being designed to cover a multitude of sections of biotechnology, including environmental and green biotechnology, microbial physiology, microbial synthetic and systems biology, applied biocatalysis, including industrial systems and synthetic...

July 8-8, 2014

Seed collecting and use for restoration and re-introduction

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Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank

Wakehurst Place, West Sussex, United Kingdom

10am to 4pm - Using semi-natural habitats at Wakehurst Place, seed will be collected and quality-assessed by participants in the Millennium Seed Bank laboratories. During the afternoon, grassland enhancement techniques and initial results will be demonstrated.

July 6-9, 2014

Frontiers in Plant Research - A Workshop for New Plant Scientists

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John Innes Centre

John Innes Center - Norwich, United Kingdom

An informal workshop to engage the next generation of scientists in discovering major challenges in future plant research. Eligibility - Applicants should have three or more years of research experience at the time of the workshop. Closing date for applications 31st Mar...

July 6-11, 2014

EAPR 2014 - European Association for Potato Research Conference

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European Association for Potato Research (EAPR)

Brussels, Belgium

July 4-4, 2014

Ökolandbau–Feldtag der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL)

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Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft / Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung

Versuchsstation Viehhausen/Kranzberg der Technischen Universität München - Viehhausen/Kranzberg, Germany

Zoombild vorhanden Der Feldtag gibt einen Überblick über laufende Feldversuche zum ökologischen Landbau der Institute für Ökologischen Landbau, Bodenkultur und Ressourcen-schutz und für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung der LfL.

July 3-4, 2014

Global Melon & Watermelon Event

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Rijk Zwaan BV

Cartagena , Murcia, Spain

International producers, traders and wholesalers are invited to experience our new melon and watermelon varieties.

July 2-2, 2014

Seminario - Produzione sementiera e controlli fitosanitari: incontro tecnico di aggiornamento

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Associazione Italiana Sementi (Assosementi) *

Hotel Savoia Regency - Bologna, Italy

July 2-3, 2014

Curso de Verano Sobre Biotecnología

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Villanueva de los Infantes, Spain

July 1-1, 2014

NIAB Cambridge Open Day

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National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)

Park Farm demonstration site - Histon, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Access the latest independent advice and research on plant breeding, varieties, crop agronomy, soils and plant innovation with an afternoon of indoor seminars, exhibits and field and glasshouse demonstrations.

July 1-4, 2014


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Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM - Madrid, Spain

June 29, 2014 - July 4, 2014

EUCARPIA Cereals Section – I T M I Joint Conference

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EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding

Wernigerode, Germany

Cereals for Food, Feed and Fuel Challenge for Global Improvement

June 24-24, 2014

Internationale Asperge Demodag 2014

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Tienray, Netherlands

June 23-25, 2014

4ième Assises Nationales de la Biodiversité

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Le Corum - Montpellier, France

June 23-26, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The objective of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling, and seed sampling related aspects of quality assurance in relation to a range of species. The workshop will offer a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as the opportunity to address ...

June 23-28, 2014

UC Davis European Plant Breeding Academy Class 3 - Session 3

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University of California, Davis

Gatersleben, Germany

The 2013 class will maintain the core curriculum delivered in the previous classes and add modules to address the most recent development in plant breeding theory and practice, including an expanded section on molecular marker use, genome selection, non-replicated desig...

June 22-26, 2014

Plant Biology Europe FESPB/EPSO 2014 Congress

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European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO)

The Convention Center - Dublin, Ireland

June 19-19, 2014

New crop breeding technologies

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The Royal Society - London, United Kingdom

Invitation only

June 18-19, 2014

Chemspec Europe

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Budapest, Hungary

June 17-19, 2014

Training on Risk Assessment in Genetically Modified Organisms and other Biotechnologies

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European Union - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Ramada Plaza - Antalya, Turkey

The training intends to improve the knowledge of participants on risk assessment in Genetically Modified Organisms and other Biotechnologies and increase the awareness among participants on EFSA’s activities. Theoretical and practical balanced sessions will allow part...

June 17-20, 2014

Enza Zaden’s House Fair

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Enza Zaden BV

Enza Zaden Demo Greenhouse - 's-Gravenzande, Netherlands

Enza Zaden’s House Fair will give you a glimpse of our breeding programme and the opportunity to admire our leading varieties at a single glance. Familiar and new tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and eggplant varieties will be on show and can be discussed with our repre...

June 17, 2014 - July 10, 2014

Bayer CropScience Demonstration Days 2014

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Bayer CropScience (UK)

Chishill / Cawood / Oxford / Callow / Hambledon / Long Sutton / Coupar Angus, United Kingdom


June 17-19, 2014

DLG-Feldtage 2014

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Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft (DLG)

Internationales DLG-Pflanzenbauzentrum - Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany

Neuheiten und Trends in der Pflanzenproduktion von rund 300 Ausstellern - Komplettes Fachangebot auf über 45 ha anschaulich präsentiert im Versuchsfeld, auf dem Campus und bei Maschinenvorführungen - Umfangreiches Sortiment an Marktfrüchten, Futterpflanzen, Sonderku...

June 16, 2014 - July 4, 2014

Rijk Zwaan's Summer Demo Field

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Rijk Zwaan BV

Fijnaart, Netherlands

Our range of varieties for outdoor cultivation will be on display, with full information. We would be glad to personally show you our demo field in Fijnaart. Simply make an appointment with your regional crop advisor or trial field coordinator Arno van Oers, + 31 (0) 6 ...

June 16-17, 2014

EFSA Scientific Colloquium N°20: Whole Genome Sequencing of food-borne pathogens for public health protection

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European Union - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Parma, Italy

Discussions will focus on assessing the latest scientific information, on strengthening alliances with the relevant EU and international bodies to initiate discussions on the use of WGS methods for food safety applications and drive EFSA’s ongoing efforts in the colle...

June 16-20, 2014

Enhanced Genepool Utilization - Capturing wild relative and landrace diversity for crop improvement

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EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding

NIAB Innovation Farm - Cambridge, United Kingdom

The conference will showcase novel characterization techniques and conservation strategies to identify and preserve CWR and LR traits to increase options for crop improvement as a means of underpinning food security in the face of climate change.

June 16-17, 2014

EFSA’s 20th Scientific Colloquium on Whole Genome Sequencing

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European Union - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Parma, Italy

June 16-20, 2014

Enhanced Genepool Utilization ‒ Capturing wild relative and landrace diversity for crop improvement

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EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding

NIAB Innovation Farm - Cambridge, United Kingdom

The conference will showcase novel characterization techniques and conservation strategies to identify and preserve CWR and LR traits to increase options for crop improvement as a means of underpinning food security in the face of climate change.

June 16-27, 2014

17th Plant Variety Protection course

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Wageningen University - Wageningen, Netherlands

The course aims at facilitating the introduction and practical implementation of Plant Breeders' Rights (Plant Variety Protection) in countries where legislation on this matter is being developed, has recently been passed or who are considering to develop a system.

June 16-19, 2014

International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Annual Meeting 2014

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Venue to be determined - City to be determined, Switzerland

Country to be determined

June 14-22, 2014

Woche der Botanischen Gärten: Vorträge und Führungen an der Universität Hohenheim

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University of Hohenheim

Universität Hohenheim - Hohenheim, Germany

Pflanzen als Chemiefabriken, essbare Pflanzen im Hohenheimer Schlosspark und Wettrüsten zwischen Schädlingen und Kulturpflanzen: Dies sind nur einige Themen, die bei den Vorträgen und Führungen an der Universität Hohenheim behandelt werden.

June 12-14, 2014

7th ISTA Seed Health Symposium

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The programme will be of a high technical and scientific quality discussing the latest scientific research on seed-borne pathogens; progress in seed health testing; and (both) phytosanitary and practical issues confronting the industry worldwide.

June 11-12, 2014

Vegetable Trials 2014

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Rijk Zwaan BV

Westland region - Maasdijk, 's-Gravenzande, Kwintsheul, Poeldijk, , Netherlands

Five breeding companies are holding open days at the same time for visitors from the professional sector. They will offer you the opportunity to visit their demo sites in an efficient manner. On site, you can talk to specialists about the new crops and products, taste t...

June 11-14, 2014

BioTech 2014 and 6th Czech-Swiss Symposium

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Prague, Czech Republic

BioTech 2014 will concentrate on microbial biotechnology, the key technology for bio-based economies. Microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, and microalgae, and their enzymes, are used for manufacturing a wide range of products in sustainable, forward-looking bioproces...

June 11-13, 2014

XII edición de la Reunión de Biología Molecular de Plantas (RBMP)

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Edificio CIM. Cuartel de Instrucción de Marinería - Cartagena , Murcia, Spain

June 11-12, 2014

Cereals 2014

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Chrishall Grange, Nr Duxford - Cambs, United Kingdom

Cereals is the leading technical event for the UK arable industry with over 64ha of stands and live demonstrations including Crop Plots, Working Cultivations, Sprays and Sprayers, Post-Harvest Technology, Business Area, Potatoes and Renewables.

June 10-13, 2014

Flowertrials 2014

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Alsmeer area / Westland area / Rheinland Westphalen - Alsmeer / Westland, Netherlands

June 10-12, 2014

GreenTech 2014

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​​Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Show themes: water, energy and biobased.

June 10-10, 2014

IGC Grains Conference 2014

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The Tower Hotel - London, United Kingdom

June 10-13, 2014

V International Conference Postharvest Unlimited

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Lemesos , Cyprus

Info: Dr. George A. Manganaris, Athinon & Anexartisias Corner, P.O. Box 50329, 3603 Lemesos, Cyprus. Phone: (357)25002307, Fax: (357)25002804, E-mail: george.manganaris@cut.ac.cy

June 9-13, 2014

OECD Seed Schemes, Annual Meeting of National Authorities

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Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Zagreb,, Croatia

Contact: I. Matuschke, TAD/COD

June 8-11, 2014

11th World Processing Tomato Congress & 13th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato

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International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)

Sirmione Congress Center - Sirmione , Italy

June 7-15, 2014

51ª Feira Nacional da Agricultura

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Santarém, Portugal

June 5-6, 2014

Journées nationales Mycotoxines

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Université Montpellier 2 - Montpellier , France

June 4-5, 2014

Salon de l'herbe 2014

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Poussay, 88, France

June 4-5, 2014

2. Deutsche Bauernverband Ackerbautagung

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Deutscher Bauernverband

Haus der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft - Berlin, Germany

June 4-5, 2014

International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Biological Sciences (ICFAE’14)

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Ramada Plaza Antalya - Antalya , Turkey

Aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Sciences, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solu...

June 4-5, 2014

International scientific workshop: Risk assessment considerations for RNAi-based GM plants

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European Union - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Brussels, Belgium

The objectives of this workshop are to discuss: (1) RNAi mechanisms in plants, mammals and invertebrates; (2) current and future RNAi applications in GM plants; and (3) risk assessment approaches for such plants.

June 3-3, 2014

ADAS Boxworth Open Day 2014

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ADAS Boxworth, Battlegate Road - Boxworth, United Kingdom

This popular event, will demonstrate HGCA, Defra and commercially funded research aimed at maximising margins, improving crop production efficiency and providing environmental benefits.

June 2-27, 2014

COURSE - Seed potato technology, certification and supply systems

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands

The potato is a major food security crop, and a source of income for a wide range of farmers. It is highly productive per unit area in a short time. Seed potatoes are the base of the production chain and the most critical factor for crop yield. Often, the supply of good...

May 22-23, 2014


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Osnabrück , Germany

May 22-23, 2014

Saatguthandelstag 2014

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Bundesverband der VO-Firmen e.V (BVO)

Burg Warberg, Germany

May 19-20, 2014

2nd Annual Next Generation Sequencing Congress

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Copthorne Tara Hotel - London, United Kingdom

May 19-22, 2014

11th International Master Class on Seed Technology

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Wageningen University & Research

Hof van Wageningen - Wageningen, Netherlands

The aim of the Master Class is to offer professional seed technologists and physiologists a further deepening, broadening and actualisation of their knowledge and expertise.

May 19-21, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Tree and Shrub Seeds from the Mediterranean Basin

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Technical University of Madrid - Madrid, Spain

May 19, 2014 - June 6, 2014

COURSE - Integrated pest management and food safety

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen , Netherlands

In recent decades, consumers have become increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of their food. Public and private standards for pesticide residues have become stricter than ever before. But while there are plentiful technical solutions, the application of I...

May 19, 2014 - June 6, 2014

Integrated seed sector development

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Centre for Advanced Technology AgroFood (CAT-AgroFood), Wageningen UR

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands

In this course participants can broaden their international experience and strengthen their competencies to support seed sector development, taking an integrated perspective.

May 18-23, 2014

4th International Symposium on Weeds and Invasive Plants

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Montpellier SupAgro on the 'Campus de La Gaillarde' - Montpellier, France

This event brings together over 100 scientists and managers who share a strong interest in the Biology, Ecology and methods of controlling invasive plants in cultivated and natural habitats as well as urban areas.

May 15-15, 2014

Breeding Plants for the Future - 2nd in the "More Crop per Plot" series

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University of Reading

University of Reading - Reading, United Kingdom

Cutting-edge research will be reviewed, including how epigenetic variation affecting changes in gene expression will create new breeding opportunities. Other topics will cover new genomic technologies, new targets for plant breeders, field testing of new varieties, and ...

May 14-15, 2014

Biostimulants and Plant Growth Conference

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Hotel le Plaza - Brussels, Belgium

Informa Life Sciences conference has been specifically designed to provide the latest regulatory guidance as well as explore the most novel scientific innovations currently being developed within the plant health specialty products sector.

May 14-14, 2014

2nd Annual Conference on the Impact of Agriculture on Pollinating Insects

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Oxford, United Kingdom

In addition to exploring the rationale and consequences of the EU Commission restriction decisions on pollinating insects, the conference will include in-depth information on the status of pollinating insect populations across Europe, identification of factors leading t...

May 12-13, 2014

2nd Plant Genomics Congress

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London, United Kingdom

The 1st Plant Genomics Congress, was held in May 2013 in London and attracted 260 experts working in next generation sequencing, plant genomics/ sciences, epigenetics, bioinformatics and data management.

May 8-8, 2014

Web-Seminar zur Hybridforschung

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University of Hohenheim

Online - Hohenheim, Germany

Aktuelle Anbausituation in Gerste und Weizen: Linien- kontra Hybridsorten; Was können Hybriden mehr? – Heterosis für Ertrag und andere Merkmale; Problem Hybridsaatgutproduktion – oder warum ist das Saatgut teurer? Forschen die Saatzuchtfirmen überhaupt an Hybrids...

May 5, 2014 - June 8, 2014

Introduction to the UPOV System of Plant Variety Protection under the UPOV Convention

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International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)

Online - Geneva, Switzerland

The course is estimated to require around 36 hours of study, which can be undertaken at any time within the 4-week study period. The course contains comprehensive explanations, diagrams, self-assessment questions and end of module tests to guide participants.

May 4-5, 2014

European Vegetable Strategies

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Hotel Bloom - Brussels, Belgium

April 28, 2014 - May 1, 2014

2nd International Wheat Stripe (Yellow) Rust Symposium

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International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Izmir, Turkey

Will bring together the world’s leading stripe rust researchers to interact with decision makers from rust-affected countries and assess the current state of research and regional cooperation on rust surveillance.

April 22-25, 2014

XVIIIth EUCARPIA Meeting of the Tomato Working Group

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EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding

Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse - Avignon, France

The Organizing Committee invites researchers and breeders interested in tomato genetics and breeding to participate. An excellent opportunity to show and discuss your latest results on genetic resources, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, genetics of yield and f...

April 14-16, 2014

9th international workshop entitled "Sulfur Metabolism in Plants: Molecular Physiology and Ecophysiology of Sulfur"

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Schloss Reinach - Freiburg-Munzingen , Germany

The workshop will make an effort to get a closer connection between scientists working in different disciplines on sulfur in biology. This is a first attempt to get the interdisciplinary community of scientists working on sulfur in biology into discussions on current an...

April 8-10, 2014

Food Integrity and Traceability Conference

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Queen's University Belfast

Queen's University Belfast - Belfast, United Kingdom

April 8-9, 2014

Eastern Europe Regulatory Conference: Registration of Plant Protection Products

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Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge - Budapest, Hungary

April 8-10, 2014

Flowers & Horttech Ukraine & CIS 2014

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International Exhibition Center - Kiev, Ukraine

April 7-8, 2014

SEMINAR - Training on State Aid in the Agricultural Sector

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MCE Conference Centre - Brussels, Belgium

2-day intensive training on the State aid rules applicable to the agricultural sector, with a special focus on the modernisation of Guidelines for State aid in agricultural and forestry sector, the ABER and de minimis regulation.

April 7-8, 2014

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Genomics Congress 2014

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Royal Garden Hotel Kensington - London , United Kingdom

Over 40 presentations and case studies from practitioners and researchers in food and nutrition companies, food testing and plant and agriculture research institutes.

April 7-25, 2014

Contemporary Approaches to Genetic Resources Conservation and Use

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Modern production and marketing of agricultural crops depend on a limited number of genetically uniform varieties that deliver uniform food products. With this approach becoming global, genetic diversity is endangered. Worldwide, strategies are developed to conserve gen...

April 4-4, 2014

Pflanzenforschung im EU-Programm Horizon 2020

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Julius Kühn Institut

Julius Kühn-Institut - Quedlinburg, Germany

April 1-4, 2014

11th European IFSA Symposium

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Berlin, Germany

Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies

April 1-3, 2014

Joint EFSA-EPPO Workshop on ‘Data collection and information sharing in plant health’

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European Union - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Parma , Italy

The main objective of this Workshop is to exchange experience and reflect together on how to collect, store and disseminate plant health information at national, regional and global level. The Workshop will include presentations from key note speakers and participants, ...

March 31, 2014 - April 1, 2014

UK PlantSci 2014

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UK Plant Sciences Federation

University of York - York, United Kingdom

March 25-26, 2014

Journees de l'Assocaitaion Francaise pour le Production Fouragere

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Association Française pour la Production Fourragère (AFPF)

Amphithéâtre de l'INRA - Versailles, France

March 25-26, 2014

Association Française pour la Production Fourragère - Journées professionnelles de Printemps 2014

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Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS)

Amphithéâtre de l’INRA - Versailles , France

March 24-28, 2014

3rd GRiSP Phenotyping Network Workshop

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CIRAD - Montpellier, France

The workshop will bring together scientists from GRiSP centers including IRRI, CIAT, AfricaRice, IRD and CIRAD, as well as from other key partners from the rice world: NARS (e.g. from China and Brazil), universities (e.g. in the US and Australia) and private sector (e.g...

March 24-26, 2014

Workshop Seed Identification

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Naktuinbouw - Roelofarendsveen, Netherlands

The course aims at improving the identification of seeds that are found as impurities in seed samples.

March 11-13, 2014

1st International Bioenergy Conference

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Manchester Central Convention Complex - Manchester , United Kingdom

Will highlight the latest in advanced bioenergy research and help to build collaborations across research disciplines, including plant scientists, chemists, engineers, social scientists and national facilities.

March 3-8, 2014

UC Davis European Plant Breeding Academy Class 3 - Session 2

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University of California, Davis

Angers, France

The 2013 class will maintain the core curriculum delivered in the previous classes and add modules to address the most recent development in plant breeding theory and practice, including an expanded section on molecular marker use, genome selection, non-replicated desig...

February 28-28, 2014

XI Jornada de Protección Vegetal

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Sala Prat de la Riba, Instituto Catalán de Estudios Agrarios (ICEA) - Barcelona , Spain

February 25-27, 2014

IOBC Working Group “Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms”

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The “Arsenal”, Conference center of the University of Namur - Namur, Belgium

Theme: Plant-pest-enemies interactions.

February 25-26, 2014

Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2014: The Dundee Conference

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West Park Conference Centre - Dundee, United Kingdom

Environmental Management & Crop Protection

February 22, 2014 - March 2, 2014

Salon International de l'Agriculture

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Palais des Expositions, Porte de Versailles - Paris, France

February 19-20, 2014

Sommet du Végétal

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Association Générale des Producteurs de Maïs (AGPM)

Nantes Event Center - Nantes, France

L’Union des grandes cultures ORAMA qui rassemble : l’AGPM (Association Générale des Producteurs de Maïs), l’AGPB (Association Générale des Producteurs de Blé) et la (FOP) Fédération Française des Producteurs d'Oléagineux et de Protéagineux, organisent d...

February 12-15, 2014

Biofach 2014

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Nurnberg, Germany

World's leading Trade Fair for Organic Food

February 12-14, 2014

Crops & Chemicals Europe

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Maritim proArte Hotel - Berlin, Germany

Agrochemical formulation, biocide formulation, chemical control and hazard communication regulations and veterinary medicine: from vision to product

February 11-13, 2014

Horticulture Busines Days

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Gorichem, Netherlands

The largest horticulture trade fair in the Netherlands - Increasing interest from abroad - Focus on greenhouse cultivation - 17.800 visitors at the last edition - 500 exhibitors at the last edition

February 11-13, 2014

28th Meeting of the Working Group for the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology

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Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Paris, France

Contact: K. Suwabe, ENV/EHS

February 10-10, 2014

Workshop on New Plant Breeding Techniques

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Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Paris, France

Organised by the WG for the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology), OECD Paris (contact: K. Suwabe, ENV/EHS)

February 6-6, 2014

1. Nationale Ackerbautagung / 1ère Journée Nationale Grandes Cultures

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Swiss Granum

Inforama Rütti - salle Rütti - Zollikofen , Switzerland

Concilier économie et écologie en grandes cultures / Ökonomie und Ökologie im Ackerbau in Einklang bringen

February 5-6, 2014

Inaugural Oilseed Congress Europe/MENA 2014

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Hotel Arts Barcelona - Barcelona , Spain

Will address key opportunities and challenges facing the oilseed trade in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and provide networking opportunities for senior executives and participants operating across the supply chain.

February 5-7, 2014

Fruit Logistica 2014

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Messe Berlin - Berlin, Germany

January 30-31, 2014

OECD Seed Schemes, Technical Working Group Meeting on Varietal Identity and Purity

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Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

January 30-30, 2014

7. Produkttag Spargel

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Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft / Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung

Weichering, Germany

Der 7. Produkttages Spargel beschäftigt sich mit Themen rund um den Spargelanbau. Das Informationsangebot soll Hilfestellungen und damit einen guten Start für einen erfolgreichen Spargelanbau in der kommenden Saison 2014 bieten.

January 28-31, 2014

IPM Essen 2014

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Essen, Germany

January 22-23, 2014


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East of England Showground - Peterborough , United Kingdom

The UK’s largest farm machinery, equipment and agricultural services show.

January 22-24, 2014

The Impact of Pesticides on Bee Health Conference

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Charles Darwin House - London, United Kingdom

Joint meeting of the British Ecological Society, Biochemical Society and the Society for Experimental Biology. This conference will discuss whether the key insecticides being used in this battle have an overall negative impact on bees, and so food security.

January 22-23, 2014

Farming Futures Conference

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Manor Hotel - Meridien, United Kingdom

The role of agricultural technologies in delivering food supply-chain resilience

January 21-21, 2014

Brassica Growers Biennial Conference and Exhibition

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Lincolnshire Showground - Grange-de-Lings, Lincoln, United Kingdom

January 20, 2014 - October 16, 2015

Plant Breeding course

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen Academy - Wageningen, Netherlands

This course covers all theoretical and some practical subjects that are necessary for managing a professional breeding programme. It includes both basic and more complex breeding and selection methods.

January 16-18, 2014

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2014

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International Congress Center ICC Berlin - Berlin, Germany

January 15-16, 2014

Interaspa 2014: Fachmesse für Spargel-, Gemüse- und Beerenobstanbauer

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Hannover Messegelaende - Hannover , Germany

January 14-16, 2014

SIVAL 2014

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Angers, France

January 13-13, 2014

Horticulture and Potato Initiative (HAPI) Consortia Building Workshop

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The Royal Society - London, United Kingdom

January 13-17, 2014

SHORT COURSE - Mathematical modelling for sustainable management of crop health

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Volterra, Italy

Will present a panorama of modelling approaches and their use for sustainable plant protection. The approaches include simple statistical models, dynamic system models, agent-based models and network models. Major emphasis will be on dynamic system models.

January 13-17, 2014

Short course dedicated to 'Mathematical Modelling for Sustainable Management of Crop Health'

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ENDURE - EU Network for the Durable Exploitation of Crop Protection Strategies

International School of Advanced Education - Volterra, Italy

Will present a panorama of modelling approaches and their use for sustainable plant protection. The approaches include simple statistical models, dynamic system models, agent-based models and network models. Major emphasis will be on dynamic system models.

January 10-12, 2014

ECOSA Regional Seed Trade Conference

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ECO Seed Association

Istanbul , Turkey

January 8-10, 2014

International Advances in Pesticide Application 2014

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Oxford Spires Hotel - Oxford, United Kingdom

Provides an opportunity to discuss pesticide and biopesticide application issues in an informal setting with platform and poster presentations. Key workers from research institutes, industry and regulatory authorities provide a unique mix of biological and engineering s...




October 30, 2024
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2024
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


January 31 - February 4, 2025
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
Orlando, Florida


June 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit


November 5, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 9-12, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida









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