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September 24-25, 2013

AgriGenomics World Congress

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Norwich, United Kingdom

Enhancing plant resistance to disease - Optimisation of growth for food and biofuel - RNA silencing mechanisms in plants - The use of microarrays and bioinformatics.

September 23-24, 2013

Plant Genomics Congress USA

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St. Louis, MO, United States

The 2nd in this series of events, The Plant Genomics Congess will examine the latest NGS platforms and technologies suitable for progressing plant based research as well as tools to enable successful analysis.

September 23-27, 2013

Curso Internacional "Predicción y Selección Genómica"

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International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

El Batan, Texcoco, Mexico

September 15-18, 2013

Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC 2013) - Food, Water and Energy for a Hungry World, Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference 2013

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Calgary TELUS Convention Centre - Calgary , AB, Canada

Some presentation topics include: Ideal grain ingredients: breeding for health; The potential role of biotechnology in animal health; There’s a science to feeding the world; Are bio-derived products a practical answer for sustainable agriculture?; Innovations to enabl...

September 12-13, 2013

2nd International Conference on Genomics in the Americas

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University of California, Davis

Hyatt Regency - Sacramento, CA, United States

The application of next-gen sequencing and advanced bioinformatics in drug discovery and development, disease research, clinical diagnostics, agricultural breeding, and evolution and conservation.

September 9-10, 2013

The qPCR & Digital PCR Congress

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Hilton Lyon - Lyon, France

The congress will examine the latest strategies, developments and case studies using the technologies to further research in areas including food microbiology, plant/ecology genomics and other novel applications.

September 8-10, 2013

Plant Genome Evolution 2013

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NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky - Amsterdam, Netherlands




October 30, 2024
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2024
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


January 31 - February 4, 2025
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
Orlando, Florida


June 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit


November 5, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 9-12, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida









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