To watch the webinar live, log onto just before the program begins, provide a name in the "Enter as a guest" box and click "Enter room." The Adobe Connect webinar allows viewers to submit questions via a message box.
K-State IGP Conference Center - Manhattan, KS, United States
This program is an opportunity for Hard Red winter wheat producers to gain information about how global market situations impact their decisions about when to sell their grain.
Online at 10:00 Central US time - Brookings, SD, United States
Our 60 minute session will cover how ISTA Orange Certificates help move your seed, GMO seed testing recommendations, what other requirements impact international seed movement, international shipping concerns regarding requirements by the customer, country and customs
University of Illinois Dixon Springs Agricultural Center - Simpson, IL, United States
The educational program will focus on managing hayland and pastures. The program will also include commercial exhibits focusing on the forage industry.
Will address the goals of the series and why growers should engage in social media. Presenters will define the objectives and review “return on investment” of engaging in social media and how it fits within the context of agriculture.
Online, at 10:00 am Central - Brookings, SD, United States
During our Trait Test Webinar, we will show examples of Herbicide bioassay, spray tests, ELISA plate and lateral flow strip formats, PCR based DNA techniques. GC oil analysis for free fatty acid profiles also included.
Accelerated Aging, Electrical Conductivity, Saturated Salt Accelerated Aging and an in depth comparison cold test methods including box, rolled towel, tray and saturated colds plus a discussion on use of check samples and expected variation ranges.
This two-day course provides instruction in the seven principles of HACCP, how they relate to prerequisite and organic certification programs, how to write HACCP Plans and implement HACCP in organic food environments.
Accelerated Aging, Electrical Conductivity, Saturated Salt Accelerated Aging and an in depth comparison cold test methods including box, rolled towel, tray and saturated colds plus a discussion on use of check samples and expected variation ranges.
Lectures will occur on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 9:45 p.m., and will be taught electronically using the Elluminate Course Delivery System ( A textbook will not be required for this course.
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